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Operation Khyber IV.


Jan 21, 2013
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Army distances itself from Panama case controversy

Sunday Jul 16 2017

RAWALPINDI: Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor said on Sunday that the army has no direct link with the Panama case Joint Investigation Team (JIT).

Addressing a press conference on the launch of a new military operation in Khyber Agency, the army spokesperson faced a barrage of queries related to the country's political situation despite his repeated refusals to get into any controversy.

In reply to a question, Maj Gen Ghafoor said the members of the JIT worked with honesty and dedication. “It is a sub-judice matter and the Supreme Court will make its decision in the case,” he said.

When asked to comment on reports that the army is part of a conspiracy to remove the government, he said "I don't think this even merits a response. I have shown you what the army is doing".

“It is the duty of every Pakistani to ensure the supremacy of the law and Constitution,” he said in answer to another question.

Operation Khyber-IV

The Pakistan Army announced on Sunday the launch of a new military operation in Khyber Agency.

Maj Gen Ghafoor said the follow-up operation, Khyber-IV, has been launched in Khyber Agency's Rajgal Valley today. He added that the Pakistan Air Force is also involved in the operation.

The DG ISPR informed that the valley, next to the Afghan border, is being used by Daesh and other local militant groups.

A division-plus size force will take part in the operation, he informed, saying that they hope to unilaterally secure the international border, eliminate hideouts and complete the state's complete physical hold on Khyber Agency in the operation.

The army spokesperson also gave a country-wide breakdown of the operations taken as part of Operation Raddul Fasaad (RuF), launched earlier this year, stating that the security situation of the country has improved as a result.

Talking about the situation on the Line of Control, he said so far 580 ceasefire violations have occurred this year — the highest in any year. "This indicates the Indian aim of diverting attention from political upheaval in Indian Occupied Kashmir," he claimed.

The ISPR chief lamented that the Indian army has the choice of opening fire on civilian areas whereas the Pakistan Army cannot do that to Kashmiris across the LoC.

"There will never be any foreign boots on our ground," said Maj Gen Ghafoor when talking about collaborative efforts against terrorism on the Pak-Afghan border.

Referring to the ongoing phase-1 of fencing at the Pak-Afghan border, he said on average there is a fort or check post every 1.5 kilometres.

Replying to a question on Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav's case, DG ISPR said the army chief is reviewing the proceedings of the case and will take a decision on Jadhav's mercy appeal on merit.

In response to another question, Maj Gen Ghafoor stressed that there is no organised Daesh infrastructure in Pakistan and nor will one be allowed. “However, Daesh is getting stronger in Afghanistan but is still far from making a base the way it did in the Middle East.”

He added that splinter groups of TTP adopting the bandwagon of Daesh in Pakistan are already being taken care of by the security forces.

The ISI was not the only institute involved in the Raymond Davis affair, he said when asked to comment on the CIA contractor's book wherein he states former ISI chief Lt Gen (retd) Shuja Pasha orchestrated his release from jail.

Talking about the military courts, he said at present 40 cases are under process. Regarding the 17 terrorists nabbed in Parachinar, he said their case in the military court will be fast-tracked.

COAS message:

At the end of his address, he relayed a message from the army chief: "We are building peace in our country, brick by brick, moving from relative stability towards enduring peace. For this, army shall continue to perform its role in and with support of all other state institutions."

DG ISPR said all state institutions are on one page when it comes to the China Pakistan Economic Corridor.

When asked to comment on a ‘social media campaign against state institutions’, he said “every person has freedom of expression, but any patriot Pakistani cannot be part of any negative campaign against the army”.

"Ehsanullah Ehsan will be proceeded against according to the law," he said when asked about the future course of action with regards to the former TTP terrorist now in army custody.

He stated that the army is prepared to respond to any emergency situation with regards to the monsoon floods.

