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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

One of the decision making factor will be the efforts of ANA or ISAF, if they allow these guys to walk free and do not hold their side of the border then this Op will not yield positive outcome....
The aim should be to crush these scumbags.....
Intelligencia is already on it...
Azb in arabic means celibate عزب

Zarb means strike.... In arabic Zarb e Azb means Strike of celibate
Negative k. The govt is still very much gutless and hasn't shown any spine. Otherwise Nawaz would have made a national address and launched the operation by giving the armed forces an approval and an order on national television.

That coward is hiding in his palace while the armed forces are making public declarations. He's such a coward, he's afraid of the TTP so he will not announce any action against them. And luckily, he's just as afraid of the army so he won't get in their way when they decide to take action.

God speed to PA in their sole endeavors against this menace.

The mere fact that he gave his authorization is more than enough.

Now let the professionals do their job, let them engage in some Taliban Hunting. The TTP has given us no quarter, i sincerely hope the Army adopts the same attitude. When fighting with filth, you gotta come down to their level.

On Topic: A source of mine has told me that all Vacations have been cancelled for Divisions deployed in NW. This means the Army is serious about pacifying this area now. All my prayers are with our boys, God Speed.
Nope, Looks like COAS helped him grow some

I seriously doubt he had much to say when he was briefed. The amount of control he had on the army and how much the army listened to him was revealed when Raheel met nawaz and immediately told him there will be no more peace talks and they will go to war. Nawaz is most probably right now trying to avoid a clash with raheel as unlike kiyani he does not look political.

The airport attacks on top of it all had placed him on a difficult situation with the army readying for war and him believing in peace.

Media again acting irresponsibly giving out security lapse in Red Zone Isb and the response plan :pissed:

Plz army just dont tell them anything. Dont tell this low grade irresponsible media anything abt the war and if they come near the operation plans kick them out with a warning.

Our media is like mahallay ki aurat jis kay pait mai koi bat nahi rehti.
Atleast he has given army the go and acted like a man. Ahista ahista tarriqi bilkul na hony se behtar hy. :p
That's what I'm telling you that he did not give the army a go ahead other wise he or any of his chamcha would have come on TV to announce such an order, and get a political mileage out of it.

This army is doing this because they have to and this coward is afraid to even tell them no. He's basically such sitting on the sidelines. If the operation is a success, Insh'allah, which it will be, this coward is gonna come out acting all tough, and will take credit for it. If, go forbid, the operation doesn't achieve its goals, this bastard is going to side with the ttp. What a disgrace this national leader is.
It means Sharp , In this operation it Symbolize Sword of Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W , the one he used in the Battle of Badar .


al-’Adb (السيف العَضب)

al-’Adb, the name of this sword, means “cutting” or “sharp.” This sword was sent to the prophet Muhammad by one of his companions just before the Battle of Badr. He used this sword at the Battle of Uhud and his followers used it to demonstrate their fealty to him.

The sword today is in the Husain mosque in Cairo, Egypt. Photograph taken from Muhammad Hasan Muhammad al-Tihami, Suyuf al-Rasul wa ‘uddah harbi-hi(Cairo: Hijr, 1312/1992)
And this is what i said in my comment, NS might not be on board ealier but after Airport attack and threat of attack on Parliament, he had to make the call.
And i really like how Def Min Khawaja is playing right now, appearing on Tv channels and giving strong statement, that is how a minister should act like. Sends a strong message to the enemy
I seriously doubt he had much to say when he was briefed. The amount of control he had on the army and how much the army listened to him was revealed when Raheel met nawaz and immediately told him there will be no more peace talks and they will go to war. Nawaz is most probably right now trying to avoid a clash with raheel as unlike kiyani he does not look political.

The airport attacks on top of it all had placed him on a difficult situation with the army readying for war and him believing in peace.
Guys let's all pitch in money for a ticket to safely evacuate a certain member Pack-Wan from the dangerous area :o


al-’Adb, the name of this sword, means “cutting” or “sharp.” This sword was sent to the prophet Muhammad by one of his companions just before the Battle of Badr. He used this sword at the Battle of Uhud and his followers used it to demonstrate their fealty to him.

The sword today is in the Husain mosque in Cairo, Egypt. Photograph taken from Muhammad Hasan Muhammad al-Tihami, Suyuf al-Rasul wa ‘uddah harbi-hi(Cairo: Hijr, 1312/1992)
This mission is named after this sword of RASOOL SAW and whole sentence means strike of azab
@Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @Chak Bamu @tarrar @mafiya @Slav Defence @balixd @Icarus @Xeric @tarrar @Emmie @Secur and others
I will watch this thread to keep an eye on updates and news abt the operation. H
And this is what i said in my comment, NS might not be on board ealier but after Airport attack and threat of attack on Parliament, he had to make the call.
And i really like how Def Min Khawaja is playing right now, appearing on Tv channels and giving strong statement, that is how a minister should act like. Sends a strong message to the enemy

Which is why i want all political parties to come forward and give string statements against the terrorists and give words of encouragement to our army men. This will demoralize the enemy and will send the message that the entire Pakistan is united against them in this war and will see to their end. I am really hoping i wont hear some negative statement at this point or any point.
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