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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

150+ air strikes on Sadda in 24 hours.

Talk about being pissed off. :) Taking revenge from civilians, typical culture in most Arab armies in history.

Meanwhile, a dramatic end of 2 Saudi brothers :lol:


Based on latest reports, General Abdelrahman al-Shahrani, commander of 18th infantry brigade of Saudi army was killed hours ago along some of his troops by Yemeni army in Jizan province, Saudi Arabia.

Should wait for official confirmation.

PS: Confirmed now.

rest in peace to the late general. this was a needless war and might become Vietnam or Afghanistan for KSA.
better pull out the troops and leave them to decide their fate.
rest in peace to the late general. this was a needless war and might become Vietnam or Afghanistan for KSA.
better pull out the troops and leave them to decide their fate.

Sometimes, people should pay for their stupidity to be slapped back to reality.

Soviets paid for their stupidity in Afghanistan, Americans paid for it in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, and now Saudis should pay for their stupidity in Yemen.
Destroying a Saudi military post after destroying vehicle and soldiers running away:

wow an air conditioned checkpost ? it looks like an air conditioner attached to the side of the wall. even the American soliders are not accorded such perks
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It seems Saudi Arabia no longer reports losses for fear of worsening morale. RIP if true.

BTW, is Iran going to supply the Yemeni army with additional arms by ship? I doubt anyone would dare to shoot at an Iranian ship considering that would anger super power Russia.

Saudi M2 Bradleys ambushed and destroyed

Bradley is indeed a junk and a death trap for the soldiers. its entire program was scandalous wasting billions of dollars. the Israelis rejected it altogether in its original form. maybe KSA bought them just for the sake of friendship hoping never having to use themselves, but since Pakistanis refused to become their cannon fodder they had to send their own people

Talk about being pissed off. :) Taking revenge from civilians, typical culture in most Arab armies in history.

Meanwhile, a dramatic end of 2 Saudi brothers :lol:



so which one will go to heaven then? hmm

Sometimes, people should pay for their stupidity to be slapped back to reality.

Soviets paid for their stupidity in Afghanistan, Americans paid for it in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, and now Saudis should pay for their stupidity in Yemen.
I sometimes shudder with the thought that this could be our soldiers, sent in a false war with a false mission to protect Hijaz. who would have known back home that the Hijaz was hundreds of miles away from these barren rocks and hills.

the blood of all the innocent civilians killed in the relentless bombing and the men killed on both sides is on the concious of those who decided to invade this helpless and defenceless country minding its business. this invasion just like the invasions of Iraq, Libya and Syria will only help one entity... Al Qaeda and its mutated form Daesh.
Talk about being pissed off. :) Taking revenge from civilians, typical culture in most Arab armies in history.
Why pissed off? And regarding your second part, don't you mean culture of Iranian and pro Shiite and Alawaite armies and militias? And since when terror groups are civilians?
Meanwhile, a dramatic end of 2 Saudi brothers :lol:


Well, the guy is a terrorist but the interesting thing it's coming from an outspoken supporter of terror country and groups.

rest in peace to the late general. this was a needless war and might become Vietnam or Afghanistan for KSA.
better pull out the troops and leave them to decide their fate.
It was a vital war, there was a legitimate elected president who was thrown out of power by a militia despite his efforts for peace who called for help from Arab countries and his call was responded to.

Sometimes, people should pay for their stupidity to be slapped back to reality.

Soviets paid for their stupidity in Afghanistan, Americans paid for it in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, and now Saudis should pay for their stupidity in Yemen.
Do you call that payment? Yemen is different, it will be liberated and taken over to Arab custody. Now, Sanaa is prepared to breathe freedom.
I sometimes shudder with the thought that this could be our soldiers, sent in a false war with a false mission to protect Hijaz. who would have known back home that the Hijaz was hundreds of miles away from these barren rocks and hills..

Can you imagine how this war would have turned out if Pakistan had joined in? See how cautiously sends in their soldiers. They bombed the country for 5 months and then moved in from the south, the place that they would face the least resistance. But if they had Pakistanis as soldiers, they would have send them en masse from the Saudi-Yemen border from the north, hundreds after hundreds. And because politicians are stubborn everywhere, the more Pakistanis would die, the less anyone would want to pull back, because the decision would have seemed wrong and would make them look bad to have no success, so more and more would be send in.
It was a vital war, there was a legitimate elected president who was thrown out of power by a militia despite his efforts for peace who called for help from Arab countries and his call was responded to.

I wish a speedy peace without further bloodshed. people are suffering
so which one will go to heaven then? hmm

I'm not God, but I'd say neither one.

