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Osama Bin Laden: More fatal in death

Not sure how you are quantifying the win. Many top leaders were eliminated. Rest of them are under constant threat of drones everywhere across the globe.The safe refuge in Afghanistan and other countries destroyed. And the other leaders are scattered and not many significant attacks from Al-Qaeda in the recent times.

Who were Al Qaeda in 2001?
A few ragtag terrorists in Afghanistan, independent of any other organizations, numbering only a few hundred.

The way to deal with them, is to treat them like criminals, arrest them, prosecute them.
the US didn't understand this back then, nor do they today. As a result.

Al Qaeda is now famous, it is no longer a regional menace, it is everywhere, it is in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Those top leaders killed, no biggy, old leaders replaced with new ones, you haven't dealt with the issue at it's source.
Also, Al Qaeda are now associated with a wider network of terrorist organizations, not least the taliban. Western intervention didn't help at all, multiple terror plots had been waged against the US after 9/11 and Europe was also targeted.

I can firmly say that Al Qaeda won this war, a few measly rag tag terroists took on the sole superpower and came out stronger than before.

Sad, but very true.
Al Qaeda's influence increased in the Middle East and Northern Africa after Bin Laden's death. Also, in South Thailand, Philipines and Myanmar had sympathized for Usama Bin Laden, there is a Al Qaeda groups there at the moment. You can notice the difference before and after his death.
Their annual business with India is about $1 billion and they are in trillionn debts. I dont see how this war has been profitable for them. I will not count debts. Everybody in the world is singing the 'looser US' song and you know we have our friends here who support that conclusion too!.

Just trying to understand.
ok heres the thing it is the Govt which is in Debt, and as I said earlier - i guess you missed my post related to weapons industry and other financial institutes- they are not in debt.
Don't you find it interesting that on one side you have high unemployment rate and on the other side you see bankers walking away with HUGE bonuses every year.....why is that so?
--Open Microsoft word.
--A/c to the jung news,the plane that hit the twin tower was having code:
Q32NY and Q33NY (don't forget to open capslock)
--Convert in into winding(font)

Right after 9/11 attack...after few days..I saw this on a newspaper...bravo what a journalists..I don't remember his name..

How is it possible??:pop:
ok heres the thing it is the Govt which is in Debt, and as I said earlier - i guess you missed my post related to weapons industry and other financial institutes- they are not in debt.
Don't you find it interesting that on one side you have high unemployment rate and on the other side you see bankers walking away with HUGE bonuses every year.....why is that so?

Agree Agree...I understand what you are saying. What Talon was saying that this is an investment for US for future gains. I was trying to understand that part.
meray bhai yeh log..so called liberals hum se ziyada katter hain...:rofl:
tum hindus and us the muslims...hum tu badnaam hain...

That has been there since times and we have been a part of all imperialism by the west and all they know is devide and rule . They are the biggest bigots of all and US is no different.

I always know that Jews are the most insecured race in this world. But think US buying to a Jew attack and killing its 3000 citizens and then going attack Afghan loosing $300 billion. Just doesnt make sense. Why would someone do that on earth? just to save a little country's interests and get bullied?

US is not that stupid is she?
That has been there since times and we have been a part of all imperialism by the west and all they know is devide and rule . They are the biggest bigots of all and US is no different.

I always know that Jews are the most insecured race in this world. But think US buying to a Jew attack and killing its 3000 citizens and then going attack Afghan loosing $300 billion. Just doesnt make sense. Why would someone do that on earth? just to save a little country's interests and get bullied?

US is not that stupid is she?

My dear not 'little country' US is not alone..their actually objective is to rule the whole world by having dominance and for this 300 billion is nothing..maybe this will sound childish to you or you may laugh hard..but to some extent this is true,besides a lot things are related to their beliefs.
I won't talk about the Terrorism in Pakistan as it's an internal matter. But as globally, Al-Qaeda was fed by US. Maybe an offensive act against USSR during the cold war. Maybe they have succeed in this battle. But after years. Al-Qaeda grew up (once used to by US) and became a thread to US and it's allies. NATO invaded Afghanistan then again NATO has launched Operation Enduring Freedom, under three places. Horn Of Africa, Philipenes and Afghanistan.
since 9/11 has done a lot of works/sacrifeces (like his own citizens) to find the who's responsible for the murder of 3,000 innocent people. One day they found him. They sent DEVGRU-Red Squadron to kill him under Operation Neptune Spear, and they did it. It's clear that it was a succes for US,NATO. But for the neighbouring countries like Pakistan. the violence in the region had grown up wich resulted with changing this "succes" into a "man goes to fire with fire powder". After that US started the talks between Al-Qaeda. I was shocked when I heard that.

Personally, I don't believe that it was a defeat for US. But sure it was for neighbouring countries. For me, doesn't matter his rank if you kill even one terrorist, it's a succes for me. Terror was founded by Haşimi civilsation (Southern Europe) many centuries ago. It was spreaded into muslims by west. Then it was fought by West, now. We mustn't negotiate, assist, help, base terrorists. It's like a virus. Whatever you do other than neutralisation it will harm someone anyways. The only way to get rid of him is, killing them all. But under the respect of others sovereignity. The op could be launched after informing Pakistani authorities, or asking SSG to carry it out, or they way what exactly happened that night. US has chose it's own way, as expected. Maybe I'd do the same way too. But it crashed the PAK-US relations. It was not a disrespectful act against the PAK Gov't, but it was disrespectful to Pakistani people itself.
My dear not 'little country' US is not alone..their actually objective is to rule the whole world by having dominance and for this 300 billion is nothing..maybe this will sound childish to you or you may laugh hard..but to some extent this is true,besides a lot things are related to their beliefs.

No I wont laugh...but they have always been the people with greater vision.
I would like Pakistan to be so willing to eliminate its own bin laden. Pakistan's Bin Ladin is Hakimullah Mehsud. Hakimullah Mehsud is the chief of the Pakistani Taliban. He and his predecessor Baitullah Mehsud is responsible for the killing of 40,000-50,000 Pakistani citizens. We should launch a helicopter raid against him and eliminate him. Taliban should be crushed beneath our heel.

If anyone gives me a job to hunt that traitorous animal Hakimullah down I will accept it immediately. My patriotism to my land has been doubted and I wish to prove my loyalty to land and people
I won't talk about the Terrorism in Pakistan as it's an internal matter. But as globally, Al-Qaeda was fed by US. Maybe an offensive act against USSR during the cold war.

I will disagree. US didnt feed Al-Qaeda. They fed the Mujahiddins. That time that seemed to be a great idea and they wanted to stop USSR's march towards Gulf. So the whole world including Gulf supported US with open hearts.

Later that became a Frankestien's mosnter to haunt US.
A/c to the jung news,the plane that hit the twin tower was having code:
Q32NY and Q33NY (don't forget to open capslock)
--Convert in into winding(font)

That is interesting:) I will get back to you with what I find..
Don't bother. Here it is...


Intriguing. This has been doing the rounds for a number of years!
Well said...
that is why I keep on saying that we need to re-plan our strategies,rather then following old pattern.

We alone..??and what were you doing my dear?were you making pickles for the whole time?:woot:

No, I suggest you include yourself in it. You kind of like exclude yourself from the equation on the support of the Arabs. I hope I didn't offend you.:pakistan:

I mean these are Muslims. Muslims in your country which is Muslim.
Don't bother. Here it is...


Intriguing. This has been doing the rounds for a number of years!

I never believed in myths and I actually didnt bother about the talks going around on 9/11. But I saw it today and Iam thinking...could it be that simple..
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