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Operation Rah-e-Nijat

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Can you tell us in which country shariah is completely implemented?

Umm... let's begin with Saudi Arabia.

Kingship is not allowed so your understanding is incorrect.Please learn about Khalafat , which true islamic system of government?

Communism and capitalism both failed to provide fool proof system , rich is becoming richer in capital society by sucking the blood of poors.

well in communism the rich was not becoming richer but there was corruption still.

Communism already collapsed , imperial and capitalism is near to failure.

You are confusing the issue at hand: the militants in Swat were threatening the government of Pakistan's existence --- it wasn't only about implementation of Shariah as much as it was about taking over Pakistan and implementing their Stone Age version of Shariah. Which in case you haven't noticed in unacceptable. You do realise that the kind of lifetsyles we lead -- internet, television, films, songs, concerts --- contradict the "diktats" of Islam, or at least the version these guys wanted to implement. It's very easy to say that implement Shariah but seriously the millions of people will not be willing to give up the lifestyles we lead as of today. It's all about the confusion in the brain.

I dont agree with 5% rich elite class is only against shariah because their lavish life style will be in danger .

Peace deal was signed , but GOP had broken the truce by use of force, let see how long and at which cost peace can be restored by power?

Come on, are you seriously willing to have their brand of Shariah enforced? It will mean you give up posting on PDF as well.

Shariah has no brands , it is the only acceptable law by majority of Swat and FATA people.

As for the will of the public... you should re-read the history of Swat. The call for implementation of Shariah was made popular after powerw as taken away from the maliks who arbitrated disputes. The swift justice system was no longer there. The TNSM pushed for it in the 1980s and finally got it implemented around 1992-1993. That's another story altogether.

Maliks were enjoying all power and funds but general public was under poverty and hunger so they supported talaban which was their reation against government corrupt machinery.

Iqbal's dream... you got your Indo-Pak history wrong there. Iqbal did not even advocate partition and if he were alive today, he'd be embroiled in controversy over his Ahmadi leanings

Aik hu muslim haram ki pasbani ha liya
Nile Kaa sahil se lakar tab ka ke kasger

Iqbal RA had given the new spirit to dead muslim nation , you need to learn the two nation theory?

. And Jinnah's dream of Islamic state... nah, nah.

What nah nah?

Jinnah often used the terms ‘Muslim State’, ‘Islamic State’ and sometimes simply ‘State’. But this was loosely, interchangeably, and imprecisely although, one must say, the choice of term was not entirely random. Much depended on the audience to be addressed. For instance, in a press statement on 31 July, 1947 addressed to the Tribal Areas, Mr. Jinnah said: “The Government of Pakistan has no desire whatsoever to interfere in any way with the traditional independence of the Tribal Areas. On the contrary, we feel as a Muslim State [emphasis added], we can always rely on [the] active support and sympathy of the tribes.��?

At the conclusion of this statement, Mr. Jinnah chose to use the term ‘Islamic State’:

“In the end, I would appeal to all the different elements in the Frontier Province and in the Tribal Areas to forget past disputes and differences and join hands with the Government of Pakistan in setting up a truly democratic Islamic State.��?

Deen juda ho siasat sae to rah jati hai Changhezi.
Nice quote...
Kingship is not allowed so your understanding is incorrect.Please learn about Khalafat , which true islamic system of government?
Communism already collapsed , imperial and capitalism is near to failure.
I dont agree with 5% rich elite class is only against shariah because their lavish life style will be in danger .
Peace deal was signed , but GOP had broken the truce by use of force, let see how long and at which cost peace can be restored by power?
Shariah has no brands , it is the only acceptable law by majority of Swat and FATA people.
Maliks were enjoying all power and funds but general public was under poverty and hunger so they supported talaban which was their reation against government corrupt machinery.

Aik hu muslim haram ki pasbani ha liya
Nile Kaa sahil se lakar tab ka ke kasger

Iqbal RA had given the new spirit to dead muslim nation , you need to learn the two nation theory?

What nah nah?

Jinnah often used the terms ‘Muslim State’, ‘Islamic State’ and sometimes simply ‘State’. But this was loosely, interchangeably, and imprecisely although, one must say, the choice of term was not entirely random. Much depended on the audience to be addressed. For instance, in a press statement on 31 July, 1947 addressed to the Tribal Areas, Mr. Jinnah said: “The Government of Pakistan has no desire whatsoever to interfere in any way with the traditional independence of the Tribal Areas. On the contrary, we feel as a Muslim State [emphasis added], we can always rely on [the] active support and sympathy of the tribes.��?

