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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

"...i shall shed more light on it [OBL Confession Video] when i get some time."

Doc, there's little point. OBL's charge sheet from the FBI indicates that 9/11 is superfluous to America's allegations against him.

"try not to bore me with these State Department's tag lines that you have been posting here"

I see no tag-lines from the State Department but I do see links to HRW and UNODC on my previous post to you. I'll bear your concerns in mind so long as you try not to bore me by repeating urban myths about the moral taliban and opium in lieu of available and clear facts.

That's exceedingly tiresome ground that I've walked here too often with those lacking your eminent academic qualifications. I wouldn't have expected needing to do such with you also. I hope I won't have such need in our future discussions.

"...i have been bashing everyone including my own gov and its policies..."

Hopefully your "bashing" will subside allowing more focus on serious content and less on polemics. There are important issues that I'd be happy to discuss when you're REALLY ready for serious engagement. Others here whose knowledge I admire like Blain2, A.M., Fatman17, Araz, PAFAce, Niaz, and Muse (should he ever rear his head again) might even engage were that so.

Rare are those debates here.

Save your energy for the really important matters...like dating Jeypore's avatar.

Please enjoy your weekend as well.

US special envoy says Taliban's ruthlessness is beginning to backfire in Swat valley
APPublished: 00:00 January 17, 2010
Kabul: The brutality of Taliban attacks in northwest Pakistan has cost the militants public support, the US special envoy to the region said on Saturday.
Richard Holbrooke, making his sixth trip to Afghanistan in the past year, said the ruthlessness of militants like Hakimullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban, is beginning to "backfire" on the extremist network's operation in the Swat valley.
Holbrooke, who visited the Swat valley a few days ago, cited Swat's notorious Taliban leader Maulana Fazlullah whose radio broadcasts long spread fear among residents of the valley and Mehsud, the apparent target of a US air strike on Thursday.
"I feel that the extremists ... have overshot their mark," Holbrooke said. "I think that brutality with which they approach Swat has now backfired."
The death of Mehsud would be a victory for the United States and Pakistan in their fight against Islamist militants.

Mehsud was seen on a recent video sitting cross-legged next to the Jordanian militant who killed seven CIA employees in a suicide attack in December in eastern Afghanistan.

Mehsud's Tehrik-e-Taliban movement, which is linked to Al Qaida and the Taliban across the border in Afghanistan, has also claimed responsibility for scores of bloody suicide bombings in Pakistan in recent months against military, civilian and government targets.
It's not certain that Mehsud lived through the US air strike, but three Pakistani intelligence officials and four militants told The Associated Press that Mehsud was not among the dead.
"I've heard every conceivable version of what's happened to him, and I don't know," Holbrooke told reporters at the US Embassy in the Afghan capital of Kabul. "But if he's still alive, he's one of the worst people on earth — one of the most vicious."
"I don't know what his status is. We've heard all the rumours, and we're just going to sit back and let it develop, but I do want to stress how strongly we feel about this man and that group."

gulfnews : Brutal attacks erode support for militants in Pakistan
No 23/2010-ISPR Dated: January 16, 2010

South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat. Details of the operations of last 24 hours are as follows:-

a. Jandola Sector

(1) Terrorists fired with small arms and rockets at security forces check post near Ahmedwam, which was effectively responded.
(2) Security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Hassan Khel, Bannu, apprehended 2 suspected terrorists and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

b. Shakai Sector

(1)Security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Kaniguram, Sultana and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

c. Razmak Sector

(1) Terrorists fired rockets on a check post near Pash Ziarat, which was efffectivley responded.
(2) Security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Tora Tiza near Makeen and cleared 16 compounds.

d. Relief Activities

29,831 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan

:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN
RAWALPINDI, Jan 16 (APP): Security forces also conducted search and clearance operation at Hassan khel Banuu and apprehended two suspected terrorits and recovered cache of arms and ammunition in operation Rah-e-Nijat

On Jandola sector, terrorists fired with small arms and rockets at security forces check post near hmedwam, which was effectively responded.

On Shakai sector, security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Kaniguram, Sultana and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

Terrorists fired rockets on a check post near Pash Ziarat, which was efffectivley responded on Razmak sector.

Security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Tora Tiza near Makeen and cleared 16 compounds.

Security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Tatai, Yakhtangi Kandao near Malam Jabba, Malam, Gut Paiza, Asharai and recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition.

One terrorist voluntarily surrendered to security forces at Zarra Khela.
As many as, 29,831 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan.
"And do not worry too much about S-2 He's just another..........,"

another..., guy who's forgotten more than you'll likely ever know?:agree:

"...probably sits in the room next door to the 'Drone Operator's in Langley Virginia."


