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Option's for PAF ?

Consider the monies at stake. Let’s take the example of Brazil, our BRICS partner. For 36 Rafales the acquisition cost, according to Brazilian media, was $8.2 billion plus an additional $4 billion for short-period maintenance contracts, amounting to nearly $340 million per aircraft in this package and roughly $209 million as the price tag for a single Rafale without maintenance support. Brazil insisted on transfer of technology (ToT) and was told it had to pay a whole lot extra for it, as also for the weapons for its Rafales. But the Brazilian air force had doubts about the quality of the AESA (active electronically scanned array) radar enabling the aircraft to switch quickly from air-to-air to air-to-ground mode in flight, and about the helmet-mounted heads-up-display. Too high a price and too many problems convinced the government of president Dilma Rousseff that the Rafale was not worth the trouble or the money and junked the deal, opting for the Swedish Gripen NG instead.

During the Congress party’s rule the Indian government did not blink at the prospective bill for the Rafale, which more than doubled from $10 billion in 2009 to some $22 billion today, and which figure realistically will exceed $30 billion, or $238 million per aircraft, at a minimum. But India, unbeknownst to most of us, is apparently a terribly rich country, with money to burn! Meanwhile, the United Kingdom, an apparently poorer state or at least one more careful with its money, is blanching at the $190 million price tag for each of the 60 Lockheed F-35Bs (vertical take-off, technologically more complex, variant of the air force model)—a full generation ahead of the Rafale—ordered for the first of the Royal Navy’s Queen Elizabeth-class 65,000-tonne aircraft carriers.
Why Rafale is a Big Mistake -The New Indian Express

So all of a sudden Indian media is credible for our Pakistani friends...

BTW, todays deal is of 115million $ per aircraft (as compared to 350 million $ quoted in that crap article).... there goes your argument
Are you for real posting on a defence forum? The whole world says Rafale and Eurofighter are the best 2 available aircrafts in the world (obv. F22 excluded) and you post crap like this......

LOL - do you have an English comprehension problem?

I said it is an ok fighter BEARING in mind that it came out in 2001.

There is nothing special for it to be better than US F-15/16 that came out in 1970s and Russian Mig-29s and SU-30s that came out in the 1980s.

You need to read, understand what someone is trying to say and then type.
LOL - do you have an English comprehension problem?

I said it is an ok fighter BEARING in mind that it came out in 2001.

There is nothing special for it to be better than US F-15/16 that came out in 1970s and Russian Mig-29s and SU-30s that came out in the 1980s.

You need to read, understand what someone is trying to say and then type.

Ok. No point arguing with you any further...... carry on bro

Have they did baught any yet? I'm not Chinese mate I just express what I read.

Chinese are busy building more J's fighters in bulk!.

look, why should you by a fighter with pesa while you make a one with aesa radars. why would you purchase less technologicaly products?.
My simple question . Even when US and Russians are facing huge problems in creating a decent stealth fighter how can Chinese ? When their indigenous technologies are inferior to both ? All their propaganda articles are just a propaganda. They even said J10B is superior to F22 , EF , Rafale SUKOI MKI SU35 ...
Job of Rafale and AMCA is to take out SAM systems . That too your depth is around 300 km . Without any External tanks even Tejas will have free run accompanied by Rafale and Super sukois. By bored of typing the long list of IAF present and future inventories ;)
No doubt Rafale electronic suite is far advanced but also SAM's like the S-300 is potent.

Pakistan is a poor country it can't match the power purchase of India so they need another solution to detend it.
Dude, J-10B can take on Rafale and Eurofighter. All 3 aircraft are the pinnacle of the 4th generation of fighter jets.

J-20 and J-31 are designed to take on F-22.

Show me one sortie by J10B unlike the other two......

Some comparisons on PDF are really childish....

On one hand you claim Rafle is not a mature fighter (after being developed in 2001) and suddenly J10B is one even without being serially produced ....

You have some really indepth defense knowledge buddy
[troll]A Me 262 with DSI and Superboy as pilot can take out all fighters,so why are you fighting over useless Rafale,MKI,F16,Mirage ?[/troll]

can Rafale avoid detection from AESA radar and IR and other electro optical systems??
Sorry your comment is biased to Russia. China soon would beat Russia in Electronics and engines since they have plenty of resources to do so.

Chinese now consider their j-10b and j-16 are as good as the Rafale what I think is that Russia soon needs to joint China in those fields.
NO sorry China Can't compete with Western or even with Russian in current time maybe in 2 decades

The main lack For Chinese is their lack of interest in Innovation. Reverse engineering will get you pace but in the End it's innovative ideas that make difference that's what make Western's different from all other world.
Show me one sortie by J10B unlike the other two......

Some comparisons on PDF are really childish....

On one hand you claim Rafle is not a mature fighter (after being developed in 2001) and suddenly J10B is one even without being serially produced ....

You have some really indepth defense knowledge buddy

J-10B is in serial production

14 J-10Bs have been photographed at an airfield in China.
lol actually it seems you have little idea about air warfare.
Do you know when defending a country's air corridors which is preferred way?

It was always fighter vs fighter it never was SAM vs fighters. SAMs are basically cheaper and less reliable means to
defend your skies a less mobile or stationed SAM is a pretty juicy targets which can be easily tracked and destroyed by a cruise missiles or even anti radiation missiles employed by fighter jets flying under radar or through no coverage areas. And in pakistan's case all its strategic targets are located pretty near Indian borders so a MKI armed with 3 Brahmos Minis can stay inside Indian border and take out SAM networks in pakistani panjab.
The modern SAM is highly potent and much more lethal. Though there are counter measures that the pilots know of along with tactics they can reduce the threat but still SAM is still respected. The latest technology though still under trial are lazor weapons that can bring down an aeroplane along with any other projectile.
LOL - do you have an English comprehension problem?

I said it is an ok fighter BEARING in mind that it came out in 2001.

There is nothing special for it to be better than US F-15/16 that came out in 1970s and Russian Mig-29s and SU-30s that came out in the 1980s.

You need to read, understand what someone is trying to say and then type.

Rafale F2 vs F-16 Blk52 , 6-2 on the 1st day

I can go on all night long to post credible links to show your utter stupid posts if you want....

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