I sometimes shudder with the thought that this could be our soldiers, sent in a false war with a false mission to protect Hijaz. who would have known back home that the Hijaz was hundreds of miles away from these barren rocks and hills.

the blood of all the innocent civilians killed in the relentless bombing and the men killed on both sides is on the concious of those who decided to invade this helpless and defenceless country minding its business. this invasion just like the invasions of Iraq, Libya and Syria will only help one entity... Al Qaeda and its mutated form Daesh.

That's why I'm hoping they pay a dear price, and they are starting to do so. Pakistan made a very wise decision to stay out of this, there are much more important priorities for Pakistan to be concerned about now.

Why pissed off? And regarding your second part, don't you mean culture of Iranian and pro Shiite and Alawaite armies and militias? And since when terror groups are civilians?

Well, the guy is a terrorist but the interesting thing it's coming from an outspoken supporter of terror country and groups.

It was a vital war, there was a legitimate elected president who was thrown out of power by a militia despite his efforts for peace who called for help from Arab countries and his call was responded to.

Do you call that payment? Yemen is different, it will be liberated and taken over to Arab custody. Now, Sanaa is prepared to breathe freedom.

You know what? Let's leave it, we are not gonna convince each other who is right or wrong. You can go on and claim even those babies killed in Saudi strikes are 'Houthi militias', I don't really care anymore. Trying to argue with someone like you is like trying a to write a diary on the sands of sea shoreline.

And btw, comparing our war culture to those of Saudis is an insult to us. We are the same country that treated Iraqi PoWs like guests, the same country that refused to bomb Iraqi civilians intentionally and on a very famous story, one of our pilots refused to destroy an important bridge for the first time passing over it because few civilian cars were passing on the bridge. We are the same country who refused to use chemical weapons against Iraq despite the capability of striking back.
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Why pissed off? And regarding your second part, don't you mean culture of Iranian and pro Shiite and Alawaite armies and militias? And since when terror groups are civilians?

Reported for hate speech. Plus, I'm going to find and report your post about Shias cannot be Arabs. Prepare to be banned.

It was a vital war, there was a legitimate elected president who was thrown out of power by a militia despite his efforts for peace

As a matter of fact, Hadi's term expired back in January. His term was not renewed. On a side note, a 1 candidate election had never been legitimate in the first place. Saleh handed power to his deputy Hadi. That's not democracy.
Bradley is indeed a junk and a death trap for the soldiers. its entire program was scandalous wasting billions of dollars. the Israelis rejected it altogether in its original form. maybe KSA bought them just for the sake of friendship hoping never having to use themselves, but since Pakistanis refused to become their cannon fodder they had to send their own people
M2 Bradly is one of the best IFVs in the world, well protected and has serious fire power.
M2 Bradley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
However, losses in vehicles and men is inevitable in any war let alone this one. Nevertheless, Saudi army losses is minimal and reflects it's excellent performance. Pakistan army suffered much more casualties fighting Taliban in their own country despite the fact that Huthies are much more armed supported by Saleh's regular army.

so which one will go to heaven then? hmm

I sometimes shudder with the thought that this could be our soldiers, sent in a false war with a false mission to protect Hijaz. who would have known back home that the Hijaz was hundreds of miles away from these barren rocks and hills.

the blood of all the innocent civilians killed in the relentless bombing and the men killed on both sides is on the concious of those who decided to invade this helpless and defenceless country minding its business. this invasion just like the invasions of Iraq, Libya and Syria will only help one entity... Al Qaeda and its mutated form Daesh.

Indeed thank god you didn't send any troops, otherwise you would have bitten us in the *** claiming all the victories and liberation. Dear, just understand that Saudi Arabia has now much stronger army than yours and can well defend it's soil and interests as you clearly see in Yemen. Try first to secure your own unstable country before boasting around your super army.

reported for hate speech

As a matter of fact, Hadi's term expired back in January. His term was not renewed. On a side note, a 1 candidate election had never been legitimate in the first place. Saleh handed power to his deputy Hadi. That's not democracy.
According to Yemenite constitution, the president can retract his resignation within 90 days. Anyway, take it as that or you can look at it as Saudi Arabia is a new colonial country which just craves for spanking pro-Iranian stooges in the region.
I wish a speedy peace without further bloodshed. people are suffering
Yemen had been suffering before the Decisive Storm Operation because of Huthies. Huthies had been shelling and killing people before the Decisive Storm Operation. Just Yesterday, tens of civilians were killed by Huthies shelling in Taaz. It's a rightful war which has Yemen legitimate government support, Yemenite people support, Arab and Muslims support as well as International support. It's exactly like the military operations against Daesh. Where have your tears been when Huthis had been doing that? Save them for yourself.
Anyway, take it as that or you can look at it as Saudi Arabia is a new colonial country which just craves for spanking pro-Iranian stooges in the region.

The ME is shared by 3 big language families: Semitic as represented by Arabic and Hebrew, Altaic as represented by Turkic, Indo European as represented by Iranic. It is for the interest of all to coexist peacefully in the ME.
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