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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

"Just a patriotic thug blabbering to support his country's illegal policies!
Thats all you are and you can offer!"

Tell that to the other 40+ nations and Afghans under daily attack by your proxies. We've a U.N. mandate and the invite of the Afghan government.

You've nothing but an illegal, never elected, and ousted government using your lands for war.

Permitting such aborgates rights of sovereignty but doesn't deny us the right to self-defense from such.

Time-line that.


As if you would have obliged, had it been otherwise :rolleyes:
Let me tell you something.

This S-2 guy knows the actual facts. He is just a proxy of unknowns on Internet. Or I should call this guy a deaf individual as he is being "used" to tell us that what is true!

He is any other individual who cannot listen the cries of the people instead he justifies his country's killings!
"Just a patriotic thug blabbering to support his country's illegal policies!
Thats all you are and you can offer!"

Tell that to the other 40+ nations and Afghans under daily attack by your proxies. We've a U.N. mandate and the invite of the Afghan government.

You've nothing but an illegal, never elected, and ousted government using your lands for war.

Permitting such aborgates rights of sovereignty but doesn't deny us the right to self-defense from such.

Time-line that. If you can't or won't understand such, refrain from my replies. It is the base principle that governs the use of PREDATOR and would be equally applicable should we decide that more onerous means are necessary. Sanctuary is wrong and every nation invested in Afghanistan's future will tell any Pakistani that...

...if they'd listen. You won't. I know that.


How many times are you going to feed us the same BS?

i think a TT answered to your 40+ and the UN mandate bickering quite well, no need to run in circles.

Save it for the Irani forum you joined ;)
Appeal to all Pakistani members

Please ignore S2 continuesly posting anti Pakistan comments

"Just a patriotic thug blabbering to support his country's illegal policies!
Thats all you are and you can offer!"

Tell that to the other 40+ nations and Afghans under daily attack by your proxies. We've a U.N. mandate and the invite of the Afghan government.


damn man like a broken record this guy keeps repeating the same tune over and over AND it's screechy. Haqani network will be dealt with by PA- in time, their hands are too full right now. So get a hold of yourself and Shaaa-d-UP.
"damn man like a broken record this guy keeps repeating the same tune over and over AND it's screechy."

Do something about it. It's the basis of this war. Your proxies on your land making war on forty plus other nations, the afghan people and anything else in your way.

Don't like it? Shoot PREDATOR down. You'll likely be shocked and awed by what comes in its stead.

"damn man like a broken record this guy keeps repeating the same tune over and over AND it's screechy."

Do something about it. It's the basis of this war. Your proxies on your land making war on forty plus other nations, the afghan people and anything else in your way.

Don't like it? Shoot PREDATOR down. You'll likely be shocked and awed by what comes in its stead.


LOL @ forty plus nations.

It's funny and sad that you actually believe the BS you write over and over through some mental gymnastics.

P.S. I have nothing against drone strikes. They get the job. ISI and PA provide intel to CIA for drone targets, GoP supports it unofficially, even the opposition and public opinion to some extent has gone mild. Of course there are people who'll oppose it and it's fine, nothing to get so worked up about.
"LOL @ forty plus nations."

And you've lined-up who, exactly, to support your proxy war?

How many assisted Pakistan against the Soviet Union?

How many now? Nobody laughing about ZERO.

"It's funny and sad that you actually believe the BS you write over and over..."

Don't cry for me. There's no B.S. that I dispense. What's sad but not funny is the delusional veil you wear over yourself to obfuscate fact.

"damn man like a broken record this guy keeps repeating the same tune over and over AND it's screechy."

Do something about it. It's the basis of this war. Your proxies on your land making war on forty plus other nations, the afghan people and anything else in your way.

Don't like it? Shoot PREDATOR down. You'll likely be shocked and awed by what comes in its stead.


Nothing will come
as your a** will be shoved with a broken shovel..
Your step sister Israel knows what we can do if we have nothing left. Tell those 40+ nations to have some sense and stop participating in step child's war.
Your threatening statement can kill us but it cannot stop the natural process. At least we will die as victims not as the culprits!

S-2, I invite you to understand our situation do not stand up for killing people instead try to save them. I know the twin towers fell but see from our eyes...millions of people died!
Can you justify thousands with millions?
I hope you start to understand our situation. We ordinary humans suffer the consequences from both sides...Can't the U.S. with the help of other countries start to talk about peace?
Forget those 40+ slave nations, talk about the world...
Many people died sir..many people
Just think about it from the different angle if you like to...

:usflag: :china:

Sir as a human I sometimes get worry/cry that the way international policies are changing God forbid we see another world war. Sir, I want to have kids just like you have.. a good family..I don't wanna go to the war and kill others and get killed. I have a dream to live! I want to live my life happily in a world of prosperity...
Sir, I hope the U.S. starts to think in another way. Many dreams are attached with their actions...I am one of them...Many American, NATO, ISAF, Pakistani soldiers are suffering on the front lines...Can't we live in peace?
Can you S 2 talk about peace?
I starve to listen "peace" from your mouth. I hope that American people care about others. I hope I live my life happily without any war. Operation Rah i Nijat, American operations etc they have claimed many lives..

I hope you have a heart.
Try to save people!

This message is for all countries and all people!
Pray our dreams dont get shattered by the wars.

This is a volunteer message please don't delete this post or start to rebuttal. Please!
Everyone including me has a dream!
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South Waziristan: Troops foil militant attack on check post in Janata. Militants fired 10 rockets.

Details awaited.
Speaking from your heart, not your head.

Almost Muse-like... think, don't feel. Don't know if you remember but that was his pet peeve with the peeps here.

