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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

He was talking to CNN with his sattelite phone and US did not traced his location :hitwall:

Satellite phones can be tracked accurately using global positioning systems (GPS) which leaves me wondering why, on earth, can't these thugs be traced. Surely, they are not using Pakistani satellites or service providers?

I have said it a number of times at this forum that TTP is not a positive constructive force; it is essentially a reactionary force. Their very inception, as well as their strength is attributable to the atrocious handling of the sensibilities of the people of tribal areas by the Army and Government. Without a certain degree of grass roots popularity they would not have lasted even a week; Taimikhan knows very well that no one can just force his way to power in Pushtoon areas; nobody’s skull is layered with Kevlar.

Since the Musharraf days Pakistan Government and the Army tasked itself to show “performance” to the USA as some sort of “Ally”. Our political and military leadership was at pains to show their “indispensability” in the War against Terror. The easiest route to achieve a few brownie points was to launch repeated operations in FATA and later Swat; where there was a natural sympathy wave for the Afghan Taliban in their struggle against the US.

The main objectives of Army operations were to cause enough bloodshed from both sides, so that a Phony war of convenience turns into a Real war. Neither the Army nor the FATA people find it easy to bridge the river of blood. TTP by default ended up as the rallying point for those wronged by the Operations.

The only viable solution is for Pakistan State to reassert its Sovereignty in Islamabad:
1. The so called “Alliance” with the US, which is nothing more than the role of coolies and hired guns, may be politely put to rest.
2. WE should refuse to “Do More” and refuse to take the almost daily prodding on our “Safe haven” status or the Security of our Nuclear Assets. Pakistan
3. Deploy the Army on its real job, i.e. the Security of our borders and Airspace; both to the East and West. The best way to assert sovereignty on the Western border to shoot down a couple of MQ-9 and export the wreckage to China.
Taliban to take on army in January: Hakeemullah

LAHORE: The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) will take on the army when winter arrives in the tribal region, TTP chief TTP Hakeemullah Mehsud said in a phone call with CNN on Tuesday. “We will wait till January for our offensive since we are stronger during the snowing season,” Hakeemullah said. He said he was confident despite the large-scale military operation currently targeting the TTP in South Waziristan. “We have conserved our energy and have not lost our morale,” he said. “The leadership of my organisation is safe,” he said, but he did not say where they were taking refuge. He neither denied nor confirmed that the TTP was responsible for Monday’s suicide blast outside the district court in Peshawar. “Being occupied in other matters, I have not been able to contact my colleagues there, so I will not be able to take responsibility at this time,” Hakeemullah said. Suicide bombings have intensified this year as the military pursues offensives against Taliban strongholds across the northwest. The past three months have seen a fierce surge in attacks, including a suicide bombing on October 28 in a Peshawar market killing 125 people.

daily times monitor

i thought that was our strategy??!!

We were waiting for winters as it would be 'easy' for us and difficult for them to sustain the cold!

i never knew these buggers were trained in Snow Warfare..lolz...may be they have also ordered some of the HA equipment.

i wonder what would happen when we would clear up the ground level resistance before the snow approaches and push the remaining resistance up to the maintain tops and let them freeze there!

BTW, would it be fair if we blow up (read annihilate) a compound (hidden somewhere on the pinnacle) picked up by our Observation Posts/Aeriel Recce because of the smoke they would give out when they would try keeping themselves warms? :tongue:
we're waiting !!!

Yep, we sure are!!
Have we been provided with military equipment that Washington promised it would on war-footing to Islamabad? I guess not.

As far as I know it includes:
1. Additional Cobras and its spares,
2. Deep penetrating metal detectors,
3. Ground surveillance radars,
4. Night vision goggles.

and a few more things I'm missing out at the moment.
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Pakistan has 'degraded' Taliban: US general


WASHINGTON — Pakistani military operations have "significantly degraded" Taliban groups in recent months, the senior US commander in the region told lawmakers on Wednesday.

General David Petraeus said the military campaign has boosted US efforts against the Al-Qaeda network but Islamabad has yet to go after sanctuaries used by the Afghan Taliban leadership, a distinct group from the so-called Pakistani Taliban.

