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Operation Rah-e-Nijat

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Jews created difference between muslims and they divided them into two sects , it is my desire to rejoin these two groups because then only we can confront zoinists and their aggressive agenda.

I seriously had a laugh reading that; do you know your history... :lol:?
Give the jews a break; accusing them of every fault within the muslims and not accepting our own faults is the reason the muslims are getting a pretty good bashing in the world right now.
I seriously had a laugh reading that; do you know your history... :lol:?
Give the jews a break; accusing them of every fault within the muslims and not accepting our own faults is the reason the muslims are getting a pretty good bashing in the world right now.

May be your are champion of history , can you tell us who is responsible for division in muslims into two sects shia and sunni?

Otherwise keep on laughing it is good for you health and empty brain
Fundamentalist has intentions to vanish all sects except wahabis, not to join all groups.
Can he join 73 sects???
this is better for fundamentalist to join the right path rather to declare kafir every other sects.
Fundamentalist has intentions to vanish all sects except wahabis, not to join all groups.
Can he join 73 sects???
this is better for fundamentalist to join the right path rather to declare kafir every other sects.

I cant give fatwa of kufar to any sect, but it is my desire being muslim for unity of muslims .:D

Allah SWT in Quran named us as muslim which is a great honour we should not degrade us by calling us wahabi,shia,sunni, bralvi bla bla
What is your level of development ?

Basic thing is free and fair justice system which GOP failed to provide.

Justice is foundation of peace and prosperity of any society.

Guys, he is one of the "Black Coats". That's for sure :)
Praising for what? It is failure of GOP not success , civilized nation dont use miltery inside their boarders .

It is responsibility of government to provide justice and peace but our government is totally failed .

Miltery and Government are paid servent of public but here in Pakistan they are ruler, look at their lavish life style and more then 60% public is living below poverty line.

What a shame full atitude.
Removing the talibans and their cronies from Swat.Regardless of your propoganda Tailbans will be well taken care off and yes, the poverty is not only due to leaders but also due to the fact that large number of people don't get advanced education and end up at madrassah's and yes no government will hand over it's territory to a bunch of rag tag millitia.
I cant give fatwa of kufar to any sect, but it is my desire being muslim for unity of muslims .:D

Allah SWT in Quran named us as muslim which is a great honour we should not degrade us by calling us wahabi,shia,sunni, bralvi bla bla

0nly 1 group of people will enter in Heaven and that will be True Muslims.
What is your level of development ?

Basic thing is free and fair justice system which GOP failed to provide.

Justice is foundation of peace and prosperity of any society.

The floggings and beheadings are any better than the justice GoP provides? These barbaric practices have tarnished Islam globally.

What to the Taliban stand for? Pashtun traditions? Islam? Pakistan?

None of that. Theyre a bunch of wild lunatics going around butchering innocents. And moreover, if the Talibs dont represent Islam how can they be expected to provide justice.

Those Talibs that butcher/slaughter their rivals, ram explosive ladden vehicles in hordes of innocents?:confused:
May be your are champion of history , can you tell us who is responsible for division in muslims into two sects shia and sunni?

Otherwise keep on laughing it is good for you health and empty brain

No body claimed being a champion of history.

Division into sects happened at the time of the death of the Prophet SAW and it happened due the the differences over khilafat (successorship) where the Sunnis accepted Abu Bakr; Umar and Usman as khalifas and the Shias held the view that Ali A.S. should be khalifa.

Where do jews come into all of this...? :cheesy:
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The floggings and beheadings are any better than the justice GoP provides? These barbaric practices have tarnished Islam globally.

What to the Taliban stand for? Pashtun traditions? Islam? Pakistan?

None of that. Theyre a bunch of wild lunatics going around butchering innocents. And moreover, if the Talibs dont represent Islam how can they be expected to provide justice.

