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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

Pakistan Army currently using light infantry, SSG, Snipers for this operations and mainly occupying peaks around main towns in South Waziristan. Pakistan Army ground troops mainly are depends on air supports from Cobras. However, reports are coming locally that TTP/Uzbkis are using wait and see strategy as Pakistan Army currently facing any low conflict or gun battle in areas. TTP is focused to that Army should place there troops than they will start search positions!
But same time Pakistan SSG and sniper will conducts small operations against them. SSG is fully ready and supported by local and they are planing to conducts ambushes against TTP.
Foot patrol is currently is very important as to protect troops from IEDs. Currently troops are deployed on there positions and their is no single battle is took place.

Long Live Pakistan Army and Long live Pakistan Soldiers

Very informative posts, my friend. If possible, can you please also quote your source of information? You don't have to mention the exact details, if its confidential.
need to take out the sanctuaries and known terrorists in the settled areas as well because they will provide sheter to the rats that will run from Waziristan
shrines are not a major problem but IDP camps are.
What is the response of PTI about this operation?
Here we come ---- die fukin terrorist scum..

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