At the conclusion of this statement, Mr. Jinnah chose to use the term ‘Islamic State’:

“In the end, I would appeal to all the different elements in the Frontier Province and in the Tribal Areas to forget past disputes and differences and join hands with the Government of Pakistan in setting up a truly democratic Islamic State.��?

hmm... your points about Shariah et al. Listen, I'll be honest, my knowledge of Islam and its intricacies is limited but there are some basic that I have been taught.

The way it is, religion is something very personal and the state should not have a partisan attitude.

You said there is no branding Shariah, okay then how would you explain the difference in interpretations of Sunni and Shias? Or the various other subsects within each of these? How would you make any party agree with the other's interpretation of the Islamic law?

As far as lavish lifestyle of the elite being threatened, i suggest you go and see how television sets and computers there are in middle and lower middle class households. Do you think all those people will be burning their television sets? In this day and age, many young girls are getting western education, they would like to sit at home because the way our mullahs interpret the Holy Book, their role is one of subservience?

GOP broke the truce because the frickking Taliban decided that after Swat district, they had to go to Buner and Dir... the Taliban did not keep their end of the promise either. No government will give a free hand to the spread of anarchy.

As for Allama Iqbal, last I remmeber from my history books, he never supported the creation of a separate state for Muslims. As for the two-nation theory, well wasn't Sir Syed Ahmed Khan its founder? Also, have you ever heard of this from Iqbal... in case not, here's a reminder:

"sāre jahān se acchā hindostān hamārā
ham bulbulain hai is ki, yeh gulsitān hamārā

ghurbat men hon agar ham, rahta hai dil vatan men
samjho vahīn hamen bhī, dil hain jahān hamārā

parbat voh sab se ūnchā, hamsāya āsmān ka
voh santari hamārā, voh pāsbān hamārā

godi men kheltī hain is ki hazāron nadiyā
gulshan hai jin ke dam se, rashk-e-janān hamārā

aye āb, raud, ganga, voh din hen yād tujhko
utarā tere kināre, jab kārvān hamārā

maz'hab nahīn sikhātā āpas men bayr rakhnā
hindvi hai ham, vatan hai hindostān hamārā

yūnān-o-misr-o-romā, sab miṭ gaye jahān se
ab tak magar hai bāqi, nām-o-nishān hamārā

kuch bāt hai keh hastī, miṭati nahīn hamārī
sadiyon rahā hai dushman, daur-e-zamān hamārā

iqbal ko'ī meharam, apnā nahīn jahān men
m'alūm kya kisī ko, dard-e-nihān hamārā

Better than the entire world, is our Hindustan;
we are its nightingales of mirth, and it is our garden abode

Though in foreign lands we may reside, with our homeland our hearts abide,
Regard us also to be there, where exist our hearts

That mountain most high, neighbor to the skies;
it is our sentinel; it is our protector

In the lap of whose, play thousands of rivers;
gardens they sustain; the envy-of-the-heavens of ours

O waters of the Ganga mighty, do you recall the day
when on your banks, did land the caravan of ours

Religion does not teach us to harbour grudges between us
Indians we all are; India, our motherland

While Greece, Egypt , Rome have all been wiped out
till now yet remains, this civilization of ours {it has stood the test of time}

Something there is that keeps us,our entity from being eroded
For ages has been our enemy, the way of the world

Iqbal! Is there no soul that could
understand the pain in thy heart?"

As for the Quaid, I think it has been established that he wanted a secular state and all the insertions about islam in his speech were due to pressures he came from fundamentals and other politicians playing the religion card. Let's not forget his August 1947 speech whereby he said "If you change your past and work together in a spirit that everyone of you, no matter to what community he belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what is his colour, caste or creed, is first, second and last a citizen of this State with equal rights, privileges, and obligations, there will be no end to the progress you will make. I cannot emphasize it too much. We should begin to work in that spirit and in course of time all these angularities of the majority and minority communities, the Hindu community and the Muslim community, because even as regards Muslims you have Pathans, Punjabis, Shias, Sunnis and so on, and among the Hindus you have Brahmins, Vashnavas, Khatris, also Bengalis, Madrasis and so on, will vanish. Indeed if you ask me, this has been the biggest hindrance in the way of India to attain the freedom and independence and but for this we would have been free people long long ago. No power can hold another nation, and specially a nation of 400 million souls in subjection; nobody could have conquered you, and even if it had happened, nobody could have continued its hold on you for any length of time, but for this. Therefore, we must learn a lesson from this. You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State."
100% Pakistani planned :lol:

Why we are getting million of dollars for this miltery operation ? What you think Americans are fool?

