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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

PAF chief vows continued support to Army in eliminating SWA terrorists

ISLAMABAD, Oct 22 (APP): Pakistan Air Force will continue its support to Pakistan Army to eliminate terrorists in South Waziristan Agency, Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman said Thursday.

Addressing the airmen during a visit to a PAF operational base actively engaged in Operation Rah e Nijat, Air Chief Marshal Qamar said, “PAF is proud of its airmen involved in discharging their duties in Operation Rah e Nejat.”

He appreciated the high state of morale and motivation of all personnel and showed his satisfaction on the results achieved by them in the operations.

He said PAF is providing photographs and imageries of the area of operations and striking the targets identified by the Army.

The Chief of Air Staff reiterated that PAF will continue to plan the operations carefully to avoid collateral damage.

He stayed with the Airmen for sometime and saw them prepare the aircraft for the missions. He also saw video clips of the attacks on the militants and appreciated their accuracy.
I just heard on the news that all the news and footage coming out of the battle zone is coming from the military. They say they are winning when really the taliban are holding them off.
I just heard on the news that all the news and footage coming out of the battle zone is coming from the military. They say they are winning when really the taliban are holding them off.

Good for you, :yahoo:

One more believing like that won't make any difference.

At least we are much better performing then the ISAF or NATO or the US forces & have the courage to take on the Taliban stronghold, while the above 3 mentioned occupational forces can't even find one in Afghanistan.

Keep hearing & reading those news sources. :cheers:
I just heard on the news that all the news and footage coming out of the battle zone is coming from the military. They say they are winning when really the taliban are holding them off.

ok fair enough after all they are defending their dead leader's "bastion" but for how long !!!
Terrorists plan attacks on army convoys in Punjab, NWFP

Aaj Kal Report

LAHORE: The Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) and Al Qaeda are planning to attack army convoys in Rawalpindi, Kharian, Multan and Okara cantonments in addition to hitting important targets in Kohat, Bunnu and Dera Ismail Khan.

According to recent intelligence reports, the decision to attack the army convoys was taken by TTP chief Hakeemullah Mesud and Al Qaeda commander Sheikh Sultan in a meeting sometime ago.

At least 15 terrorists have been sent to Punjab for attacks and another 10 to attack targets in NWFP.

Separately, the Home Ministry has sent a circular to the home departments of the four provinces, warning of terrorist attacks. The terrorists are also planning attacks on army convoys in north and south Waziristan.
Clinton vows US support for Pakistan’s ‘courageous’ fight

Thursday, 22 Oct, 2009

‘The United States is hoping to be a good partner for not just the Government of Pakistan, but more importantly, the people of Pakistan,’ said the US secretary of state.

WASHINGTON: As Pakistan pushed its battle against militant stronghold in South Waziristan amid continuing retaliatory terrorist attacks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voiced US solidarity and support for the nation’s ‘courageous’ anti-terror fight.

Speaking at US Institute of Peace, Clinton also noted that the recent terrorist attacks against government and military targets do not pose a threat to Pakistan’s nuclear command and control or access.

‘We don’t think that those attacks pose a threat to the nuclear command and control or access.’

‘We have been reassured about the security of the nuclear weapons stockpiles and facilities. But it is obviously a matter that we are watching very closely,’ she said in reply to a question about nuclear safety and the threat of proliferation in the wake of last week’s deadly attacks in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

Washington, she said, remains in touch with Islamabad over these issues.

Clinton’s remarks came as Pakistanis braved an unprecedented wave of terrorist bombings to fight a high-stakes battle against militants in the tribal area of South Waziristan bordering Afghanistan, where the US-led forces are struggling to contain an expanding Taliban insurgency.

‘We are supporting the Pakistani Government in their courageous efforts against these extremists, which, to us, is one of the most important steps they can take to make sure that these questions that you raise are going to be answered satisfactorily.’

In answer to another question, the top US diplomat said the Obama Administration saw the ultimate passage of the $7.5 billion five-year economic assistance package, called Kerry Lugar Bill, as a ‘great milestone in our relationship.’

‘I believe we have gone a long way in answering and putting to rest a lot of those misperceptions. As you know, Foreign Minister (Shah Mahmood) Qureshi made a special trip here last week and met with members of Congress, certainly Senator (John) Kerry and Congressman (Howard) Berman and others, to make clear what the intent of the legislation was. And on his recent trip in the region, Senator Kerry, in between helping us very significantly answer concerns raised in Afghanistan, made a trip to Islamabad where he reiterated our approach.’

Clinton said the US will try to do a good public diplomacy job in responding to misperceptions about its position on various issues and underlined that the ‘United States is hoping to be a good partner for not just the Government of Pakistan, but more importantly, the people of Pakistan.’—APP
Advancing troops besiege Kotkai

By Sailab Mehsud

Friday, 23 Oct, 2009

A soldier mans a machine gun during a battle between security forces and Taliban in the South Waziristan region in this image taken from a video grab released by the Pakistan army on October 21, 2009.