PREDATOR attacks are the least intrusive means of self-protection available to America on behalf of itself, ISAF, and Afghanistan. If Pakistani lands are to be used to attack Afghanistan in violation of its sovereign obligation, then America will assert its right to self-defense against such.

You meant this right: "PREDATOR attacks are the least intrusive means of protecting Afghanistan available to America."

America is thousands of miles away, it is safe. Nothing has happened after 9/11. A lot of has happened elsewhere because of the US policies elsewhere. So for the time being, let's focus on the Afghans.

Just out of curiosity, how many predator attacks have taken place in the provinces not under the ISAF's forces in Afghanistan?

Don't know the version available in Oregon, but the one freely accessible online states that pre-emptive strikes for self-defense are contraire to it's charter.

"Article 2 of the UN charter states:
1. The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.
2. All Members, in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the present Charter.
3. All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.
4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
5. All Members shall give the United Nations every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with the present Charter, and shall refrain from giving assistance to any state against which the United Nations is taking preventive or enforcement action.
6. The Organization shall ensure that states which are not Members of the United Nations act in accordance with these Principles so far as may be necessary for the maintenance of international peace and security.
7. Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter Vll."

Were you thinking of Article 51: "Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security."

Where's the UNSC resolution for the drone attacks?

Simple premise to understand-with rights come responsibilities.

How about this: with great power comes even greater responsibility.
Pakistan, Tribesmen Reach Security Accord in Taliban War Zone
January 20, 2010, 08:16 AM EST

By Anwar Shakir
Jan. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan’s government reached an agreement to hand back responsibility for maintaining order in the longtime Taliban stronghold of South Waziristan to tribal leaders after a three-month military offensive.
Elders from the Mehsud tribe, which dominates the area, endorsed a government proposal with a unanimous show of hands at a gathering in Tank, the tribal agency’s winter capital. The two sides plan to sign the agreement on Feb. 10.
Mehsud leaders failed to prevent the rise of militancy since the U.S. invaded neighboring Afghanistan in 2001 and removed the Taliban in that country from power. Thousands of Mehsud men joined the Taliban to form the biggest terrorist threat in Pakistan, killing scores of pro-government elders.
Pakistan hopes that cooperation from the tribes will help quell violence that claimed more than 600 lives in nationwide suicide bombings and gun battles since 28,000 troops launched an offensive in South Waziristan in October. It would also pave the way for an eventual military withdrawal.
“First the government has to completely wipe out the terrorists from the area,” said Syed Alam Mehsud, an independent analyst in Peshawar, northwest Pakistan. “Then the tribes will be willing and able to implement the government’s demands.”
Pakistan has said 80 percent of attacks in its cities were planned by Mehsud Taliban. More than 3,000 people were killed in terrorist attacks in the country last year, according to the Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies in Islamabad.

Dispute Resolution

Syed Shahab Ali Shah, the government’s chief representative for South Waziristan who attended the meeting, has held eight gatherings, known as jirgas, on a security deal since Dec. 15. About 550 leaders from the Mehsud tribe, the main clan in the northern half of South Waziristan, were present today.
Jirgas, which take place in the north and west of Pakistan and in Afghanistan, are the traditional Pashtun form of consensus building and dispute resolution. Participants wearing traditional turbans sat in a circle on the ground as a speaker announced the agenda and sought a show of hands to proceed. The end of the jirga was signaled by a prayer by the most senior tribal elder.
In today’s gathering in Tank, the government reiterated that the Mehsuds must hand over 382 wanted militants and agree not to facilitate terrorism. Shah told the gathering that they must not allow foreigners or Pakistanis from outside South Waziristan to enter the tribal agency.

‘Civil War’

“Why can’t the government get the wanted persons themselves,” said Zubair Khan, a professor of international relations at Peshawar University. “Making demands like this will lead to a civil war between factions of the Mehsud tribe.”
The tribes will need to raise an army of fighters to resist militants, Shah said in an interview. The army and paramilitary troops will stay in South Waziristan “to protect the tribes and help reconstruct” the region, army spokesman Athar Abbas said earlier. “We will facilitate the tribal army when needed.”
The central bank said this month the nation may miss its fiscal deficit target of 4.9 percent of gross domestic product this year because of war expenses. Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin has said the cost of battling militants in northwest tribal areas bordering Afghanistan is rising.
The Mehsuds will be responsible for any militant activities in South Waziristan under a special law governing the region that dates back more than 100 years, Shah said. They will also be required to hand over all heavy weapons including rocket launchers and anti-aircraft guns.
Under the 1901 Frontier Crimes Regulation, tribes are collectively responsible for any criminal acts in territory under their control. The three main factions of the Mehsud tribe dominate different areas of South Waziristan.

Return Refugees

There are an estimated 20,000 fighters in the federally administered tribal areas, of which 5,000 are in South Waziristan, according to Pakistan’s army.
“We have accepted the demands in principle,” Salahuddin Khan Mehsud, general secretary of the Mehsud Peace Committee said in an interview before the jirga. “The difficulty for us is that we are refugees right now and until we return home it’s very difficult for us to meet these conditions. We need time.”
As many as 500,000 refugees from the Mehsud area of South Waziristan are living in Dera Ismail Khan and Tank, according to the government. Troops have cleared 80 percent of South Waziristan from militants and refugees will return within two months, according to the army.

--Editors: Naween A. Mangi, Mark Williams.

To contact the reporter on this story: Anwar Shakir in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan at +92-966-714- 532 or ashakir@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephen Foxwell at +91-22-6633-9026 or sfoxwell@bloomberg.net.

Pakistan, Tribesmen Reach Security Accord in Taliban War Zone - BusinessWeek

below the belt!:cheers:

How about this: with great power comes even greater responsibility:cheers:
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