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[Opinion] Imran Khan has emerged as a capable leader and Pakistan is extremely lucky to have him

From an outsider perspective, Imran Khan seems to be a good communicator. He does well in trying to explain Pakistan's interests and position to NATO countries who's own interests do not align with that of Pakistan. But from an economic perspective, I remember Pakistan having economic troubles a few years before Imran took the helm. That does not seem to have improved much.

Interestingly, Imran Khan's supporters (in this message board) seem very similar to Modi's supporters in their passion to support their chosen one. :laugh:
Right you are. But, still I wish, if it can happen, even for a short period, where Pakistan can come out of, at least, the economic mess, it is in. Some person or group, who can infuse some dynamism in this docile society for progress.
Whoever emerges as leader will be furnished and stamped in regional context. So IK actually gained his 'legs' from KPK. From there he consolidated and gained Punjab to win in 2018. In next elections he could very easily get truncated back to KPK and lose. Nawaz Sharif has his base in Lahore and region around it. Further south or west you go his grab begins to wane. Altaf was literally Hitler but his hold never went beyond the Mohajirs of Karachi. The Bhuttos are firmlly entrenched in Sindh. This reality on the political lanscape of Pakistan is not amenable to autocracy.

A leader at federal level only gets there by making compromises and deals with other players in other regions. If he or she starts playing autocrat the other players jump ship and join the opposition causing the ruling order to fall apart. If the leader has the backing of military then it will have slightly more backbone but even then if enough of the other players gang up even with the army backing you it will lead to collapse of government as we saw with Musharaf's or Ayub Khans departures. The army knows it beyond a certain point even with guns it cannot hold against national demonstrations.

By the way there is good chance IK would not have formed the government or his government would have fallen apart by now was it not for the army. The fact is over the last decade a vortex was created in KPK. TTP and other groups actually presented real danger because the troubles could have morphed into a Pashtun nationalism. Mohsin Dawar etc are faces of this danger. What saved the situation was that the anger in tribal areas was divided amongst religious and secular lines. This mean't Dawar, Ackazai and the religious Pashtuns would struggle to align. But the army saw the danger that the insurgency might turn into a Pashtun versus percieved Punjabi army and Punjabi establishment. Had this taken off there was real danger of Bangla 71 revisiting again with KPK cracking off.

Imran Khan and PTI provided the perfect antidote to this threat. Thus the establishment helped PTI government which if you look is heavily dominated by Pashtuns. For those who decry PMIK will never know that he actually might have saved Pakistan from a disaster. It is for this reason the establishment will keep supporting him.

Pakistan is a complex country and one that requires a juggling act to govern. Autocracy would destroy this country. 1971 is a good reminder. Pakistan is not homogenous Germany, Japan or Russia.
Technically Ranjeet kinda did, but that tradition went to other side and also British came
If Sikh rule had pesisted I have no doubt by now a potent and strong Punjabi identity would exist that would be secular as for stability it would have required a Punjabi secular identity that would overarch the Muslim/Sikh divide.

But as noted that is moot because the British arrived and built a 'India' tag and then in 1947 the Punjab slit with the Ranjeet tradition moving to Amritsar while Lahore went schizoid along the Muslim, Arab, Turk opium which still flies mixed with some Dil Dil Pakistan struggling to find a place.
This is only dilemma of morons like you, I am not from the gutter of PML but infact its you people who are not only living in gutter of PML but also taking bath with the pee of peepee, let me name them , Usman Buzdar, ch brothers, shafqat mehmood, Fawad choudhry, Firdoss awan, shah mehmood Qureshi, Tareen 1 Tareen 2 , Hafeez shaikh , Haleem adil Shaikh, zulifqar Mirza the gangster his wife fehmeeda keep on adding, it's a endless list , infact its a slum of sins where gutters of filth and dirt and impurity flow on which peoples like you live and prosper , shameless filth of this world,
Take this reward of slap right on your face by CJP,it's fresh right from oven,
After you finished your diatribe , you should know, I have absolutely nothing to do whatsoever, with any party in Pakistan..
With the same token, you have gal to attack PTI and IK without any valid reasons. The evidence suggests that the prices of food stuff are going up all around the world.
Like an idiot, you didn't comment on those facts, rather started to throw filthy tantrums.
Illiterate always restore to such behaviour when run out of valid arguments to coin. Now back to your gutter.
Imran Khan is proving himself as a capable leader for Pakistan. It is now the duty of Pakistanis to prove themselves capable citizens to Pakistan, by working together in building the country into an HONEST and HARDWORKING ONE!!

For those who laughed at this post, are those who are have no faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. For if they did have faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, then they would know that Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran is where people who have faith, will emerge to fight for their faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.

Need it be reminded to the ignorant, that a nation does not have a change in fortune, unless they strive relentlessly for it. Perhaps the ignorant are deaf, dumb and blind not to see China, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Iran, Malaysia, Vietnam and others, who have worked hard and shown dedication and honesty in their ambition to become a strong and robust nation.

So keep laughing, it is all you can muster. Fortune favors the brave, they say.

I say, fortune favors the ones who have the courage to establish their faith in Allah Subahanahu Wata'aalah, irrespective of the consequences we may face. And the brave are not scared of poverty, sickness, hard work, intimidation, nor from those who have greed or lust for power.

To my fellow countrymen, women and children, I appeal to your Ruh .... stand up and establish your faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, and become a true Ummati of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salat-u-Wassalam. And in doing so, pursue knowledge with a true heart, be it science, technology, medicine, engineering, architecture or A.I. For when you pursue knowledge by studying the Noble Qur'an, it becomes your lens through which you extract knowledge from every part of the world, being able to discern Truth from falsehood and deception.