Troops advance to clear heights surrounding Kotkai.

LADDAH: Security forces besieged the militant stronghold of Kotkai in South Waziristan after fierce clashes on Thursday.

Officials said seven militants and five soldiers were killed in gunbattles in Sherwangei, Nawazkot and areas around Kotkai, the hometown of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan chief Hakimullah Mehsud.

According to sources, security forces have launched the second phase of operation Rah-i-Nijat.

Officials claimed to have killed over 100 militants during the operation which started on Saturday. Around two army divisions backed by military planes and helicopters are taking part in the operation.

Security forces are reported to have advanced 3kms from Mendana and set up a checkpoint in Sheenwam. The troops are facing heavy resistance from militants who are occupying hilltops.

After besieging Kotkai, troops started a search operation in the area which has a population of about 5,000.

According to independent sources, about 300 houses have been destroyed or damaged by air strikes and artillery shelling in the area between Spinkai Raghzai and Kotkai. Officials did not confirm the report.

Militant spokesman Qari Hussain denied involvement of the banned TTP in Tuesday’s suicide bombings at the International Islamic University in Islamabad and an explosion in Peshawar’s Khyber Bazaar.
Waziristan musician prays for Taliban defeat

Friday, 23 Oct, 2009

‘I recite from the Holy Koran every morning and pray for the success of the military operation and when they are defeated I will buy another rubab’: musician Mohammad Akbar.

Mohammad Akbar says he prays every day for the Pakistani army to crush the Taliban so he can make sweet music once more without fearing for his life.

‘They smashed it into pieces and warned me of serious consequences if I ever played it again,’ said Akbar as he recalled the day two years ago that the Islamists forced him to give a recital of his rubab — a traditional lute-like instrument that is popular in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

‘I recite from the Holy Koran every morning and pray for the success of the military operation and when they are defeated I will buy another rubab,’ he said.

The 39-year-old was speaking in the dusty town of Dera Ismail Khan where he fled with his wife and seven children to escape a major offensive by the army against the Tehrik-i-Taliban in neighbouring South Waziristan.

While those living in Pakistan’s semi-autonomous tribal belt are fiercely protective of their independence from the federal government, the Islamist militants have alienated many with their hardline edicts, such as a ban on music.

‘The Taliban cannot be our friends,’ said Akbar, as he recalls incidents of flogging and beheading of those who fell foul of the extremists.

Akbar looked visibly distressed as he spoke about his ordeal which started two years ago when a Taliban delegation turned up at his home, following a tip-off from one of his neighbours.

Not knowing they were from the Taliban, he served them tea, played his rubab and sang for them in his living room.

And then they grabbed the instrument and smashed it.

‘It was a warning from them. I was forced to stop playing an instrument that I started playing in 1981,’ he said.

Islamic extremists have blown up hundreds of music and DVD shops in the troubled North West Frontier Province (NWFP), calling the practices against the tenets of Islam.

Shop owners were forced to display the pro-Taliban material which ranged from tirades against the United States to gruesome clips of beheadings and bomb attacks.

Tears rolled down Akbar’s cheeks as he talked about one of his very close friends Ahmad Shah, whom he says was executed by Taliban for playing the flute.

‘They slit his throat because he ignored their warning,’ said Akbar.

The musician also recalled his childhood friendship with Qari Hussain, a reputed mass trainer of suicide bombers whose home town is now surrounded by the army, saying that Hussain also did not like his hobby of playing the rubab.

When he confronted Hussain, who returned to South Waziristan in 2007 after living for years in Karachi, about the Taliban’s behaviour, he received an icy reply.

‘I went to him to lodge complaint but he asked me to be thankful to God that they did not kill me on his request,’ he said.

Akbar is one of the recipients of an official allowance of 5,000 Pakistani rupees (60 dollars) the government is giving to each family displaced by the fighting in South Waziristan.

‘It means I can now afford to buy another rubab,’ he said. —AFP
Six Uzbuks among 13 terrorists killed, two soldiers martyred in South Waziristan operation: ISPR

PESHAWAR Oct 23 (APP): As many as 13 terrorists have been killed while six were apprehended during security forces’ operation Rah-e-Nijat in last 24 hours in South Waziristan Agency.“Two soldiers also embraced shahadat and seven were injured,” an ISPR statement here Friday said.On Jandola * Sararogha Axis, on securing Tor Ghundai feature, security forces after intense engagement have fully secured important feature of Shishamwam.This important height is behind Kotkai village thereby Seiging Kotkai village from the east. During engagements seven terrorists were killed while one soldier embraced shahadat and two were injured.

