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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Ambush in Jizan province, Saudi Arabia. Sources say Saudi soldiers ran aways, leaving equipment behind after the first bullet was fired.





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I think both Yemen and Syria need freedom to decide where they want to go and what type of government they want. In Syria a violent dictator bashar al assad is killing, no massacring his own people. In Yemen Saudi is trying to push a government onto locals which locals do not want. The same can be said about Yemen. I am certain that most Syrians are sick bashar.

We should not let our rivalries come in front of the democratic right of local people. This is hard for both Iran and Saudi to understand as they are both theocratic states. Only difference is Iran has a much more independent foreign policy than Saudia. But both restrict freedoms to local people in their own nations and are trying to support their own people in Syria and Yemen. Foreign solutions do not work for local problems.

Let the Yemenites and Syrians choose their own form of governance. I have much respect for Iran but I don't think supporting Bashar is a good move. Similarly Saudi aggression in Yemen too is uncalled for.
Captured guns


Are those AK-74s?

Let the Yemenites and Syrians choose their own form of governance. I have much respect for Iran but I don't think supporting Bashar is a good move. Similarly Saudi aggression in Yemen too is uncalled for.

Assad is the legitimate elected president of Syria. I was hoping he did not run last year, but he did. And what makes Hadi? 1 candidate in an election is not legitimate. An election must have at least 2 candidates.
Are those AK-74s?

Assad is the legitimate elected president of Syria. I was hoping he did not run last year, but he did. And what makes Hadi? 1 candidate in an election is not legitimate. An election must have at least 2 candidates.
How does an autocratic dictator who inherited rule from his father rather than earn it due to merit look like a legitimate elected president of Syria?
I think both Yemen and Syria need freedom to decide where they want to go and what type of government they want. In Syria a violent dictator bashar al assad is killing, no massacring his own people. In Yemen Saudi is trying to push a government onto locals which locals do not want. The same can be said about Yemen. I am certain that most Syrians are sick bashar.

We should not let our rivalries come in front of the democratic right of local people. This is hard for both Iran and Saudi to understand as they are both theocratic states. Only difference is Iran has a much more independent foreign policy than Saudia. But both restrict freedoms to local people in their own nations and are trying to support their own people in Syria and Yemen. Foreign solutions do not work for local problems.

Let the Yemenites and Syrians choose their own form of governance. I have much respect for Iran but I don't think supporting Bashar is a good move. Similarly Saudi aggression in Yemen too is uncalled for.

Iran got involved at a very late stage. I posted in another thread that foreigners, such as Qatar, were funding rebels as early as 2011.

What should Iran do? Ignore its ally (only Arab country that supported Iran against Saddam) and let it fall to foriegn funded terrorists so they can also take over Iraq and then, Iran will have foreign funded terrorists right at our border. And when they start to destabilize our country, who will help us?

Why dont theae funders look at the great work they did in Libya. Iran wasn't involved there. Are Libyans living in paradise after the Qatar funded groups took over?
Are those AK-74s?

I'd say they are AK-103.

I think both Yemen and Syria need freedom to decide where they want to go and what type of government they want. In Syria a violent dictator bashar al assad is killing, no massacring his own people. In Yemen Saudi is trying to push a government onto locals which locals do not want. The same can be said about Yemen. I am certain that most Syrians are sick bashar.

We should not let our rivalries come in front of the democratic right of local people. This is hard for both Iran and Saudi to understand as they are both theocratic states. Only difference is Iran has a much more independent foreign policy than Saudia. But both restrict freedoms to local people in their own nations and are trying to support their own people in Syria and Yemen. Foreign solutions do not work for local problems.

Let the Yemenites and Syrians choose their own form of governance. I have much respect for Iran but I don't think supporting Bashar is a good move. Similarly Saudi aggression in Yemen too is uncalled for.

You are right. But the difference is, Iran said a hundred times that if the fighting stops, it agrees with an election supervised by international monitors to let the Syrians decide their fate, but other countries are only insisting on Assad to go and don't listen to anything else, so why should Iran stop supporting an ally that helped Iran in most difficult times when most of 'ummah' were backstabbing us during 80s? If they don't want to stop fighting or giving arms,funds to various terrorist groups, then why should Iran stop supporting the government?

Unlike Yemen, where a fully Yemeni movement without any foreigners or foreign arms and funds is fighting the gov and Saudis want to enforce their own stooge and don't agree to any elections (which is not surprising, since in Saudi Arabia, election is meaningless). They accuse Houthis to be Iran's agents, and with the support of the west, are destroying all Yemen and now the majority of population is in risk of famine something that did not happen in Syria in this huge scale even after 4 years of a devastating war. No food is allowed by Saudis to northern areas to 'punish' the northerners and they destroyed Hodaida, the only port receiving food and aid for northern Yemen and the capital.

The difference is, Saudis have the support of the west, so they do whatever they want, while Assad doesn't have that support, that's why they all insisting on him to go and have propped up terrorists fighting him.
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How does an autocratic dictator who inherited rule from his father rather than earn it due to merit look like a legitimate elected president of Syria?