Today, Pakistanis, you have the opportunity to rise above the muck which laughs, taunts and criticizes like ignorant buffoons. Today, Pakistanis, you have to muster the power of human will, to strive for strength in Imaan. And it will not be easy, for it ever were so easy to establish Imaan, then we would be in the heavens, not here on earth.
We want Nawaj and Jardari back.

We're gonna be a great nation.

Best homes for our leaders in London and Dubai.

We only want Qeemay wale naan!

Maybe sell Punjab to India while we're at it.
After you finished your diatribe , you should know, I have absolutely nothing to do whatsoever, with any party in Pakistan..
With the same token, you have gal to attack PTI and IK without any valid reasons. The evidence suggests that the prices of food stuff are going up all around the world.
Like an idiot, you didn't comment on those facts, rather started to throw filthy tantrums.
Illiterate always restore to such behaviour when run out of valid arguments to coin. Now back to your gutter.
With bullshit and utter nonsense you have just aroused from the river of peepee and again doing a non realistic argument comparing Uk with Pakistan , just tell me how much your pound is devaluated in three years compared to Pak rupee? What's your minimum daily wage in UK in Pakistan it is roughly 500 rupees for lower class and I was saying about that 50% lower class. 500 rupees is equal to two and half British pounds can you live on two and half pound in Britain a day, if you can then come here and compare UK with Pakistan otherwise shut your fuss and get lost and stop licking the balls of incompetent double standard monafiq e Azam, or go to choti Ammi ji reham Khan she is in UK and ask her about the capabilities of Imran Khan she have written a very nice book about his capabilities red it otherwise just google the speech of Kadar Baloch in the national assembly and learn about the capabilities of Imran Khan and Murad Saeed oh I just forgot billo zulfi, he said on the floor of national assembly loud and clearly not on social media outlet, p p p ki pee pi k Jio ghabrana nahi new slogan of PTI after making alliance with ppp in next elections, now coming to PMLn go ahead hang these bastards I will be one of the most happy person on this if someone does this,
So here is something to ponder on. Every single PTI fanboy on this thread talking about 'temporary pain', 'policy needing time to show result', blah blah has no clue about economics and monetary or fiscal policy. I have already shown how Imran Khan is an agent of IMF, working to keep Pakistan under ever increasing debt:

And to add insult to injury, these so called 'experts' are slapping Pakistanis on the face, lecturing them about consumption. If consumption is a problem then government needs to increase tariffs. Instead of criticizing the government's incompetence, these lackeys are blaming the victims.

So @Foxtrot Alpha do you find anything wrong with this situation? Do you consent to your poor, uneducated, and exploited countrymen being subjected to ridicule by the privileged few?
We want Nawaj and Jardari back.

We're gonna be a great nation.

Best homes for our leaders in London and Dubai.

We only want Qeemay wale naan!

Maybe sell Punjab to India while we're at it.

You can add Balochistan
With bullshit and utter nonsense you have just aroused from the river of peepee and again doing a non realistic argument comparing Uk with Pakistan , just tell me how much your pound is devaluated in three years compared to Pak rupee? What's your minimum daily wage in UK in Pakistan it is roughly 500 rupees for lower class and I was saying about that 50% lower class. 500 rupees is equal to two and half British pounds can you live on two and half pound in Britain a day, if you can then come here and compare UK with Pakistan otherwise shut your fuss and get lost and stop licking the balls of incompetent double standard monafiq e Azam, or go to choti Ammi ji reham Khan she is in UK and ask her about the capabilities of Imran Khan she have written a very nice book about his capabilities red it otherwise just google the speech of Kadar Baloch in the national assembly and learn about the capabilities of Imran Khan and Murad Saeed oh I just forgot billo zulfi, he said on the floor of national assembly loud and clearly not on social media outlet, p p p ki pee pi k Jio ghabrana nahi new slogan of PTI after making alliance with ppp in next elections, now coming to PMLn go ahead hang these bastards I will be one of the most happy person on this if someone does this,

You see, a loser's arguments are always about things which are not even part of the discussion.
By now it is very clear that you have no arguments on the allegations on PTI and IK increasing prices, which are raising world over.

When gutters spill over, people try to save their clothes from getting the splash and they also close their noses from the stench coming out of the gutters. Your posts are ample examples of that.
How much capable is he ,just take 500 and go for shopping ask retailer to give one days basic commodities for a family of 4, 2 kg ata , 250 gms sugar,250 grams pulses,250 gms oil, half kg vegetables,one litter milk, leave electricity gas house rents a side, .Go to protesting students against PMC and ask them capabilities of IK and his appointed head of PMC, go to head of assets recovery unit shezad Akbar and ask him how much money he have recovered, Go to foreign office and ask them why Chinese premier Xi postponed his January visit due to Imran Khan and why J Biden isn't attending his call, go to supreme court ask them why the justice fiaz Essa case is a matter of shame for Ik, Go to state bank and ask them why imoprts are increasing and Dollar is 171 rupees , go and ask Ik how many finance ministers , IG pinjab you have changed in 3 years, Go to Ik and ask why he let Noora and Zardari runway who made his platelets report, what happened of sugar commission, of wheat commission why culprits are free, ? More importantly what happened of riyasat e Madina which he promised and why reforms committee chairman Dr Isharat Abad resigned, finally a question how many corrupt bureaucrats he have fired from job and put them behind the bars and have dismissed them from their services? Is level of corruption fallen to zero since he acquired his seat? He is a liability on the shoulders of establishment, people who have no integrity can only defend him work as his stooges,

Did u have khota keema again?
These patwaris with a khota brain think he has a remote that fuked everything up.
I want Jahangir Tareen back in his team. He is a capable and sincere leader. All misgivings must be cleared. If PTI wants to win in Punjab, it needs Tareen.
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