Those Talibs that butcher/slaughter their rivals, ram explosive ladden vehicles in hordes of innocents?:confused:

Flogging and beheading is allowed in Islam , you can in Saudi Arabia , why US and western media is not against them, may be they need oil:lol:
Removing the talibans and their cronies from Swat.Regardless of your propoganda Tailbans will be well taken care off and yes, the poverty is not only due to leaders but also due to the fact that large number of people don't get advanced education and end up at madrassah's and yes no government will hand over it's territory to a bunch of rag tag millitia.

Democratic system dont provide corruption free society , only shariah law is solution , there is no other system will be sucessfull in Pakistan other then Shariah law , we need to change system through planning but not through the method of talaban , they adopted wrong methology.
Just out of sheer curiosity, what does implementation of Shariah and being a black coat got to do with operation rah-e-nijat? I thought this thread was for updates of the operation etc. :confused:

As for corruption free society, well Shariah is enforced in many countries even now and those socities have not been able to get rid of corruption entorely. There is no link between capitlaism, communism or any other rule with corruption. The latter is just there or isn't there. No one system is the panacea for society's ills --- history and even our present clearly show that.
Just out of sheer curiosity, what does implementation of Shariah and being a black coat got to do with operation rah-e-nijat? I thought this thread was for updates of the operation etc. :confused:

As for corruption free society, well Shariah is enforced in many countries even now and those socities have not been able to get rid of corruption entorely. There is no link between capitlaism, communism or any other rule with corruption. The latter is just there or isn't there. No one system is the panacea for society's ills --- history and even our present clearly show that.

Can you tell us in which country shariah is completely implemented?

Communism and capitalism both failed to provide fool proof system , rich is becoming richer in capital society by sucking the blood of poors.

Law made by Allah is supreme and flaw less , use of power to supress the will of public is not long lasting , the day army move out of Swat the terrorist could again gain strength.

Better GOP take intiative and kill the issue of injustice in Swat and also FATA .

Pakistan is made for Islamic rule so it should be implemented, we need to complete dream of Iqbal and Jinnah.

Deen juda ho siasat sae to rah jati hai Changhezi.
Can you tell us in which country shariah is completely implemented?

Umm... let's begin with Saudi Arabia.

Communism and capitalism both failed to provide fool proof system , rich is becoming richer in capital society by sucking the blood of poors.

well in communism the rich was not becoming richer but there was corruption still.

Law made by Allah is supreme and flaw less , use of power to supress the will of public is not long lasting , the day army move out of Swat the terrorist could again gain strength. Better GOP take intiative and kill the issue of injustice in Swat and also FATA .

You are confusing the issue at hand: the militants in Swat were threatening the government of Pakistan's existence --- it wasn't only about implementation of Shariah as much as it was about taking over Pakistan and implementing their Stone Age version of Shariah. Which in case you haven't noticed in unacceptable. You do realise that the kind of lifetsyles we lead -- internet, television, films, songs, concerts --- contradict the "diktats" of Islam, or at least the version these guys wanted to implement. It's very easy to say that implement Shariah but seriously the millions of people will not be willing to give up the lifestyles we lead as of today. It's all about the confusion in the brain.

Come on, are you seriously willing to have their brand of Shariah enforced? It will mean you give up posting on PDF as well.

As for the will of the public... you should re-read the history of Swat. The call for implementation of Shariah was made popular after powerw as taken away from the maliks who arbitrated disputes. The swift justice system was no longer there. The TNSM pushed for it in the 1980s and finally got it implemented around 1992-1993. That's another story altogether.

Pakistan is made for Islamic rule so it should be implemented, we need to complete dream of Iqbal and Jinnah.

Iqbal's dream... you got your Indo-Pak history wrong there. Iqbal did not even advocate partition and if he were alive today, he'd be embroiled in controversy over his Ahmadi leanings. And Jinnah's dream of Islamic state... nah, nah.

Deen juda ho siasat sae to rah jati hai Changhezi.
Nice quote...
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