Security forces also recovered one Vickers machine gun, one rocket launcher along with three rockets, two Kalashnikovs along with 300 rounds, one sniper rifle, one hand grenade, 2 Mukhabra communication sets and books in Uzbek language.

On Shakai-Ladha Axis, after securing Sherwangi and surrounding heights security forces have advanced further and secured Chalwasti village on main Shakai-Kaniguram-Ladha Axis. Troops are in the process of securing heights along the axis.

Terrorists are on the run but are firing rockets from different locations on the advancing forces. During operation, 6 Uzbeks have been killed including a local commander. During exchange of fire one soldier embraced shahadat and 5 were injured.

On Razmak Axis, Terrorists fired 10 rockets and 4 mortar rounds from different directions at Razmak Camp, which was effectively responded.

In DI Khan and Tank districts, security forces apprehended six terrorists at check- posts during search at DI Khan and Tank.

About operation at Rah-e-Rast in Swat-Malakand, security forces apprehended 15 suspects from different areas of Swat like Chak Daulat, Sariath Sar near Miandam and Mangaltan.

Seven terrorists voluntarily surrendered to security forces in area around Mingora. During search and clearance operation three terrorists were killed near Nijigram at Talang.

Regarding relief activities at DI Khan and Tank, reportedly 593 dislocated families from Waziristan have moved to D I Khan through Zhob. As many as 8,296 IDP families have been registered, since October 13, 2009. As many as 5,573 cash cards distributed amongst the IDPs families of DI Khan and Tank.
Rawalpindi - October 23, 2009:

1. South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat.

In last 24 hours, 13 terrorists have been killed while 6 were apprehended during Security forces operation in SWA. Security forces losses are 2 soldiers embraced shahadat and 7 were injured. Details of operations are as follows:-

a. On Jandola – Sararogha Axis

(1) On securing Tor Ghundai feature, security forces after intense engagement have fully secured important feature of Shishamwam. This important height is behind Kotkai village thereby Seiging Kotkai village from the east. During engagements 7 terrorists were killed while 1 soldier embraced shahadat and 2 were injured.

(2) Security forces also recovered 1 Vickers machine gun, 1 Rocket launcher along with 3 rockets, 2 Kalashnikovs along with 300 rounds, 1 sniper rifle, 1 hand grenade, 2 Mukhabra communication sets and books in Uzbek language.

b. On Shakai - Ladha Axis.

After securing Sherwangi and surrounding heights security forces have advanced further and secured Chalwasti village on main Shakai-Kaniguram-Ladha Axis. Troops are in the process of securing heights along the axis. Terrorists are on the run but are firing rockets from different locations on the advancing forces. During operation, 6 Uzbeks have been killed including a local commander. During exchange of fire 1 soldier embraced shahadat and 5 were injured.

c. Razmak Axis.

Terrorists fired 10 rockets and 4 mortar rounds from different directions at Razmak Camp, which was effectively responded.

d. DI Khan and Tank.

Security forces apprehended 6 terrorists at check posts during search at DI Khan and Tank.

2. Relief Activities - DI Khan and Tank.

a. Reportedly 593 dislocated families from Waziristan have moved to D I Khan through Zhob.

b. 8,296 IDP families have been registered, since 13th October 2009.

c. 5,573 cash cards distributed amongst the IDPs families of DI Khan and Tank.


KIT Over n Out :victory::pakistan::sniper::guns:
I wounder who deeply they have penetrated in other parts of the country. I think it happened due to blunder of Zardari of announcing SWA operation prematurely when army was not ready and prepared for it.

So far developments over actual battle filed have been satisfactory but on the other hand terrorists attacks in big urban centers are real pain in the neck for the moment.

I think it is time to remove Rehman Malik from his seat. A man who can't even protect capital of Pakistan and who is so keen of showing off, after every blast in country, along with huge protocol motorcade.
only 200 kills so far from the first week of operation
i wonder how much months it will take to create a death toll of all 10000 militants..........!
only 200 kills so far from the first week of operation
i wonder how much months it will take to create a death toll of all 10000 militants..........!

Well these are the confirmed kills which happen in face to face fighting reported by troops or through their communication intercepts.

The casualties happening in air strikes or artillery strikes are in addition to it.
I wounder who deeply they have penetrated in other parts of the country. I think it happened due to blunder of Zardari of announcing SWA operation prematurely when army was not ready and prepared for it.

So far developments over actual battle filed have been satisfactory but on the other hand terrorists attacks in big urban centers are real pain in the neck for the moment.

I think it is time to remove Rehman Malik from his seat. A man who can't even protect capital of Pakistan and who is so keen of showing off, after every blast in country, along with huge protocol motorcade.

RM was also security officers of late Benazir. look what happened to her. Zardari should have not appointed a man, who could not protect his wife, to the important position of protecting Pakistan.

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