Dear they wanted safe and secure passage for NATO supplies only , this their only intrest .

Their second worry is our nukes , FATA and SWAT are among most backward areas but there was negligible aid for rehabilitation of this area in past 60 years.

We should observe the whole satuation as Neutral Patriotic Pakistani, my point is GOP and TTP both are equally responsible for mess in FATA and SWAT.

International agencies like UNO should take over this whole area and both GOP and TTP should be kicked out from these areas so local people get little relief.

Yes, 100% pakistani planned and executed, in fact America has provided pittance and that too mostly for NATO supplies, again nothing to do with with Swat fighting, in case you didn't realize that NATO trucks don't pass through Sawat.

However one thing is sure that your terrorist brothers have their plans handed to them in Afghanistan and Arab lands far away from Pakistan. Just today 100s of taliban surrendered after begin shown true force and will o the Pakistani people. More such to come, you just watch and cry about it.

And how dare you say that Pakistani rule should be removed from any region? This is what your talabani agenda wants so badly, but don't get too cocky and think the Pakistani forces are that weak.

Now go where a jacket and do your job against your shaikh overlords instead of posting random nonsense on the internet.
Yes, 100% pakistani planned and executed, in fact America has provided pittance and that too mostly for NATO supplies, again nothing to do with with Swat fighting, in case you didn't realize that NATO trucks don't pass through Sawat.

However one thing is sure that your terrorist brothers have their plans handed to them in Afghanistan and Arab lands far away from Pakistan. Just today 100s of taliban surrendered after begin shown true force and will o the Pakistani people. More such to come, you just watch and cry about it.

And how dare you say that Pakistani rule should be removed from any region? This is what your talabani agenda wants so badly, but don't get too cocky and think the Pakistani forces are that weak.

Now go where a jacket and do your job against your shaikh overlords instead of posting random nonsense on the internet.

In last two years GOP and PA could not restore peace in Swat and NATO , so better UNO take over this region and restore peace in these area and refrandum can be conducted under UN to get the will of majority of NWFP.
Flogging and beheading is allowed in Islam , you can in Saudi Arabia , why US and western media is not against them, may be they need oil:lol:

Not in the way the Talibs use it.....Dont tell me that their methods are same as a proper judicial process leading to execution.

Theyre just butchers
In last two years GOP and PA could not restore peace in Swat and NATO , so better UNO take over this region and restore peace in these area and refrandum can be conducted under UN to get the will of majority of NWFP.
but it is now restored and yes, regarding your UNo statement you should be stripped of Pakistan's Nationality for saying that.
but it is now restored and yes, regarding your UNo statement you should be stripped of Pakistan's Nationality for saying that.

Peace should be restored at any cost , i am muslim national no body can strip my nationality.:D
Yes, 100% pakistani planned and executed, in fact America has provided pittance and that too mostly for NATO supplies, again nothing to do with with Swat fighting, in case you didn't realize that NATO trucks don't pass through Sawat.

However one thing is sure that your terrorist brothers have their plans handed to them in Afghanistan and Arab lands far away from Pakistan. Just today 100s of taliban surrendered after begin shown true force and will o the Pakistani people. More such to come, you just watch and cry about it.

And how dare you say that Pakistani rule should be removed from any region? This is what your talabani agenda wants so badly, but don't get too cocky and think the Pakistani forces are that weak.

Now go where a jacket and do your job against your shaikh overlords instead of posting random nonsense on the internet.

After defeat of Talaban in Swat there is large vacume, there is need to implement shariah law to resolve the social problems of local pushtoon tribes .

It is better to get UN support for rehabilitation instead of US , so better swat and FATA handed over to UN for development and peace restoration , UN can conduct refrendum to know the will of people .

I hope NWFP majority will vote for shariah implementation.I dont think local people allow any political party leader to enter in war zone.
After defeat of Talaban in Swat there is large vacume, there is need to implement shariah law to resolve the social problems of local pushtoon tribes .

It is better to get UN support for rehabilitation instead of US , so better swat and FATA handed over to UN for development and peace restoration , UN can conduct refrendum to know the will of people .

I hope NWFP majority will vote for shariah implementation.I dont think local people allow any political party leader to enter in war zone.

Sometimes i really do not understand you my man...:)
Vaccum after Taliban defeat?
It almost sounds like you miss them and consider them a legitimate entity...

