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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Ambush in Jizan province, Saudi Arabia. Sources say Saudi soldiers ran aways, leaving equipment behind after the first bullet was fired.





Captured guns

thank goodness Pakistan didnt send its soldiers as cannon fodder, we got Daesh knocking at our doors and still have Takfiri wahabi terrorists to deal inside Pakistan.

so GCC, No thankyou. we wont join your atrocious war.
Based on latest reports, General Abdelrahman al-Shahrani, commander of 18th infantry brigade of Saudi army was killed hours ago along some of his troops by Yemeni army in Jizan province, Saudi Arabia.

Should wait for official confirmation.

PS: Confirmed now.

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Based on latest reports, General Abdelrahman al-Shahrani, commander of 18th brigade of Saudi army was killed hours ago along some of his troops by Yemeni army in Jizan province, Saudi Arabia.

Should wait for official conformation.

It seems Saudi Arabia no longer reports losses for fear of worsening morale. RIP if true.

BTW, is Iran going to supply the Yemeni army with additional arms by ship? I doubt anyone would dare to shoot at an Iranian ship considering that would anger super power Russia.

Saudi M2 Bradleys ambushed and destroyed


I thought you said Yemeni army/Houthis haven't set one step in Saudi territory, how come they killed a Saudi general in his base inside Saudi territory along with his troops? :)
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I thought you said Yemeni army/Houthis haven't set one step in Saudi territory, how come the killed a Saudi general in his base inside Saudi territory along with his troops? :)


You should notice that our generals are fighting on the ground along with the soldiers... :police:

An example :

Lol, okay.

So where was he killed? Inside Saudi territory or not?

He was killed in Saudi-Yemeni borders defending his country, since the houthis are trying make some victories while they're suffering from losses in many fronts.

Killing 1 soldier mean there are 10 houthis will be sent to hell.:-)
He was killed in Saudi-Yemeni borders defending his country, since the houthis are trying make some victories while they're suffering from losing in many fronts.

Killing 1 soldier mean there are 10 houthis will be sent to hell.:-)


I thought you said Yemeni army/Houthis haven't set one step in Saudi territory, how come they killed a Saudi general in his base inside Saudi territory along with his troops? :)
Along with his troops? You're too optimistic. And regarding your question, haven't you heard of a mortar, a rocket?

I assure you, Huthies will never be able to set a foot in Saudi Arabia.
I assure you, Huthies will never be able to set a foot in Saudi Arabia.

Perhaps. But why should Hutis want to do that? Hutis want to wait until Hadi die of old age. Hadi turns 70 in a week.

With oil now below 40 a barrel, it seems Saudi Arabia is running short on funding for the war. Bombing raids have basically ceased.
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