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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

on average 2 saudi "soldiers" are killed per week on cross border clashes. Houthis always come on top. Houthis and army are busy expanding territory. If they wanted to, they would overwhelm the Saudi border easily but no need as of yet since saudis dare not send ground troops.

Yemen rebels and allies advance in southern city of Aden | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

desperate royals sending their religious minions trying to undermine Pakistan's politics.

Haj is not far away.

Write my word, before Haj there will be enough force on the border.
The saudis will NEVER EVER let this run long enough.
It must all finish by Haj

Thx for your info, but:
Tragic events in Syria can not justify the number of civilians in Yemen.
Saudi and its allies such as Turkey and Qatar + USA, israel and Russia are heavily involved in Syria too.
Terrorists groups from around the world are killing people and responsible for many of these casualties in Syria.

The only modern weapon you have is Adobe photoshop 2007

I am still waiting for the sources from DOD.

ROFL, most retarded and tangential replay ever.

If you want to go back in history, then why stop at 1981?

You should learn from this:

Battle of al-Qādisiyyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saddam loved this battle too, and he is in the hell right now ... In Yemen Arabs are being slaughtered by Arabs and you are bragging about your equipments that are being used in such a manner to humiliate a Persian?
saudis training yemeni fighters. They are doing what ever they can to stay away from ground invasion.

Exclusive: Saudi Arabia trains Yemeni tribal fighters in war against Houthis - sources | Reuters

airbase falls into houthi and army hands.

Yemen air force falls into grip of Houthis - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Saudis 'training' others? HAA!! They can't even hold a rifle themselves. Trust fund babies. It's like an actor trying to teach singing to a mute.
Saudis 'training' others? HAA!! They can't even hold a rifle themselves. Trust fund babies. It's like an actor trying to teach singing to a mute.
Why muffin? Is that because they don't issue daily threats and warnings? Or is it not shouting and weeping and self-flogging? All they did was proving their professionalism on ground and and acting more than talking. Just yesterday was the most recent humiliation to Iran and it's people. It's 3rd jet was barred from landing in Yemen. Your humiliated country will not be able to do that unless it begs for it and gets it's jets inspected in the KSA.
Thx for your info, but:
Tragic events in Syria can not justify the number of civilians in Yemen.
Saudi and its allies such as Turkey and Qatar + USA, israel and Russia are heavily involved in Syria too.
Terrorists groups from around the world are killing people and responsible for many of these casualties in Syria.

Those tragic events in Syria has divided M.E into 2 groups and reason for all the deaths and formation of sect groups.

only if Iranians would have acted more maturely in syria and not blindly support assads terrorist actions.
Just yesterday was the most recent humiliation to Iran and it's people. It's 3rd jet was barred from landing in Yemen. Your humiliated country will not be able to do that unless it begs for it and gets it's jets inspected in the KSA.

What a humiliation!

We fly in Yemen's air space for an hour from Oman border to Sana'a without giving a shit about your 'no fly zone', while Saudi pilot is literally begging the Iranian pilot to land in Saudi Arabia, he doesn't listen and Saudis desperately bomb the shit out of Sana'a airport runway, destroying a civilian airliner on the ground. But who am I talking to? Someone who makes 'achievements' even out of humiliations. If you knew what a no fly zone means, you'd know that it's Saudis that are humiliated.
Those tragic events in Syria has divided M.E into 2 groups and reason for all the deaths and formation of sect groups.

only if Iranians would have acted more maturely in syria and not blindly support assads terrorist actions.

