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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone


Once this op is completed, Idlib is next. I feel like this is part of a broader strategy to allow Syrian forces in Idlib without having refugees flooding into Turkey. They’ll just relocate all the refugees to this zone instead.
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Once this op is completed, Idlib is next. I feel like this is part of a broader strategy to allow Syrian forces in Idlib without having refugees flooding into Turkey. They’ll just relocate all the refugees to this zone instead.

Yeah. And after the Idlib operation, there will be no more obstacles to peace. What I'm talking about is a Syria that isn't divided into federations.


There's a box that's not opened yet. Pandora's box. It's about the Deash inmates.

The PKK is not a state just a bunch of terorists. Therefore, other states do not accept prisoners, with using this void.

If this Prisoners, passes into the hands of Turkey: we will start to apply great pressure on this issue.

Or worse, these detainees will be questioned extensively by Turkey or new Syrian Administration. This is one of the biggest fears of France and England.
Im all for pushing Kurds back to were they belong. But Turkey claiming this is self defense is very lame. They just want a piece from the cake too.

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