Army distances itself from Panama case controversy | geo.tv
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India should have similar operations and laws to deal with terrorism. The back bone of the community supporting terrorism will be broken.
Now I am getting fed up what is issue with Khyber agency this is 4th or 5th major operation here still not cleared !!!! What is going on ???
Now I am getting fed up what is issue with Khyber agency this is 4th or 5th major operation here still not cleared !!!! What is going on ???

US and NATO armies were in Afghanistan and yet they failed to finish off the Insurgency there, and you are crying a river about Pakistan launching 4th Operation in same Area ? GTFO
atleast 1700 posts will be constructed on afghan border, about one post after every 1.5 km, i think such an infra will solve this infiltration problem 90% because mass infiltration will not be able to take place and smuggling of weapons will be largely curtailed.
atleast 1700 posts will be constructed on afghan border, about one post after every 1.5 km, i think such an infra will solve this infiltration problem 90% because mass infiltration will not be able to take place and smuggling of weapons will be largely curtailed.


How many troops are in each post 4-5 at one time? How many hours does a single soldier do duty on border with Afghanistan? Which force is used for border protection? Frontier Constabulary or Frontier Corps?
atleast 1700 posts will be constructed on afghan border, about one post after every 1.5 km, i think such an infra will solve this infiltration problem 90% because mass infiltration will not be able to take place and smuggling of weapons will be largely curtailed.

What about underground tunnels?
Khyber Agency hosted some hardcore terrorists and their organizations. We should understand one thing that TTP, LI, JuA, TNSM, TTS and now ISIS are all names of a same fundamentalist mindset which is slaughtering Muslims from last 200 years. Be it a war against Ottomans or Pakistanis. We should address this issue first if we want to end extremism. Some Sunni fighters from Saifi-Naqshbandi school of thought took up arms against Mangal Bagh but forces urged them to retreat which is a chapter in the history of Khyber Agency.

As far as the method of Khyber series operations is concerned, Pakistan Army launches these series based operations to clear the portions of land. Rajgal consists of gateways on Pak-Afghan border which is being used by different kind of smugglers, terrorists and locals to get across the border. This operation will be carried out to eliminate every minor threat in the area and declare it a peaceful piece of land after the fencing.


How many troops are in each post 4-5 at one time? How many hours does a single soldier do duty on border with Afghanistan? Which force is used for border protection? Frontier Constabulary or Frontier Corps?
They should increase the size of Frontier Corps FATA and deploy them with heavy weapons on whole border with 2 divisions of Pak Army on standby to help and supplement them. Same is with FC Baluchistan. In this way we can divert some useful infantry towards Eastern borders. In my personal opinion, we should raise a new Corps and increase the number of troops to 0.7 million plus. Because the needs are increasing and we will be needing more infantry to deploy against multiple threats.
What about underground tunnels?
a survielance combing opp can be done of the border and adjacent areas, thermal optics or something like that to discover tunnels etc....


How many troops are in each post 4-5 at one time? How many hours does a single soldier do duty on border with Afghanistan? Which force is used for border protection? Frontier Constabulary or Frontier Corps?
Dont know about the number of troops but when an incursion is initialy discovered back up can be called for, the main objective is discovery, elimination is the easy part.

The duty is usually in shifts, in that way someone is on duty in a 24 hr cycle.

I think fc does the job there.
They should increase the size of Frontier Corps FATA and deploy them with heavy weapons on whole border with 2 divisions of Pak Army on standby to help and supplement them. Same is with FC Baluchistan. In this way we can divert some useful infantry towards Eastern borders. In my personal opinion, we should raise a new Corps and increase the number of troops to 0.7 million plus. Because the needs are increasing and we will be needing more infantry to deploy against multiple threats.

We don't need to increase troops of FC FATA just to deploy them on border instead we should fence the border powerfully which we are doing.

I don't think increasing active army personnel to 0.7 million is a wise thing instead we should invest more on already present 0.6 million plus active soldiers with modern equipment and utilize them effectively. Remember we have financing issues too.
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