Thank you for considering me worthy of your response – I thought I wud be on your ignore list anyways.
Coming to your filling in the blank spaces for me – I again thank you but that is not what I had in mind and you know it too.
You know really what is wrong with this planet we live on.

‘It is that every American thinks that the sun rises and sets on his Azz’

The above quoted words are not mine but from one of your very own prolofic writers ‘Joe Bageant’ – whom you can readily identify with – blue blooded like you and an Ex- USN officer.
Look up his writings, makes for very interesting read.
I have personally nothing against you nor against any American. The only thing that gets in the way is your scare-mongering and going out of your way to cow down the Pakistanis into submission. It wouldn’t be needless though, if you have an agenda. And I suspect you wudn’t be so persistent unless there are objectives.
Remember, your trying to shape up things in the region is one thing but how it ultimately turns out is quite another.

“That's exceedingly tiresome ground that I've walked here too often…”

I’m relieved to know that you do get tired. Means you’re not a programmed intelligence on automated response as I thought previously.
Three Taliban militants killed in Swat, Waziristan

Islamabad, Jan 17 (PTI) Pakistani security forces killed three Taliban fighters and arrested 19 suspects during their operation in the restive Swat valley and the Waziristan tribal region, the military said today.

Security forces killed a militant during search operations in Shakai sector of Waziristan.

Two more militants were killed during a gun battle that erupted during a search operation at Delai in Swat.

Meanwhile, four suspects were apprehended during a search and clearance operation at Hassan Khel in Jandola sector of Waziristan.

Fifteen more suspects were arrested during operations at several places in Swat. Troops also seized arms and ammunition from the suspects.

Troops also beat back three attacks by the Taliban in Jandola, Shakai and Razmak sectors of Waziristan.

The military said security forces "effectively responded" to these attacks though there were no reports of casualties.

Source : fullstory
Dont wait for me to give you all. use your own imagination as well.

of course i will like to see TTP thoroughly dealt with.

After that i will want to see all local population sterilized and brought back into the fold.

After that all FATA reverted to provincial control.

Zerdari run over by a 16 wheeler lorry.

Altaf Bhai getting struck by a meteorite on some other planet, cause i wouldn't want anything bad to happen to London.

so on and so forth.............

since all that is not gonna happen in a day ... or not even in a month. so we will have to worry about what we have to do between now and till we neutralise TTP. and till then i will rather have a H.Ullah as TTP leader for above mentioned reasons.

A is for apple
B is for something that starts from B

i would again reiterate that 'willing' to have Hakim as THE leader would not get you further closer to the goals that i have quoted above.

Talking on 'in-between', well there are other likes, wishes and wants that we can discuss around, so let's talk of those.

You need to be careful Doc, we have people around here who suffer from anal-retention :angel:
anal retention, loose stomach, mild forms of undiagnosed schizophrenia, bipolar, the shakes, the shivers, the quivers, the whole works

Hell........i've been suffering from sleepless nights lately. Not due to insomnia though, it's my paranoid german shepherd companion always barking-- keeping a lookout for terrorist outfits and drug smuggler :D

as for Hekimullah Mehsud, he is the incumbent head of organization called TTP. They come, and they will go. It would be interesting if all the stakeholders of Afghanistan were to sit at a round marble table. Many conflicting interests, many conflicting objectives.

I say forget this "Aff-Paks" ....... worry about "Af-Kash."
Troops kill three terrorists in SWA, Malakand operation: ISPR

PESHAWAR, Jan 17 (APP): Three terrorists were killed and several were apprehended during operation Rah-e-Nijat in South Waziristan Agency and Rah-e-Rast in Swat Malakand in last 24 hours, said an ISPR update here Sunday.In Jandola Sector, security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Hassan Khel and apprehended four suspects. Terrorists fired with small arms near Janata, which was effectively responded by the troops.In Shakai Sector, security forces conducted search and clearance operation in Zawar Darman Khel, Shankai - Dargai and killed one terrorist.

Security forces conducted search and clearance operation near Ladha and detected and destroyed an IED. Terrorists fired with small arms in general area Narakai and Ghundai Sar Post Khaisura near Shakai which was effectively responded.

In Razmak Sector, terrorists fired with small arms at security forces near Razmak which was effectively responded. In operation Rah-e-Rast in Swat - Malakand, security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Delai. During encounter with terrorists two terrorists killed.