2009 AFP.

there you go folks, xeric gets a 10/10!:pakistan::yahoo:
Militant toll reaches 589 in South Waziristan operation

Wednesday, 09 Dec, 2009

In the Razmak sector, troops discovered a huge cache of arms and ammunition and managed to clear 25 compounds.

RAWALPINDI: Security forces have killed 589 terrorists in the ongoing military operation in South Waziristan.

Meanwhile, 79 troops have also lost their lives while fighting militant groups hiding in the area.

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), security forces have also apprehended five suspects from the Shakai sector.

In the Razmak sector, troops discovered a huge cache of arms and ammunition and managed to clear 25 compounds.

Security forces also discovered and destroyed underground bunkers in Ghujre and cleared the area.

Ten suspects were also apprehended in Swat and Malakand during search operations.

Two terrorists voluntarily surrendered themselves to security forces at Salhand and Chamtalai posts.

— DawnNews
‘Taliban will get hammered in head-on clash’

WASHINGTON: Taliban insurgents will get “hammered” if they pick a direct fight with a larger US force in southern Afghanistan, a US military official said on Tuesday, warning they will likely step up their campaign of roadside and suicide bombings. With thousands of Marines and army soldiers due to pour into the country as part of President Barack Obama’s troop buildup, the insurgents will face long-odds in combat, said the senior official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “If they try to contest with any kind of head-on-head forces, they’ll get swamped in the south, and they’ll just get hammered,” the official told reporters.


cant wait!
“”Pakistan has 'degraded' Taliban: US general”

General David Petraeus is happy, that’s a great compliment from our discerning client!.

CENTCOM Chief is the ultimate arbitrator of our destiny. Our lives, our territory, our resources, our sovereignty and our national fabric are all at his disposal. Our national motto is “KHIDMAT MEIN IZZAT” a la the ASC.
CENTCOM Chief is the ultimate arbitrator of our destiny. Our lives, our territory, our resources, our sovereignty and our national fabric are all at his disposal. Our national motto is “KHIDMAT MEIN IZZAT” a la the ASC.

I have said it a number of times at this forum that TTP is not a positive constructive force; it is essentially a reactionary force. Their very inception, as well as their strength is attributable to the atrocious handling of the sensibilities of the people of tribal areas by the Army and Government. Without a certain degree of grass roots popularity they would not have lasted even a week; Taimikhan knows very well that no one can just force his way to power in Pushtoon areas; nobody’s skull is layered with Kevlar.

Since the Musharraf days Pakistan Government and the Army tasked itself to show “performance” to the USA as some sort of “Ally”. Our political and military leadership was at pains to show their “indispensability” in the War against Terror. The easiest route to achieve a few brownie points was to launch repeated operations in FATA and later Swat; where there was a natural sympathy wave for the Afghan Taliban in their struggle against the US.

The main objectives of Army operations were to cause enough bloodshed from both sides, so that a Phony war of convenience turns into a Real war. Neither the Army nor the FATA people find it easy to bridge the river of blood. TTP by default ended up as the rallying point for those wronged by the Operations.

The only viable solution is for Pakistan State to reassert its Sovereignty in Islamabad:
1. The so called “Alliance” with the US, which is nothing more than the role of coolies and hired guns, may be politely put to rest.
2. WE should refuse to “Do More” and refuse to take the almost daily prodding on our “Safe haven” status or the Security of our Nuclear Assets. Pakistan
3. Deploy the Army on its real job, i.e. the Security of our borders and Airspace; both to the East and West. The best way to assert sovereignty on the Western border to shoot down a couple of MQ-9 and export the wreckage to China.

Javed3, the only viable solution you propose has missed the entirety of the discussions on this thread and all over Pakistan.
Namely how to eliminate TTP?
No answer....and i do not think there is any answer except to eliminate TTP.

It would be crazy for us to assume TTP would vanish on its own, they will always find some excuse to attack us. Even not keeping a beard is a major sin in their version of Islam...so clearly we shall never ever be able to coexist no matter how Afghanistan war ends.
They can easily brand us Kafir and kill us and still feel perfectly normal, you really think it is wise to ignore all this and assume that all will be well if we resolve other matters...i am sorry this is not possible.

