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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

Taliban attack Pakistani Army in 'pro-government' region in South Waziristan
By Bill RoggioDecember 6, 2009 12:39 AM

A platoon of Taliban fighters attacked a Pakistani Army checkpoint in South Waziristan in a region where a peace agreement with the Taliban is in effect.

Upwards of 40 Taliban fighters opened fire on checkpoint at a bridge in Wana, the main town in South Waziristan, killing one soldier and suffering six of their own in a counterattack.

"There were 30 to 40 militants who first fired rocket- propelled grenades at our post and then opened fire with AK-47 rifles which killed one of our soldiers,"a Pakistan security official told Reuters. "But we retaliated and killed six militants."

The attack against the Army in Wana is a major violation of an agreement between the military and a Taliban faction that agreed to remain neutral during the Army's offensive in South Waziristan. It is also further proof that Taliban forces are sheltering in areas under the control of Taliban leaders considered to be "pro-government."

Wana is under the control of Mullah Nazir, the leader of the Taliban forces in the western Wazir tribal areas of the agency. Pakistan's military and intelligence services consider Nazir and his followers "good Taliban" as they do not openly seek the overthrow of the Pakistani state. However, Nazir openly supports Mullah Omar and Osama bin Laden, and wages jihad in Afghanistan; more senior al Qaeda leaders have been killed in Nazir's tribal areas during the US air campaign than in those of any other Taliban leader in Pakistan.

Earlier this year, just prior to launching a military operation against the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan in the Mehsud tribal areas in South Waziristan, the military agreed to a peace deal with Nazir as well as with North Waziristan Taliban commander Hafiz Gul Bahadar. Nazir and Bahadar are not members of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan.

The peace agreement allows for the Pakistani military to move through Nazir and Bahadar's tribal areas without being attacked. Another condition of the agreement prohibits Bahadar and Nazir from providing shelter to fleeing members of the Mehsud branch of the Taliban.

But Taliban fighters from the Mehsud tribal areas have sought shelter with Mullah Nazir in the Wazir tribal areas, and the rearguard fighters still opposing the Army's advance are receiving support from Nazir's forces, US military and intelligence officials have told The Long War Journal. Bahadar, too, is providing shelter to fleeing Taliban fighters and covert support to the Mehsud Taliban.

Read more: Taliban attack Pakistani Army in 'pro-government' region in South Waziristan - The Long War Journal
Rawalpindi - December 6, 2009:

South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat.

Details of operation of last 24 hours are as follows:-

a. Jandola Sector.

Security forces conducted search operation at Tanai check Post and apprehended 6 suspects.

b. Shakai Sector.

Security forces cleared area around Abbas Khel Tsappara Ghundai, Waspass Kalle, Ospana Raghazai, Darakai, Spin Kai near Nanu, Barwand and Ospana Raghazai, Kudwam, Shinsar near Tiarza, Kudiwarn, Kund Sarai and Imar Khan Killi.

c. Razmak Sector

(1) Security forces cleared remaining areas in Tauda China, Khule East, Qalandar,  Khajai,  Kashkai near  Mir Khoni, village  Tandai and recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition.

(2) Security forces apprehended 7 suspects at Ghariom and killed 1 terrorist at Shewa. Clearance operation is under process in area around Shiva.

(3) Terrorists fired rockets and small arms at Green Top which was effectively engaged.

2. Relief Activities.

17,534 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Wazirsitan.


KIT Over n Out:victory::pakistan::sniper::guns:
Operation Rah-e-Nijat: 13 militants held, 5 surrender

Updated at: 1835 PST, Tuesday, December 08, 2009
RAWALPINDI: During ongoing military offensive in South Waziristan, security forces, after regaining control of several areas, are carrying out search operation, according to a statement released by the ISPR today (Tuesday).

The ISPR said that security forces conducted search operation in Ziarat and cleared Ospana Raghazai area in Shakai sector. However, clearance and search operation is still underway at Kudi Ghar Sar, Nanu and Khaisura.

According to the ISPR spokesman, militants fired six rockets at Spin Jammat, which was effectively responded. In another operation, security forces cleared 46 compounds, including a training facility known as Markaz at Marobi West and defused 9 IEDs.

According to the ISPR, four suspected militants were apprehended from Sheva area.

Meanwhile, five terrorists have voluntarily surrendered themselves to the security forces at Sakhra and Asharai near Matta during operaion Rah-e-Rast.

They also arrested 9 suspects at Kabbal, Bakhro near Madyan, Qambar and Tahirabad near Mangora.
Operation Rah-e-Nijat: 13 militants held, 5 surrender

Arrests and surrenders are good news:

1. Obtain information on the insurgency
2. People surrendering or allowing themselves to be arrested instead of 'fighting to the death' might be indicative of sagging morale and a loss of zeal in loyalty to the 'Taliban objective'.
Operation Rah-e-Nijat: 13 militants held, 5 surrender

Arrests and surrenders are good news:

1. Obtain information on the insurgency
2. People surrendering or allowing themselves to be arrested instead of 'fighting to the death' might be indicative of sagging morale and a loss of zeal in loyalty to the 'Taliban objective'.