After defeat of Taliban the situation has improved a lot.
The sort of groups that have risen in the name of Shariat and the sort of atrocities they have committed...i do not think people will foolishly believe the nonsense about Shariat anymore till there is confidence in the ability of our state to make a transition via peaceful means.
Guns and violence have so far not led to any Shariat which i can associate with ISlam!


Regarding your earlier statement that Kahalafat is not Kingship...that would imply that after Caliph Hassan...All the Caliphs were not following Khalafat...which would imply that the Ummayads, Abbassids,Ottomans were not caliphs and all the hue and cry about the end of Ottoman Caliphate was incorrect in its true implication since ottomans were not Caliphs as per your definition.

My point is that if Kingship is not Khalafat then there has been no Kahalafat in Muslims world since only 40 years after Islam.
On the other hand there has been great progress and prosperity in Muslim world for a thousand years after islam so clearly then all the progress cannot be attributed to Khalafat as is done by nearly all those who advocate Khalafat and claim that Kingship is not Khalafat.

If on the other hand you say that Khalafat can incorporate any system as long as there are certain things according to Quran, then that is another case...but that is not what you advocate.

To me, even a democracy can be a Khalafat.
I can tell you that there is no fixed system of caliphate and it can be any system as long as it meets certain criteria.
Abu Bakar was elected by majority of Muslim community, Umar was passed on the caliphate by Abu Bakar, Usman was elected from a group of nominees who were named by Umar, Ali was elected by majority of Muslim Community, Hassan was passed on the caliphate by Ali...

You see a huge difference in the election methods of the righteous caliphs so clearly the code of Khalafat as dreamed by many muslims to be very well defined is certainly quite flexible and not as rigid as people think it to be.

In this way many things that you associate with caliphate are actually the deeds of the capable righteous caliphs and not just a result of Khalafat system which was based on just a few principles like equality, justice, law, order, social welfare, security and just a few laws as defined in Quran.
The rest was defined by the Caliphs themselves in consultation with the leading and most learned figures in society, this is similar to legislation and can be done in a parliamentary system and still be Islamic.

These principles of equality, justice, law, order, social welfare and security actually need to be the foundation block of any nation that needs to progress so if you uphold these values (and few other things) you are in accordance with Islamic values and hence the rule is Islamic (or if you want to call it ...A caliphate).

Bottomline is that we cry about Khalafat but various forms of governance (with certain key parameters intact) can be a Khalafat and by just naming a Khalafat we cannot achieve anything.

If Muslims have to unite, it first has to be through a common platform where Muslim countries form a sort of general assembly and vote on key matters of policy, implement a common currency, common bank, accept eachothers boundaries and then enter into a defence pact...
In very long term you may call the secretary general of such an Assembly as the caliph and elect him by voting from all the countries...
In the long run this is the only way to unification i see and you can call it Khalafat or whatever...it will be Islamic and will protect the interests of the Muslims and all the non Muslims alike in the Muslim dominated countries.

The OIC was a good idea but sadly it is not making headway, maybe some impetus needs to be imparted by the Muslim community to make OIC work.

You cannot name one person a Caliph from Helmand and expect all the muslim countries to bow to his authority, it will be a stupid and usesless thing and even if such a person gets support from some countries and then wages a war on the rebel Muslim countries who do not recognize him...the consequences would be catastrophic and it would be a killing blow to the Muslim world.

Will this happen anytime soon?
Dont hold your breath.
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Sometimes i really do not understand you my man...:)
Vaccum after Taliban defeat?
It almost sounds like you miss them and consider them a legitimate entity...

By vaccum i mean political vaccum?

I am pleased by their exit ,but also afraid that week political set up or absence of political forces they could again take over power.

After defeat of Taliban the situation has improved a lot.
The sort of groups that have risen in the name of Shariat and the sort of atrocities they have committed...i do not think people will foolishly believe the nonsense about Shariat anymore till there is confidence in the ability of our state to make a transition via peaceful means.
Guns and violence have so far not led to any Shariat which i can associate with ISlam!

Shariah can be implemented but in different phases through legislation.Talaban TTP TNSM actually damaged the reputatuion of islam all over world.


Regarding your earlier statement that Kahalafat is not Kingship...that would imply that after Caliph Hassan...All the Caliphs were not following Khalafat...which would imply that the Ummayads, Abbassids,Ottomans were not caliphs and all the hue and cry about the end of Ottoman Caliphate was incorrect in its true implication since ottomans were not Caliphs as per your definition.