TTP was not a default rally point for the wronged, it always had excellent relations with the MMA which was in the government...what gives my friend?
Such a simple matter to declare them as such when their primary supporters were still in power.
Why TTP spread in Swat, under the very eyes of MMA which did not declare any provincial emergency and did not seek any military actions to stop TTP?
TTP was allowed to grow by their supporters, it was nurtured and still despite all this it went ahead and eventually started butchering people and proclaimed even women's shopping areas to be off limits to women....it was a joke when a Swati friend sent me a photo in which the cloths market had a huge banner by TTP banning the entry of women...you think the shopkeepers decided this?
They wanted to be out of business and hungry?
Pathetic excuse for humans and Muslims are these TTP.
You almost sound like a JI activist in presenting TTP as a movement of the people and purely a reaction to US operations.
It was formed for some other purpose altogether and that is to bring death and destruction to Pakistan and impose the views of retards like Osma bin Laden.

To not recognize the TTP as an illegitimate terrorist movement is akin to supporting their views and actions. Focus should be on what TTP is doing since their actions only reflect clearly what they represent.
It has in its ranks the likes of Uzbeks and many known groups like Lashker e Jhangvi etc. who are in no way the innocent victims of any wrongdoing.
These groups are trained killers and many have been involved in sectarian terrorism, to me any cause they join is no more legitimate.
Take for example the champion of Lashkar e Jhangvi, Riaz Basra who was responsible for the horrible anti Shia massacres and yet was given refuge by the Good Taliban in Afghanistan...eventually he was killed in Pakistan and his funeral was attended by thousands of people...so if you allude the people power of TTP to such rascals then yes they would have support of likeminded rascals at their disposal and that is all there is to their grassroot support.
Afterall even the most notorious sectarian killers had many fans and supporters...there are people who will blindly support any cause until they are made to see the price of such a choice.

The majority of Pakistanis are not corrupt to their soul so as to have sympathy with such utterly nefarious organizations which operate in the name of Islam yet have always supported the worst form of deliberate violence and maligned Islam.
Day by day people are realizing more that there is no room in Pakistan for the extremists and the terrorists...we cannot survive without eliminating such groups no matter what US does or does not do...TTP has always pretended to be a principled militant Islamic movement but many things they have done and some even admitted by them are absolutely unacceptable and the worst form of barbarism.
The TTP is the worst kind of people and any who support them fall not short behind.
This is not a Pashtun movement since it has many foreigners and Punjabis in its ranks as well. It has managed to gather all the worst criminals and known butchers of humanity in Pakistan.

You are oversimplifying matters...to an extreme here.

The Army is not fighting for USA at present, it is fighting a body of men which is not only a threat to Pakistan but really a true threat to the real values of Islam and a deliberate attempt to cause further suffering in the Islamic world so as to fuel their supply of likeminded individuals who seek only death and destruction of others and enjoy doing it. They would love to destablize the entire Muslim world if given a chance to further their agenda and grab more and more power.

Surely we made terrible mistakes but no point in crying over the decades of militancy which Zia era brought in...we have to clean these people and if they had a home here in the past we have to kick them out of it...

Pakistan has to define a clear cut long term strategy and the GOP has to present this infront of the people...
This does not mean that we jump into the arms of TTP...it is the Extremists or us...that is the simple choice facing us.

Develop a strong policy with USA as it pleases you but do not under any circumstance treat TTP as someone you should bargain with...that is the worst thing we can do not only to ourselves but to the memory of thousands who have perished at their hands....

May Allah grant paradise to the innocents and hellfire to the TTP and their supporters and guidance to those who see any legitimacy in their cause.
“”people are interested in running their 'lives' as they have for so many years. they want education, jobs, justice, health and homes just like every one else around the world - and foremost in their minds is the return of 'peace and serenity' in their shangri=la like swat valley””.

And you give them jobs, justice, healthcare by deploying Tanks and APCs in their area. You develop a healthy touristic economy by making 80% of the population run for their lives against an onslaught of artillery barrages and bombing from the air. You give them homes through demolishing entire villages.

and u think ttp will give this to them ? who broke peace agreements time and time again ? who assassinated peaceful tribal elders ? suicide bombed markets ? who dynamited schools ? who threatened people against playing cricket and music ? who banned women from going shopping ? stopped polio vaccinations ? who extorted money from minorities ? still after all this your blaming only the pak military and keeping silent on ttp ur a sick person ! :angry::sniper:

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