The Syrian people voted for Assad in last year's presidential election. There were two Sunni candidates but they both received few votes.

In any case, there is not democracy in the ME. The ME is not ready for democracy like us western people. There are either dictators or kings in the ME.
Iran got involved at a very late stage. I posted in another thread that foreigners, such as Qatar, were funding rebels as early as 2011.

What should Iran do? Ignore its ally (only Arab country that supported Iran against Saddam) and let it fall to foriegn funded terrorists so they can also take over Iraq and then, Iran will have foreign funded terrorists right at our border. And when they start to destabilize our country, who will help us?

Why dont theae funders look at the great work they did in Libya. Iran wasn't involved there. Are Libyans living in paradise after the Qatar funded groups took over?
I understand Irans concerns. The whole world is doing it (protecting its interests), why should Iran not. I however do not believe we must lose our morality and have clear lines what is good and evil. Bashar is killing his own people. I don't think there is debate on this and I feel it is the genuine truth.

There may be better ways for Iranian power projection than getting involved in this useless game of leverage and influence over a few weak arab states. Iran talks back to giant US but I don't think we should lose the benefits of democracy in the process. I support many things about Iran but not its policy in Syria. I say let Bashar fall.

Egypt and Libya, well at least the people got what they wanted. In this time and age and even previously peoples tolerance for monarchs ruling nations for 10-20 years without progress is falling out. UAE and Qatar can survive with autocracy because they have really improved the condition of their people. But can Syria-I don't think so. I would say free syria of bashar-call a vote which also has the choice of adding bashar rule for a few years-election must be transparent and finally let the peoples voice come out.

For this we need to look at the democratic process favourably. Even in the earliest of Islamic times (Rashidun caliphates) leaders were in some way or the other elected

The Syrian people voted for Assad in last year's presidential election. There were two Sunni candidates but they both received few votes.

In any case, there is not democracy in the ME. The ME is not ready for democracy like us western people. There are either dictators or kings in the ME.
Was the UN or even OIC or some credible organization overseeing the vote and what proof is there the vote wasn't rigged. I can't stop you from vouching for syria. But when I see many dying in said country daily just so Assad can continue to rule-well I don't call this man a very noble leader.

When the people want you out you resign-instead he's adding to his war crimes.
Was the UN or even OIC or some credible organization overseeing the vote and what proof is there the vote wasn't rigged. I can't stop you from vouching for syria. But when I see many dying in said country daily just so Assad can continue to rule-well I don't call this man a very noble leader.

When the people want you out you resign-instead he's adding to his war crimes.

This does not concern us. Syria is not a democratic country like Russia. Syria is a dictatorship. There are only dictators and kings in the ME, no democracy. Syria simply serves Russia's interests, nothing more, nothing less.
Ambush in Jizan province, Saudi Arabia. Sources say Saudi soldiers ran aways, leaving equipment behind after the first bullet was fired.
Maybe that's why Huthies haven't been able to advance one inch into Saudi territory... :lol:, man you still don't get it, Saudi Army performance in this war is definitely the best of the best among all wars against either militias or traditional armies, let alone both at the same time. It has been four months already, Arab coalition losses in men and vehicles are unmentionable. Last time, you made up numbers because you couldn't believe the actual numbers of losses.
This does not concern us. Syria is not a democratic country like Russia. Syria is a dictatorship. There are only dictators and kings in the ME, no democracy. Syria simply serves Russia's interests, nothing more, nothing less.
Russia (and Japan to an extent) as a country confuses me. You had an opportunity in Afghanistan to shame the Americans you left that. You could have snubbed US by veto-ing sanctions on Iran in the UN but you went through. You are doing little about Ukraine. It seems the superpower of yesterday has agreed to be a minor local power now. But you seem intent on protecting Assad. I don't get the logic as 200000 Syrians have died because of said dude.There are better ways for power projection.
Maybe that's why Huthies haven't been able to advance one inch into Saudi territory... :lol:, man you still don't get it, Saudi Army performance in this war is definitely the best of the best among all wars against either militias or traditional armies, let alone both at the same time. It has been four months already, Arab coalition losses in men and vehicles are unmentionable. Last time, you made up numbers because you couldn't believe the actual numbers of losses.

I think Huti strategy is wait until Hadi die of old age.

Russia (and Japan to an extent) as a country confuses me. You had an opportunity in Afghanistan to shame the Americans you left that. You could have snubbed US by veto-ing sanctions on Iran in the UN but you went through. You are doing little about Ukraine. It seems the superpower of yesterday has agreed to be a minor local power now. But you seem intent on protecting Assad. I don't get the logic as 200000 Syrians have died because of said dude.There are better ways for power projection.

Russia snatched the biggest annexation since Sudetenland and Austria without firing a shot. As for Donbas, the fun hasn't YET started there yet, so hold your popcorn.
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