My point is that if Kingship is not Khalafat then there has been no Kahalafat in Muslims world since only 40 years after Islam.
On the other hand there has been great progress and prosperity in Muslim world for a thousand years after islam so clearly then all the progress cannot be attributed to Khalafat as is done by nearly all those who advocate Khalafat and claim that Kingship is not Khalafat.

If on the other hand you say that Khalafat can incorporate any system as long as there are certain things according to Quran, then that is another case...but that is not what you advocate.

To me, even a democracy can be a Khalafat.
I can tell you that there is no fixed system of caliphate and it can be any system as long as it meets certain criteria.
Abu Bakar was elected by majority of Muslim community, Umar was passed on the caliphate by Abu Bakar, Usman was elected from a group of nominees who were named by Umar, Ali was elected by majority of Muslim Community, Hassan was passed on the caliphate by Ali...

You see a huge difference in the election methods of the righteous caliphs so clearly the code of Khalafat as dreamed by many muslims to be very well defined is certainly quite flexible and not as rigid as people think it to be.

In this way many things that you associate with caliphate are actually the deeds of the capable righteous caliphs and not just a result of Khalafat system which was based on just a few principles like equality, justice, law, order, social welfare, security and just a few laws as defined in Quran.
The rest was defined by the Caliphs themselves in consultation with the leading and most learned figures in society, this is similar to legislation and can be done in a parliamentary system and still be Islamic.

These principles of equality, justice, law, order, social welfare and security actually need to be the foundation block of any nation that needs to progress so if you uphold these values (and few other things) you are in accordance with Islamic values and hence the rule is Islamic (or if you want to call it ...A caliphate).

Bottomline is that we cry about Khalafat but various forms of governance (with certain key parameters intact) can be a Khalafat and by just naming a Khalafat we cannot achieve anything.

If Muslims have to unite, it first has to be through a common platform where Muslim countries form a sort of general assembly and vote on key matters of policy, implement a common currency, common bank, accept eachothers boundaries and then enter into a defence pact...
In very long term you may call the secretary general of such an Assembly as the caliph and elect him by voting from all the countries...
In the long run this is the only way to unification i see and you can call it Khalafat or whatever...it will be Islamic and will protect the interests of the Muslims and all the non Muslims alike in the Muslim dominated countries.

The OIC was a good idea but sadly it is not making headway, maybe some impetus needs to be imparted by the Muslim community to make OIC work.

You cannot name one person a Caliph from Helmand and expect all the muslim countries to bow to his authority, it will be a stupid and usesless thing and even if such a person gets support from some countries and then wages a war on the rebel Muslim countries who do not recognize him...the consequences would be catastrophic and it would be a killing blow to the Muslim world.

Will this happen anytime soon?
Dont hold your breath.

Present democartic system can be modified to Khalafat ,Shourah can replace our assembly but instead of election we have to adopt selection based on certain creteria.

Shourah members can be selected at tehsil or baldia level , basically mosques should be center of all acitivities for well fare of society , we need to change our concept of mosques only place of prayer.

Masjid Madinah was fullfilling all need of muslim society during rise of islam ,we need to adopt same strategy for again restoration of islam all over the world.
Who was Baitullah Mehsood....is not a question but a ........!!!!
Before death we showed him as a traitor but after his death
Shah Abdul Aziz(Ex-MNA) quoted "Baitullah was urged to defend Pakistan after his meeting with me & some Jirga Aalims"(20:30hours , 03-sep-2009)
By vaccum i mean political vaccum?

I am pleased by their exit ,but also afraid that week political set up or absence of political forces they could again take over power.

You forget that TTP brutally eliminated any opposition so the lack of leadership is due to their mass murdering campaign.
Nevertheless the people do still have enough determination to see the storm through as long as Fauj is helping them.
The risk of TTP resurfacing is there but the risk of Talibanization is less in these areas due to the suffering which thankfully has been attributed to the TTP despite best efforts by the typical hotheaded Jihadis who do not want to see the truth about what is being done in the name of Islam.

Shariah can be implemented but in different phases through legislation.Talaban TTP TNSM actually damaged the reputatuion of islam all over world.

That is precisely my point and that is why i emphasize that best way forward is to disown all these militants and crazy Mullahs who are blindly leading all to nothingness...

Present democartic system can be modified to Khalafat ,Shourah can replace our assembly but instead of election we have to adopt selection based on certain creteria.
You see my man that is what i say as well but in a different way so that you guys understand that there is nothing unislamic about Pakistan except our maturity and evolution as a state.

