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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

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Pakistan troops retake Taliban stronghold in Waziristan
Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:38am EDT
By Hafiz Wazir

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan, Oct 24 (Reuters) - Pakistani forces backed by helicopter gunships and artillery recaptured a strategic town from Taliban militants after fierce fighting, officials said on Saturday.

Kotkai town in South Waziristan has changed hands three times since the army launched a major offensive on Taliban strongholds a week ago, highlighting the difficulty of seizing territorial advantage in the rugged mountains and valleys near Afghanistan.

It is also the birthplace of Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud and the home town of Qari Hussain Mehsud, a senior commander known as "the mentor of suicide bombers".

The offensive is a test of the government's determination to tackle Islamist fundamentalists, and the campaign is being closely followed by the United States and other powers embroiled in Afghanistan's growing conflict.

The militants have responded by stepping up a campaign of suicide bomb attacks and commando raids that have killed more than 150 people and wounded even more in the past three weeks.

Military spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas said security forces entered Kotkai on Friday evening and were now clearing the area. Government troops first took the town on Monday, but the Taliban retook control a day later.

"The place was a stronghold of terrorists, with a majority of households turned into bunkers," he told a news conference, adding that militants were abandoning their weapons and shaving their beards to try to blend in with ordinary civilians and avoid capture.

Abbas said the military was ahead of schedule on the offensive but the terrain meant operations were going to slow down.

Tens of thousands of people have fled their homes in South Waziristan but aid officials do not expect the exodus to become a humanitarian crisis, as did a similar offensive in the Swat Valley earlier this year.

The rise in urban attacks by militants is taking a toll, however, with the country's stock market -- which has performed well this year after a slump in line with global markets -- dropping 6 percent in a week.

Analysts have warned of the possibility of more attacks as the militants come under pressure in South Waziristan, with the Taliban hoping bloodshed and disruption will cause the government and ordinary people to lose their appetite for the offensive.

A suicide bomber killed eight people outside a key airforce facility on Friday. Hours later, a car bomb outside a restaurant in the northwestern city of Peshawar wounded 15 people.

Remote and rugged South Waziristan, with its rocky mountains and patchy forests cut through by dry creeks and ravines, has become a global hub for militants who flit between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

A missile believed fired from a U.S. predator drone aircraft on Saturday killed at least 15 militants at a senior Taliban commander's hideout in the neighbouring tribal area of Bajaur, a government official said.

"All of them are militants, including foreigners," a senior government official, who declined to be identified, told Reuters.

He said the commander, Maulvi Faqir, narrowly escaped, but two of his relatives were killed.

About 28,000 soldiers are battling an estimated 10,000 hardcore Taliban, including about 1,000 tough Uzbek fighters and some Arab al Qaeda members.

In the last 24 hours, Abbas said 21 militants and three soldiers had been killed in Waziristan.

Foreign journalists are not allowed anywhere near the battle zone and it is dangerous even for Pakistani reporters to visit, so independent confirmation of casualty figures is difficult to obtain.

Pakistan troops retake Taliban stronghold in Waziristan | Reuters
Taking terrority is easy, given the overwhelming conventional superiority of the Pakistan Army. But will the PA be able to effectively hold on to that territory!!

The British faced this dilema - they could take territory but could never hold on to it. Given the terrain, people and the situation in these areas i dont think that the PA will succeed where the Brits failed.
Taking terrority is easy, given the overwhelming conventional superiority of the Pakistan Army. But will the PA be able to effectively hold on to that territory!!

The British faced this dilema - they could take territory but could never hold on to it. Given the terrain, people and the situation in these areas i dont think that the PA will succeed where the Brits failed.

IMO the Taliban wants to take the fight to the hills hoping that they would demoralise the army with huge losses as they are known to have inflicted severe losses to the allies in Afghanistan when they retreated and were pursued in the hills. Maybe they are hoping for the same thing in Pakistan. Hopefully PAF will bomb their ***** before sending in the army to finish the job
IMO the Taliban wants to take the fight to the hills hoping that they would demoralise the army with huge losses as they are known to have inflicted severe losses to the allies in Afghanistan when they retreated and were pursued in the hills. Maybe they are hoping for the same thing in Pakistan. Hopefully PAF will bomb their ***** before sending in the army to finish the job

They have been forced to go to mountains, winter is coming, before winter most of the plains & big towns will be taken & once they are in Hills they will be bombed plus severe cold will ensure that they all DIE...
In the end i think its better if they are stranded in mountains...
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I am not saying eight (8) specific numbered divisions, but the equivalent of eight divisions or possibly more.

Yes brother I understand that FC, ATF, ANF, ASF are paramilitary organizations and not part of the Regular Army. The distinction is a bit eroded because the Officer cadres are mostly on secondment or TDY from the Army. They are bonafide part of the security apparatus, our poor nation groaning under malnutrition and poverty is paying for their wages, equipment, and deployment. All of the above assets are supposed to be available during a full scale war against a Real enemy.

Just look around, we have ended up being a nation of Chowkidars and Security Guards. Soldiers of various denominations and uniform colors guarding gates, parameters, rail tracks, highways, bridges, offices, banks, Army garrisons, airports, hordes of VIP’s …. And then to top it up we engage in operations on our own soil to keep the US in great humor.

My greatest concern is that should a REAL enemy decide to mow us down in this hour of vulnerability we have little resources left for a credible defense. Army Aviation and Air Force assets are being stretched to limits. Big Boss USA is paying lip service without a substantial meaningful aid.

If conventional forces are weak, Nuclear deterrent does not work very well.
US aiding South Waziristan offensive

* US drones providing intelligence, surveillance videos to support Pakistan Army in Waziristan

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: US drones are providing intelligence and surveillance videos to support the Pakistan Army’s offensive in South Waziristan, the Los Angeles Times reported on Friday.

