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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

Turkey's economy will be crushed if it hell bent starting wars and conflicts, especially in neighbourhood

Plus you guys will be in another Vietnam if keeping illegally occupying Syrian lands, the Kurds will fight a good guerrilla war to bleed you out

Chinaman dreams of ever doing a operation in this scale.

Dont you have womens feet to bind along with making endangered animals extinct.
6 civilians including baby killed in YPG attacks on Turkish border towns



6 civilians including 1 baby , 11-12 and 15 years old girls have been killed and 70 others injured in rocket and mortar attacks launched by PKK/YPG terrorists from northern Syria to Turkey's southeastern Şanlıurfa and Mardin provinces

The PKK listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the US , the European Union , Iran has waged a terror campaign against Turkey for more than 30 years, resulting in the deaths of nearly 40,000 people, including women, children and infants

The US , The UK , France , Germany , Israel , Egypt , The Uae , S.Arabia and Iran are murderer of Turkish People

If PKK/YPG have an iota of intelligence they should surrender and should settle for some perks under Ankara.They are fighting a war which they have already lost.

Total number of killed YPG terrorists reached 277.
This thing would widen gap between Turks and Kurds.

You are comparing apples and oranges. Mosul and Raqqa were the ISIS's strongholds and capitals and if the YPG put as much resistance as ISIS did,doubt there would have been any building left standing in Afrin,where the YPG barely opposed resistance. (almost none)
You are comparing apples and oranges. Mosul and Raqqa were the ISIS's strongholds and capitals and if the YPG put as much resistance as ISIS did,doubt there would have been any building left standing in Afrin,where the YPG barely opposed resistance. (almost none)

Some civilians said they were threatened with US-led coalition airstrikes if they failed to leave.

“They pulled us out of our homes and began burning the home… they brought the bulldozers... They demolished home after home until the entire village was destroyed,” said one witness.


the source: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/n...lys-razing-of-villages-amounts-to-war-crimes/

Are you sure?
The PKK has a great international lobby in many countries. They achieve great public support and doing their PR-work better as Turkey.

Only nations that expressed support openly to Turkey this operation are:

- Hungary
- Spain
- Pakistan
- Qatar
- Russia (late public support by Putin and Lavrov, but early support behind doors)

The PKK PR- group are big on social media and they got workgroups and lobbies across Europe and in the US. They are even bigger as the Armenian lobby.

A militairy war is not enough, Turkey should also fight the PKK at the PR battlefield.
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Sarı torbalar akıyor maşallah.

Dead bodies of ypg terorists are flooding
Turks an expert in "population exchange" is doing yet another one again. Kurds will be expelled. The families of Al Nursa, FSA will settle in Kurd land.

Then, Where were the land of 5 million Syrian Arabs who have fled to Turkey ? Do you suppose the areas YPG got control under the support of US is all Kurdish land ? Do you have any idea about total number of Kurd population living in Syria ? Get some research before reaching a conclusion. It is YPG changing the demography of Arabian cities/villages and ruling the Syrian petrol where Kurdish population is almost 0 in those part of Syria. They are doing it with showing force to Arabian population while using a new name called SDF to silence Syrian Arabs. Turkey just helps Syrians to settle on their own homes stolen by terrorists.
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The PKK has a great international lobby in many countries. They achieve great public support and doing their PR-work better as Turkey.

Thanks to CIA who first created the monster then presented PKK to the world as saviors. Then the countries who used PKK against Turkey. All of them polished it as a good guys and long-time victims of war.

Then, Where were the land of 5 million Syrian Arabs who have fled to Turkey ? Do you suppose the areas YPG got control under the support of US is all Kurdish land ? Do you have any idea about total number of Kurd population living in Syria ? Get some research before reaching a conclusion. It is YPG changing the demography of Arabian cities/villages and ruling the Syrian petrol where Kurdish population is almost 0 in those part of Syria. They are doing it with showing force to Arabian population while using a new name called SDF to silence Syrian Arabs. Turkey just helps Syrians to settle on their own homes stolen by terrorists.

Haters remain haters. No matter what evidence and truth you show. Their mind is set to hate Turkey.

You are comparing apples and oranges. Mosul and Raqqa were the ISIS's strongholds and capitals and if the YPG put as much resistance as ISIS did,doubt there would have been any building left standing in Afrin,where the YPG barely opposed resistance. (almost none)

What resistance ISIS did? Coalition carpet bombed whole fvcking city before launching operation. Get your facts right.
Turks an expert in "population exchange" is doing yet another one again. Kurds will be expelled. The families of Al Nursa, FSA will settle in Kurd land.

All of You are expert in lies and propaganda

Kurd land ? stop lying you baby killer terrorists ... the US backed PKK/YPG Terrorists invaded Arab land

The US-The UK , Israel and France backed PKK/YPG Terrorists invade 30% of Syrian territory to destroy Syria's Territory to create so-called Syrian Kurdistan

Kurdish Population is about 5% in Syria ..... but the US backed PKK/YPG Terrorists invaded Arab and Turkmen cities (30% of Syrian territory ) ... and PKK/YPG Terrorists killed thousands of Arabs-Turkmens and forced hundreds of thousands of Arabs-Turkmens to move to Turkey from their lands in N.Syria

now the Turkish Armed Forces has started kicking PKK/YPG Terrorists out of Arab cities
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-The pkk terrorists began to open rpg fire on Turkish border towns without targeting. Video evidences is published on the Internet. Many border towns were evacuated.
-Turkish backed NSA forces have surrounded Tal-Abyad and Ras alAin on all sides and have started entering the two towns.
-Reports of high ranking ypg/pkk commanders fleeing inside Syria with looted dollars.
-Huge column of American armoured vehicles left Syria, through the crossing at Semalka towards Iraq.
-Riots and fires at camp holding Daesh wives and children.
-3 senior field commanders of pkk/ypg were captured alive. His photos and his identities were published.
Most northern Syria, northern Iraq, south eastern Turkey, north western Iran have been kurd home for centuries.

Most northern Syria, northern Iraq, south eastern Turkey, north western Iran have been TURK home for over 900 years .. so what ?

The Kurds have never obtained a permanent nation state in history ... and Most of the Kurds dont support PKK/YPG Terror Organization

Munbij , Telabyad , Rasulayn , Raqqa ,etc have over 90% of Arab population
Kurdish Population is about 5% in Syria ..... but the US backed PKK/YPG Terrorists invaded Arab cities including Munbij , Telabyad , Rasulayn , Raqqa ,etc (30% of Syrian territory )

and PKK/YPG Terrorists killed thousands of Arabs-Turkmens and forced hundreds of thousands of Arabs-Turkmens to move to Turkey from their lands in N.Syria

btw The Kurds are from South India and caves of ZAGROS Mountains in Iran

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