Do you really need to call it khalafa?... ok call your prime minister a khalifa...his election is not direct but indirect by the chosen assembly which is akin to choosing the best people from all the country and letting them choose their leader...see the resemblance in theory?
You should know what i am driving at by now... you can try to implement what you call Khalafa but it faces the same challenges as rectifying our current system which will be fully synonymous with a Khalafa if implemented correctly...

All these religious parties want is the cosmetic Khalafa which implies changing a few names and not weeding out the corruption and addressing the core issues etc.
It will achieve naught.

We shall be best off implementing the constitution of Pakistan as it would achieve all the dreams

Shourah members can be selected at tehsil or baldia level , basically mosques should be center of all acitivities for well fare of society , we need to change our concept of mosques only place of prayer.

Masjid Madinah was fullfilling all need of muslim society during rise of islam ,we need to adopt same strategy for again restoration of islam all over the world.

Call it Shoura or Nazim or MPAs or MNAs, we can change things a bit, change the names but but in spirit the constitution would still guarantee a good system which would not be contrary to Quran and Islamic law.
The fact that these people are corrupt is not because there is no Khalafa...it is because the principles and constitution of Pakistan is not being followed and law is not being upheld...we need to work to change that..

Mosque as a community center can function where a Nazim/DCO etc can sit...but still this was only in Medina in the initial days when the Caliph used to sit...
As the Muslim empire expanded...there were dedicated offices of state and Mosque was not the center of administrative powers...so please once again do not think that it was just these cosmetic things that made us successful in the past...because they kept on changing...
It was justice, equality, law, social welfare and security that made the Muslims as torchbearers of civilization for centuries...these things can be ensured even within the constitution of Pakistan so we must focus here...a system cannot be called a failure without implementing it!!!
If implementation is not done then no system will work and even Khalafa cannot succeed...
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Come on, are you seriously willing to have their brand of Shariah enforced? It will mean you give up posting on PDF as well

i think the time has come!

admin ???
Date Posted: 03-Sep-2009

Jane's Defence Weekly

Pakistani militants target officials to deflect major attack

Farhan Bokhari JDW Correspondent - Islamabad

Pakistani militants are seeking to target high-profile public officials to deter the military from launching a full attack in the restive Waziristan region, senior government security officials told Jane's on 3 September.

Suspected Taliban militants had attacked Hamid Saeed Kazmi, Pakistan's minister for religious affairs, in Islamabad the day before, wounding the minister and killing his driver.

On 30 August, at least 12 police cadets were killed in a suicide attack at a police training camp in Mingora, where the regional government of the northern Swat valley is based. The incident belied earlier government claims that Swat was back under control.

Earlier this year, the Pakistani military attacked Taliban militants in Swat and successfully repulsed their attempt to advance to other parts of North West Frontier Province (NWFP).

Military officials claim that more than 3,000 Taliban were killed in the Swat campaign, and government officials in the NWFP said at least 40 further militants were killed at the start of September when security forces attacked four different sites believed to be Taliban hideouts near the Khyber Pass. Militants based in the area have staged repeated attacks against NATO supply convoys bound for Afghanistan.

"As the military pressure escalates on the Taliban, they are undoubtedly looking around for soft targets," said one senior official. "That is where the attack on Hamid Saeed Kazmi fits into the picture."

In recent weeks, uncertainty has surrounded the military's plans to launch an attack on South Waziristan after last month's killing of Baitullah Mehsud, the country's most notorious Taliban militant, in a missile attack thought to have been carried out by a US drone.

While the Taliban appear to be in some disarray after his death, military officials say they are not prepared to launch a full-scale attack until key equipment becomes available. In particular, Pakistan has asked the US for AH-1 Cobra gunships to help with the offensive.
Pak-US intelligence sharing vital to crush militancy: Kayani

LAHORE: Timely and greater intelligence sharing between Pakistani and US forces in Afghanistan could help both sides to crush the militancy, a private TV channel quoted Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Kayani as saying on Monday. He was addressing US congressional delegation, led by Congressman Adam Smith, member of the House Armed Services Committee and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, at the General Headquarters. The delegation included congresspersons Bobby Bright and Gabrielle Giffords. Kayani said the military had gained significant success in its war against the Taliban in Swat and Malakand division. According to the channel, regional security situation and security along the Pak-Afghan border were also discussed. The US delegation assured Kayani of full cooperation to meet the professional needs of the armed forces, the channel added.

daily times monitor/staff report
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