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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

What's the progress? How long operation will take to reach its final objectives? Any time frame?
The latest situation around Rasulayn:


Lol, it wanst the female fotomodels of ypg that won over isis, it was US airstrikes.
Weak propaganda here.

Come on , i have no stakes in this.

But there is no escaping the fact that the Kurds in Syria have been getting the bad side of the deal for years now.

First they where persecuted by the Assad"s regimes to the level they where not allowed to use their own language or give their children Kurdish names.

Than they had to fight ISIS ( and don't tell us they did not shed blood for that )

And after a long time they thought finely breeze a little free air , they are now attacked by you.

You muddy the water, you are attacking Syrian kurds and invade Syria unless you say the border is false.

Who wants to break up Syria into pieces, Syrian Kurds want genuine autonomy not independence, a big difference. Now you hypocrites say Assad is bad, his government oppress people, so we support FSA, but now Kurds want same thing, you attack and bomb Kurds civilians?

Even they want independence, that's Syria, who are you to say and attack them under this false pretense, do you attack Catalan people because they want independence from Spain?

Sanctions coming :cheesy:

Sec. Mnuchin announces possible sanctions against Turkey after invasion into northern Syria


LOL Turkey will show a middle finger to Yanks. There is no negotiating on sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Come on , i have no stakes in this.

But there is no escaping the fact that the Kurds in Syria have been getting the bad side of the deal for years now.

First they where persecuted by the Assad"s regimes to the level they where not allowed to use their own language or give their children Kurdish names.

Than they had to fight ISIS ( and don't tell us they did not shed blood for that )

And after a long time they thought finely breeze a little free air , they are now attacked by you.


The Kurds won't get shit. Get used to it.

That guy still thinks rolling on ISIS scums after US airstrikes is the same thing fighting against a real army.

The Kurds have been riding high on US air support. Walking into ISIS areas after US airstrikes is not the same thing as facing Turkish armed forces.

The Indians also thought once they could walk into Pakistan. It is only when Pakistan taught the Indians a lesson on the 27th, which the whole world witnessed, the Indians came to their senses. Now they are buying Rafale fighters left and right to save face.

This is my advice to Turkish political and armed forces. Mincemeat the PKK until nothing is left. The West is using the PKK like they are using various other ethnic and secterian groups to do their bidding.

The same thing is happening in Pakistan with BLA and PTM. The West supports such groups and provides refuge to their higher ups in their lands to apply pressure on an entire nation. Pakistan will also one day come to the same conclusion that nothing is more sacred than sovereignty and territorial integrity. No amount money and free trade deals come close to securing your land. You have to demolish any groups that the West can use as a leverage against you. Put them straight into the ground.

Turkey is on the correct path and that is why they gang up against you. Nothing to sweat for Turkey. Their land, culture and history is the most precious commodity which is worth fighting for.
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