It said it was the first time Islamabad had accepted such assistance, which marked the “deepest American involvement yet in a Pakistani military campaign”.

The assistance includes images from armed drones, which officials say are being used exclusively for intelligence gathering in the operation. Officials were quoted as saying that provision of such information filled gaps in Islamabad’s spying arsenal and “helps show how the Obama administration intends to intensify pressure on insurgents in Pakistan”.

According to the paper, the US cooperation also reflected a significant shift for Pakistan, which had previously resisted US offers to deploy drones in support of its military operations.

“We are coordinating with the Pakistanis,” a senior US military official was quoted as saying. “And we do provide Predator support when requested.” The US and Pakistan have been sharing information from Predator flights for months, but until now, Pakistanis have not accepted help for their major military operations. The use of military drones for intelligence gathering is a separate mission from drone strikes that target the Taliban in the Tribal Areas.

Over the last 18 months, missile strikes from drones have killed at least 13 senior Al Qaeda or Taliban operatives.

But still, the US assistance is a scandalous issue for Pakistani government, that fears the existing anti-Americanism among the people might rise to levels beyond control.

A senior US defence official told LA Times that US and Pakistani interests were closely intertwined in the Waziristan offensive.

“The Pakistanis are getting more and more serious about the militant threat,” he said. “You are going to see more sharing as trust develops and assurance develops that they are using the information for effective operations against Al Qaeda and the Taliban.” A Pakistani military official acknowledged the intelligence cooperation to the paper, saying the US was helping to provide a “composite picture” of the enemy and the terrain in which it is embedded.

He claimed the offensive followed high-level talks between US and Pakistani military leaders.

While the White House deliberates over US Gen Stanley McChrystal’s recommendation to send up to 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan, the Obama administration is also giving serious thought to how to provide more effective assistance to Pakistan.

The Times said the US administration was moving towards re-balancing its focus between Afghanistan and Pakistan and key civilian and military leaders, led by US Vice President Joe Biden, argue that Pakistan received insufficient US attention and resources.

Frederick Kagan, a defence analyst at the American Enterprise Institute, said helping Pakistan retake South Waziristan was vital both to the stability of Pakistan and to the US campaign against Al Qaeda.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
My sincere and hearfelt mubarak to every member of the forum and more importantly, the Pak military for this remarkable operation. They have once again displayed their courage.

Lets all pray for the final success our army needs to rid us of the Zaliman and their allies to make Pakistan secure, moderate and prosperous.

May success be with our men.
We must remember that the Pakistani army has snow/winter conditions experience. Remember Kargil? And the Sianchen Glacier stand off? We lost less troops than India pre '99 (India: 3 Deaths every other day - Pakistan: 1 Death every other day). The death rates for both sides has decreased since then a lot I think. I haven't seen any figures for after '99.
The only other example of such “coordination” dates back to the Vietnam War, between the US forces and the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN). It all began in 1965 as tactical reconnaissance support to the South Vietnamese troops fighting the communist Vietcong.

ARVN reached peak strength of about 500,000. On 30 April 1975 ARVN collapsed.

Taking US help for waging war on its soil against a few Kalashnikov wielding crazies is against the dignity of our Armed Forces. OK, agreed this is a US war that we happen to be fighting free of charge ……… KUCH TO MERE PINDAR MOHABBAT KA BHARAM RAKH
The only other example of such “coordination” dates back to the Vietnam War, between the US forces and the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN). It all began in 1965 as tactical reconnaissance support to the South Vietnamese troops fighting the communist Vietcong.

ARVN reached peak strength of about 500,000. On 30 April 1975 ARVN collapsed.

Taking US help for waging war on its soil against a few Kalashnikov wielding crazies is against the dignity of our Armed Forces. OK, agreed this is a US war that we happen to be fighting free of charge ……… KUCH TO MERE PINDAR MOHABBAT KA BHARAM RAKH
you must be burning inside out thinking and knowing that our brave PA soldiers are killing your terrorist suicide bombers and destroying their terror hub. Just how your TTP brothers thump their chest on each suicide bombing in Pakistan, now it's our turn to cheer Pak Army's victories. And no matter how much TTP supporters and sympathisers like you wail and scream atrocities of Muslim army against Muslims, know this that your lies will fall on deaf ears. You won't be able to decieve the people of Pakistan anymore. Your terrorist brothers will be destroyed in every form and every part of Pakistan. The blood of innocents that your brothers have played with so mercilessly will not go in vein, remember this.
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Zindabad Meray Sherdil Jawano , so these cowardly terrorists are now deserting and tyring to flee , the hunt is more fun when the prey starts to run

Given them the 'coup de grâce' and end their misery once and for all.

The Operation Rah-e-Nijat is going pretty good. Inshallah, the militants will get what they all deserve. Reports are coming that some of them are trimming their beard to distance themselves from the more committed militants. They are defeated and they know it.
Taking terrority is easy, given the overwhelming conventional superiority of the Pakistan Army. But will the PA be able to effectively hold on to that territory!!

The British faced this dilema - they could take territory but could never hold on to it. Given the terrain, people and the situation in these areas i dont think that the PA will succeed where the Brits failed.

the FC and Army have many soldiers that belong to the area, so they know the language and customs. On top of that, Army has a fair share of informants on the ground. Britishers didn't have that luxury, because the Waziri tribes were fiercely anti-britisher, whereas most of the tribes are pro-Army and anti-ttp.

it is silly to compare Pakistan Army with britisher army.

For the record, the Army is mainly going after foreigner militants --especially Uzbeks/Afghan/Arabs. If you follow the news, then you will know that in the past 48 hours over 20 foreigner terrorists were killed and roughly 90 were arrested in different Provinces.

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