Security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Darmai near Fatehpur, Sakhra, Gwalerai and Awari near Gwalerai, Dandi Sar near Piochar, Sarbanda near Chuprial, Ugdai, Shamozai Mines, Rangeela near Khazana, Goratai near Barikot, Piran Patto near Dargai, Udigram near Mingora, apprehended 15 suspects while huge cache of arms and ammunition were also recovered.

About relief activities, as many as 29,936 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan.
Four suspects arrested in operation Rah-e-Nijat

ISLAMABAD, Jan 17 (APP): During last 24 hours, security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Hassan Khel and apprehended four suspects in operation Rah-e-Nijat in South Waziristan. On Jandola Sector, terrorists fired with small arms near Janata which was effectively responded by the security forces.

On Shakai Sector, security forces conducted search and clearance operation in Zawar Darman Khel, Shankai - Dargai and killed 1 terrorist. Security forces conducted search and clearance operation near Ladha and detected and destroyed an IED. Terrorists fired with small arms in general area Narakai and Ghundai Sar Post Khaisura near Shakai which was effectively responded.

On Razmak Sector terrorists fired with small arms at security forces near Razmak which was effectively responded.

Security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Delai. During encounter with terrorists two terrorists killed in operation Rah-e-Rast in Malakand.

Security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Darmai near Fatehpur, Sakhra, Gwalerai and Awari near Gwalerai, Dandi Sar near Piochar, Sarbanda near Chuprial, Ugdai, Shamozai Mines, Rangeela near Khazana, Goratai near Barikot, Piran Patto near Dargai, Udigram near Mingora, apprehended 15 suspects while huge cache of arms and ammunition were also recovered.

As many as, 29,936 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan.
Others here whose knowledge I admire like Blain2, A.M., Fatman17, Araz, PAFAce, Niaz, and Muse (should he ever rear his head again) might even engage were that so.

Rare are those debates here.

Save your energy for the really important matters...like dating Jeypore's avatar.

Please enjoy your weekend as well.


Yeah Muse has been gone for far too long...
anal retention, loose stomach, mild forms of undiagnosed schizophrenia, bipolar, the shakes, the shivers, the quivers, the whole works

Hell........i've been suffering from sleepless nights lately. Not due to insomnia though, it's my paranoid german shepherd companion always barking-- keeping a lookout for terrorist outfits and drug smuggler :D

as for Hekimullah Mehsud, he is the incumbent head of organization called TTP. They come, and they will go. It would be interesting if all the stakeholders of Afghanistan were to sit at a round marble table. Many conflicting interests, many conflicting objectives.

I say forget this "Aff-Paks" ....... worry about "Af-Kash."
Side effects of too much PDF :lol:

And what's this Af-Kash?
"Yeah Muse has been gone for far too long... "

He isn't the only one. Nice to see you contributing to the neighborhood.

Ten Taliban militants during clash: military
Monday, 18 Jan, 2010

PESHAWAR: Pakistani troops killed 10 Taliban militants and arrested five others in a clash in the northwestern tribal belt near the Afghan border on Monday, officials said.

The incident occurred in the border town of Lwara Mandi in North Waziristan, a bastion of Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters, a senior military officer said.

“The bodies of the militants have been shifted to a nearby military base along with those captured,” the officer said.

Another officer said the clash occurred when the militants opened fire on a checkpoint near the border.

“Troops retaliated and killed 10 militants,” he said, adding there were no military casualties.

Security officials said they believed the militants were supporters of Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud who reportedly escaped a drone attack in North Waziristan last Thursday. -AFP
Impressed by progress made in Swat: Holbrooke

NEW DELHI: The US special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke said on Monday that he was impressed with the progressmade by Pakistan in Swat.

“I was in Swat a few days ago and I was very impressed with the progress and they have done things in South Waziristan. But there are other issues that we have talked about, which I hope will see more actions,” Holbrooke said talking to newsmen in New Delhi.

Richard Holbrooke met External Affairs Minister S M Krishna, Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao and some top Indian officials and discussed with them the regional situation.

He told newsmen that activities of Taliban in the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) were the “main subject” of discussion with Pakistani leadership during his visit there.

“Of course we have. That was the main subject of our discussion with Pakistan," he said.

When asked about attack in Kabul on Monday, he said it was the handiwork of those who are a “part of extremist groups" operating in the border areas between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“That is what Taliban are. They are part of extremist groups operating in the border areas between Afghanistan and Pakistan and they do these desperate things all the time and India knows all this,” Holbrooke said.

“They are desperate people. They are ruthless and the people who are doing this will certainly not survive this attack nor will they succeed, but we can expect this sort of thing on a regular basis,” he added. -APP

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