You are correct.

We saw surrenders during the Swat operation and we have started seeing it here now, that's a very positive sign.

i hope and believe that these numbers would soon increase.
Pakistan?s Military Clear Weapons in Shakai Caves ? New Tang Dynasty Television

Pakistan’s Military Clear Weapons in Shakai Caves
2009-12-8 11:25

(Video available on the link)

Pakistani security forces have cleared 40 compounds in the Shakai sector, recovering huge caches of arms and ammunition.

In the Razmak sector, security forces conducted search operations in various areas and cleared dozens of compounds.

In Swat, security forces killed four terrorists during on-going operations.

Ten terrorists voluntarily surrendered themselves to security forces near Charbagh.

Security forces apprehended seven suspects near Fateh Pur, Bakhro, Kanju and Kherabad.

Pakistan’s army has been on a major offensive against the militants in South Waziristan since mid-October.
1. Obtain information on the insurgency
2. People surrendering or allowing themselves to be arrested instead of 'fighting to the death' might be indicative of sagging morale and a loss of zeal in loyalty to the 'Taliban objective'.

yes in Bagh Derri a few days back they also put down their arms....20 of them i think

of course their morale would be sagging. Theyve suffered serious blows in terms of capability and the number of hideouts from where they can consolodate their position and equipments is rapidly declining

patience is very important, despite un-nerving externalities and circumstances.

Important to support the Armed Forces.
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Taliban to take on army in January: Hakeemullah

LAHORE: The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) will take on the army when winter arrives in the tribal region, TTP chief TTP Hakeemullah Mehsud said in a phone call with CNN on Tuesday. “We will wait till January for our offensive since we are stronger during the snowing season,” Hakeemullah said. He said he was confident despite the large-scale military operation currently targeting the TTP in South Waziristan. “We have conserved our energy and have not lost our morale,” he said. “The leadership of my organisation is safe,” he said, but he did not say where they were taking refuge. He neither denied nor confirmed that the TTP was responsible for Monday’s suicide blast outside the district court in Peshawar. “Being occupied in other matters, I have not been able to contact my colleagues there, so I will not be able to take responsibility at this time,” Hakeemullah said. Suicide bombings have intensified this year as the military pursues offensives against Taliban strongholds across the northwest. The past three months have seen a fierce surge in attacks, including a suicide bombing on October 28 in a Peshawar market killing 125 people.

daily times monitor

we're waiting !!!
This article is on events in Swat, but it is pertinent to the issue we were just discussing of the military using the surrendered Taliban to gain information on their comrades and sniff them out.

Note also that the military's interaction with the locals in Swat and how much the conditions on the ground in Swat have changed - particularly for the talking (shite) heads in the West (Zakaria and company) who said the 'PA don't know how to do COIN'.

Ex-Taliban in action to sniff out comrades-in-arms
* Lower Swat GOC says security forces are doing their best to maintain peace

By Iqbal Khattak

MINGORA: Security forces are using ex-Taliban operatives to identify their former “comrades-in-arms” who may be trying to flee the city disguised as civilians.

Such one man moves forward when a soldier stops a vehicle for security check near the Kanju Bridge to find any Taliban suspects trying to flee Mingora city. A camouflaged man with his face covered and dark glasses to match steps forward and looks at every passenger in his face to recognise any old comrade. He knows these faces and signals the soldier standing nearby whenever he finds any terrorist among the passengers. The military is using different methods to track down fleeing Taliban and one such way out is using “ex-militants” or “sources within the Taliban” to nab the remaining troublemakers. “He spent time with terrorists and knows many among them and this method is quite successful to nab wanted Taliban or commanders,” a source said.

This method is part of the military’s ongoing efforts to achieve more success after flushing out the Taliban from the valley.

Peace: “We are making every effort to maintain peace in Swat,” Lower Swat General Officer Commanding Major-General Ishfaq Nadeem told Daily Times at his base camp in Malakand Top. Right from Dargai to Mingora, there have been security checkposts at several points to make sure that no explosives are being smuggled into Swat.

What comes as a pleasant surprise is a change in soldiers’ interaction with the people. They shake hands and smile while frisking them. A source said security forces were doing their best to win over people’s hearts and minds against the Taliban. “I think there is good response from the people but it needs improvement. We need more intelligence on the Taliban and that is not yet as coming as we want,” a police official told Daily Times. A visit to the district months after Operation Rah-e-Raast gives a different look than it was before the offensive. Bazaars are open and people are going about their lives, traffic looks organised, police is back on streets and women roam freely without any fear of being beaten up by the Taliban.

