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Operation Eagle Claw

Children are playing on the choper......
Hey we have a fighter plan parked in the central square of Gurdaspur (near Pakistan border).........i also used to play there....
Oh, good. You can dismantle your entire military then. Your terrain and your geographical position will take care of everything.
Back in the revolutionary times we were at the start of building up a new armed force,airforces. Btw, i think its time to blow up some 200 US soldiers again including some Indian mercenaries with it !
Good luck with your military efforts. Presumably this time you will use a rainstorm?
rainstorm of missiles

rainstorm of missiles


Ooh, so scary! You're playing with big boys' toys now, then? And nobody else has them, of course. Or did I forget? Will your terrain and your geography get called in again?

What 200 US soldiers were you referring to in your last comment? Not Eagle Claw, surely? Even you would know the casualty figures there, all due to the brave resistance put up by - err, your sandstorm? Are you pinning up pictures and tearing them down and getting to 200? Or do hitch-hikers come into the body count?
Don't compere Iranian missiles with Indian ones... When Iranian scientist was trying to figure out 2+2, Indian scientist were building nuclear bombs and nuclear capable missiles...

You are wasting your breath. We have a genuine dim bulb to deal with here.

And here we have the Turkish mercenary

Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country

Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country - science-in-society - 18 February 2010 - New Scientist

How could we forget to do this? Destroy everything, then it looks so good when we start building again. Even one brick on top of another.
Ooh, so scary! You're playing with big boys' toys now, then? And nobody else has them, of course. Or did I forget? Will your terrain and your geography get called in again?

What 200 US soldiers were you referring to in your last comment? Not Eagle Claw, surely? Even you would know the casualty figures there, all due to the brave resistance put up by - err, your sandstorm? Are you pinning up pictures and tearing them down and getting to 200? Or do hitch-hikers come into the body count?
Dont they teach history in Indian schools, do you have any or are they Hasbara schools ? lol

1 Word, Beirut. Now go figure it out and dont waste time mr Indian CIA
And here we have the Turkish mercenary

Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country

Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country - science-in-society - 18 February 2010 - New Scientist

Yep, I am zionist controlled Turkish mercanary of Israel, US and India.... Logic at its best...

You stated that you were going to rain missiles on India which is on whole other level than Iran... Your scientific growth means nothing against a country of 1.2 billion people who have the second economical growth in g-20...
So you believe violating another countries territorial integrity with sneaky military operations are all well and fine ?
Infact, we should not have even released those US spies, god knows what for crimes and illegal activities they have done in Iran under protection of Pahlavi.

technically, individuals in your country violated the US sovereignty by holding their embassy staff hostage. There are Geneva Conventions which basically state that the host country has a legal obligation to ensure that embassies (which are viewed as sovereign entities) be protected at all times.

but then again, i understand that the west meddled in Iran's affairs and actually helped steer it AWAY from democracy by supporting a puppet regime

a lot of middle eastern countries arent that crazy for viewing the U.S. or west with some mistrust. Look at their actions in the region since 1915. I've even met Americans who admit that if they were non-American, they wouldnt trust the U.S. one bit!

as for Eagle Claw -- well in terms of logistics and in terms of planning and in terms of having a contingency plan, well they messed up pretty good...proof of that is these pictures which i am seeing above this post
Dont they teach history in Indian schools, do you have any or are they Hasbara schools ? lol

1 Word, Beirut. Now go figure it out and dont waste time mr Indian CIA

No, they don't teach history in Indian schools, largely because there are no Indian schools. What is history, by the way? Something to eat?

And since when did the Iranian military go to Beirut?
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