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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

Not sure why people are getting upset that Turkey is establishing a 35KM buffer zone inside Syria.

Who cares. It helps Iran in the fact that once again weakens the Kurds who do nothing but grovel to US/Israel. It helps Syria in the sense it weakens the Kurd in future negotiations and already we see Kurds contacting Syrian government for reconciliation.

For those fake Iranians crying over this “invasion” please see this

Let our Turkish brothers do as they please. In the end it helps us.
Learn history ignorant loser

Turks and Mongols are COUSIN
and most of Army of Chengis Khan were Turkic soldiers

I am saying Iran was ruled by the Turks for over 900 years until 1925
go and cry with your loser persian-kurdish-armenian Pkk/Ypg terrorists


LOL. No, you are not cousins. You are just a bunch of losers raped by Mongols who were forced to change their language and culture and now you're trying so hard to save face by associating yourselves with East Asians. LOL You're just rejects from Greater Iran that lost your culture during the Mongol invasion of Asia. That's all that you are.
LOL. No, you are not cousins. You are just a bunch of losers raped by Mongols who were forced to change their language and culture and now you're trying so hard to save face by associating yourselves with East Asians. LOL You're just rejects from Greater Iran that lost your culture during the Mongol invasion of Asia. That's all that you are.

This is me, now show me you...
View attachment 583769

This is me, now show me you...
See? Point proven. :D :P You forgot to add the challenge code in the photo by the way. :D xD

Anyway, now that you're being all cool and fun about it, you have to know that the reason that the thread was derailed in the first place was because one of you fellow Turks decided to troll Iranians by threatening our national security, which was totally uncalled for.
More wars, more destruction, murder, rape, pillaging and suffering of the people of the region

Another show of cowardliness by the Turks and their lap dogs aka Sunni terrorist extremists spreading the religion of peace and brotherly love( Javan mardanege). Another chapter in this long devastating war and slaughter of poor civilians and people of different belief, and ethnic background. At end, it will be humiliation and defeat for the Turks who are led by the idiot Erdodog.

Senior female Kurdish political leader killed in ambush in Syria
Middle East

Wladimir van Wilgenburg |

October 12-2019 02:11 PM


The Future Syria Party's Secretary-General, Hevrin Khalaf. (Photo: Hawar News Agency)

Syria SDF Turkey Hevrin Khalaf
ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Future Syria Party’s Secretary-General, Hevrin Khalaf, was killed on Saturday when Turkish-backed groups tried to take control of a point on the international M4 road.

“With utmost grievance and sadness, the Syria Future Party mourns the martyrdom of engineer Havrin Khalaf, the General Secretary of Syria Future Party, while she was performing her patriotic and political duties,” the Future Party said in a statement.

Khalaf was reportedly killed when a Turkish-backed group ambushed her on the road to the city of Qamishlo.

“A group of Turkish mercenaries tried to control the M4 road and killed many people, and Hevrin was one of them,” one senior official told Kurdistan 24.

Nobahar Mustafa, the deputy of the co-head of the Future Party in Ain Issa, said the Kurdish politician was traveling from the Jazeera canton to Ain Issa and then to Raqqa before the mercenaries blocked the way at a checkpoint and killed all the people there.

“All the passengers they captured were martyred,” Mustafa told Kurdistan 24.

According to a statement released later in the afternoon by the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), Khalaf was dragged out of the vehicle she was in and summarily executed on the spot.

“She was taken out of her car during a Turkish-backed attack and executed by Turkish backed mercenary factions on the International Road between Qamishlo and Manbij, where her driver who was also martyred,” it read.

“This is a clear evidence that the Turkish state is continuing its criminal policy towards unarmed civilians.”

During a press conference in the city of Qamishlo on Oct. 5, Khalaf stated that the Turkish attempts “to occupy this land in order to defend the Turkish people don’t adjust to reality,” reminding that Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had liberated northeast Syria from terror groups.

“We – all the political forces – reject these threats, especially because they impede our campaign to create a solution for the Syrian crisis,” she stated.

“For this reason, the international community should support the people living on Syrian land to keep the security and not allow the Turkish forces to occupy Syrian land.”

*Syrian liberation not invasion

See? Point proven. :D :P You forgot to add the challenge code in the photo by the way. :D xD

Anyway, now that you're being all cool and fun about it, you have to know that the reason that the thread was derailed in the first place was because one of you fellow Turks decided to troll Iranians by threatening our national security, which was totally uncalled for.
Reported for racism
See? Point proven. :D :P You forgot to add the challenge code in the photo by the way. :D xD

Anyway, now that you're being all cool and fun about it, you have to know that the reason that the thread was derailed in the first place was because one of you fellow Turks decided to troll Iranians by threatening our national security, which was totally uncalled for.
He is a troll. and I saw. I was just having fun. this is all fun for me, when I'm bored.
Is it a good idea for Turkey to make enemies of Saudi, Iran, Israel, Russia and the US?

Last time Turkey came under even threat of sanctions from the US they quickly caved and sent Brunson to USA after watermelon seller Erdodog swore he would never give in to US pressure to return criminal Brunson to the US. That was pragmatic, but pragmatism is the first victim of arrogance, so calm down...

Iran wants to preserve Syrian territorial integrity hence officially opposes Turkey's invasion of Syria and violation of Syria's territorial integrity. Israel is worried that their proxy ally in the Syrian Kurds will be defeated and they will lose an ally. Very different.
An English lad shouldn't be talking about territorial integrity. Sit your arse down, boi
Pathetic loser Persian stop crying and pray for your master British who destroyed Turkic Dynasty in Iran by 1925

Iran was ruled by the Turks for over 900 years until 1925

btw FSA kicked ASSAD Regime+Iran but RUHANI called helping from PUTIN in 2015 to save pathetic ASSAD

without Russian military helping you Persians are loser clowns

Learn about politics

TURKEY has right to be in Syria to fight terrorism ( UN article 51 self defense )

Pathetic Loser Turke Khar who is a second class citizen cabby driver in Germany. Go and run your kabob shop. You soon will not be kissing ***, you will be licking ***.

Tell me , why can't the Russian get us loser Persians to leave Syria? Why can't the Americans get the loser Persians to leave Iraq, Lebanon?

The only loser here is you. Turkey is not a player in Syria. After initially supporting the US/UK/Israel, you switched sides one you saw who has the winning hand in the hopes of getting some benefit and you got a big fat zero.

Enlighten me, what does Turkey control in Syria? Nothing. All the Turkish backed groups were eliminated one after another. You are nothing without NATO. NATO is not going to back Turkey.

As for the Seljuks, they are not your friends or your allies. They never have been. If you want to look at it in a religious context, they are all Shia. We do not have a problem with each other, we marry each other and get along just fine.
He is a troll. and I saw. I was just having fun. this is all fun for me, when I'm bored.
I know. I'm trolling for fun too. Otherwise, I have many Turkish friends and as I said at the beginning of the thread, I strongly support Turkey's operation in Syria because I see it as a positive development for Iran and the region.

Cheers, man.
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