Few months ago, it was impossible to even think of speaking against the Taliban openly. But this is now happening. “Taliban will never come back to Kabal now,” Muhammad Akbar Hussain shouted in middle of Kabal bazaar, which was former stronghold of the militants. “The Taliban rebelled against Islam. God will never forgive them for this crime,” the 51-year-old Hussain adds. The Kabal resident’s boldness, however, does not signal complete elimination of the Taliban in Swat. Officials acknowledged terrorist were still spotted in several places and the fight against terror is yet to be fought. “It is not over so far. We have still a fight in hand,” they added. However, the situation will come under complete control if the government showed an unflinching resolve for the next two years.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
people are interested in running their 'lives' as they have for so many years. they want education, jobs, justice, health and homes just like every one else around the world - and foremost in their minds is the return of 'peace and serenity' in their shangri=la like swat valley.

the taliban dont provide any of the above!!!
Dear AgNoStIc MuSliM / Taimikhan:

My posts have been deleted because somehow these are Terrorist propaganda rants. In your capacity as the Super Moderator I do understand the constraints and compulsions under which you operate such a rich content forum. Where you live, you are supposedly a “Terrorist sympathizer” by default; therefore any views considered contrarian to the party line have to be quashed.

A healthy functional forum calls for some diversity of views, at least some representation of the public views in mainstream Pakistan. In its present form the forum looks like a sub-office of ISPR, which is not healthy.
“”people are interested in running their 'lives' as they have for so many years. they want education, jobs, justice, health and homes just like every one else around the world - and foremost in their minds is the return of 'peace and serenity' in their shangri=la like swat valley””.

And you give them jobs, justice, healthcare by deploying Tanks and APCs in their area. You develop a healthy touristic economy by making 80% of the population run for their lives against an onslaught of artillery barrages and bombing from the air. You give them homes through demolishing entire villages.
10 suspects apprehended in operation Rah e Nijat

ISLAMABAD, Dec 7 (APP): During last 24 hours, security forces apprehended 10 suspects in operation Rah e Nijat in South Waziristan and killed four terrorists in operation Rah e Rast in Malakand According to ISPR press release, on Jandola Sector, Security forces apprehended 6 suspects from IDP camp at Ratta Kulachi Stadium at D I Khan.

Security forces cleared 40 compounds at Abbas Khel, Waspass Kalle, Ospana Raghazai n Shakai Sector.

Security forces carried sanitization at Kudiwam, Imar Khan Killi, Kund Sarai, Tiarza and recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition including 14.5 mm guns and number of prepared IEDs.

On Razmak Sector, Security forces conducted search operation at village Ghazika, Khajai, village Trai near Razmak, Kam Narakai, Warogh Tangi, area around Shewa and cleared dozens of compounds.

Security forces established a check post at Blanki Sar, during encounter 1 soldier was injured. Security forces apprehended 4 suspects at Khajuri.

Security forces conducted search operation at Goraghat and killed 4 terrorists during operation Rah e Rast in Malakand.

Ten terrorists voluntarily surrendered themselves to security forces at Baskhela, Matta and Dakorak near Charbagh.

Security forces apprehended 7 suspects at Behzadi near Fateh Pur, Bakhro, Derai near Kanju and Kherabad near Kabbal.

As many as 17,534 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Wazirsitan.
And you give them jobs, justice, healthcare by deploying Tanks and APCs in their area. You develop a healthy touristic economy by making 80% of the population run for their lives against an onslaught of artillery barrages and bombing from the air. You give them homes through demolishing entire villages.
And you would have preferred we let the Taliban continue to massacre the locals and hang their bodies from lamp posts, destroy schools, beat women and children on the street and drag them back to the stone age?

The displaced are now returning, the homes being rebuilt, jobs being recreated. The Taliban on the other hand had no intention of rebuilding schools or letting up on their massacre and torture of innocents - that was their system, and you either put up with their terrorism or get butchered and hung up in public squares.

And your posts are deleted because of your belittling rants - you don't offer a different 'opinion', you offer snide, sniveling, belittling comments about Pakistan's efforts against terrorism, and anyone who opposes the terrorists calling themselves the Taliban.

When you can learn to actually offer constructive criticism, your posts will not be deleted.
AM, don't waste your time in replying to such posts, no use and no good will come out of it. Terror & Murderous TTP sympathizers will always remain their sympathizers.
Taliban to take on army in January: Hakeemullah

LAHORE: The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) will take on the army when winter arrives in the tribal region, TTP chief TTP Hakeemullah Mehsud said in a phone call with CNN on Tuesday. “We will wait till January for our offensive since we are stronger during the snowing season,” Hakeemullah said. He said he was confident despite the large-scale military operation currently targeting the TTP in South Waziristan. “We have conserved our energy and have not lost our morale,” he said. “The leadership of my organisation is safe,” he said, but he did not say where they were taking refuge. He neither denied nor confirmed that the TTP was responsible for Monday’s suicide blast outside the district court in Peshawar. “Being occupied in other matters, I have not been able to contact my colleagues there, so I will not be able to take responsibility at this time,” Hakeemullah said. Suicide bombings have intensified this year as the military pursues offensives against Taliban strongholds across the northwest. The past three months have seen a fierce surge in attacks, including a suicide bombing on October 28 in a Peshawar market killing 125 people.

daily times monitor

He was talking to CNN with his sattelite phone and US did not traced his location :hitwall:
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