These things can be fixed in two seconds. It just takes top level agreements. Do you really think those brainwashed wahabi cannon fodders can do anything without support? For 1 day even? Iran and Saudi will agree on non-agression. Just a matter of time.
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These things can be fixed in two seconds. It just takes top level agreements. Do you really think those brainwashed wahabi cannon fodders can do anything without support? For 1 day even? Iran and Saudi will agree on non-agression. Just a matter of time. Sending extremist islamists around the middle east won't happen for long. Soon the US with the help of Iran will pick them off and send them to their 72 gay mail order brides in heaven.

two seconds bullshit..........but still a better story than "Qaher 313 stealth fighter":rofl::rofl::rofl:
my request to Arab and Persian posters to stay classy and civil in your posts and your reporting

avoid using racist and abusive slurs
I see some extremely offensive use of language even in the reporting text. I may or may not take action against the reported post BUT rest assured I will take action against the use of such foul language as per the forum rules

What a humiliation!

We fly in Yemen's air space for an hour from Oman border to Sana'a without giving a shit about your 'no fly zone', while Saudi pilot is literally begging the Iranian pilot to land in Saudi Arabia,.
that is nice of that Saudi pilot. if he had the attitude of some posters here then he would have used deadly force.

honestly this dare game between Saudi jets and Iranian civilian planes send chills though me. it must stop now before a tragedy hits us. I wont like an Iranian plane being shot down and once its done the GCC will say they shot down an Iranian plane carrying weapons for Houthis, Iranians will say they were humanitarian supplies. and the world will just listen to whoever shouts the loudest and move on
BEIRUT - Saudi Arabia has announced the end to its campaign in Yemen, but nevertheless air attacks against Ansar Allah and former President Saleh-allied components of the Yemeni army still continue -- albeit on a lesser scale. A Saudi newspaper (without any trace of irony) has announced "mission accomplished." So what is afoot, here?

We do not know the full story, but already it is plain that a major diplomatic effort has induced Saudi Arabia to cut its immediate losses in Yemen. These immediate losses include the images of civilian bomb casualties widely broadcast in the region and the erosion of any residual support for former President Hadi in Yemen, the failure to put together the much-touted Sunni intervention force and the glaring evidence that while Saudi Arabia may have had an objective (restoration to power of the former President), it had no plan for accomplishing it.

As a consequence, Saudi Arabia has found itself isolated. While Iran, Oman and Russia have been busy working on a political initiative (while also seeking to restrain Ansar Allah on the ground), the U.S. has been quietly discouraging the Saudis from continuing the Saudi aerial campaign. The campaign has had little impact on the Ansar Allah-Saleh military effectiveness but has made life hell for most urban Yemenis, with estimates of 1,000+ dead and thousands more injured.

The U.S. military was deeply skeptical about the Saudi air bombardment from the outset and lent targeting support mostly to reduce collateral damage caused by erratic bombing. U.S. military commanders were more than just doubtful of the merits of a land invasion; on the contrary, they (rightly) viewed Yemen as a muddy quagmire, into which Saudi Arabia was risking to plunge its boots.

One may ask why then, did the U.S. lend Saudi Arabia and its coalition its public support? It seems to have been a decision essentially to "balance" the progress in the nuclear negotiations with Iran, by somehow giving "reassurance" to Sunni allies, rather than being a decision taken with wider strategic consequences in mind. Yemen is largely reported in western commentaries and policy circles as simply a proxy war (which it is not) that risks exploding sectarian tensions if not contained (which is right), but that beyond this, it has little strategic import.

So how did the bombing end? President Putin spoke by telephone with King Salman. There is no public hint as to the call's content but it seems likely that the Russian President -- in tandem with senior Washington officials -- firmly advised the King to end the aerial war and to seek a political solution. Perhaps Putin was able to capitalize on the Russian non-veto of the very one-sided U.N. Security Council resolution on Yemen, to add suasion to his message. In any event, Russia is again acting to help America pull its Middle Eastern chestnuts from the fire, and there can be no doubt that Moscow was acting in close co-ordination with Tehran (who leaked the ceasefire prospect hours in advance of its formal declaration). In short, Riyadh was finding little real support for its action -- beyond a very few regional actors -- despite its public statements.

In short, Yemen portends a major humiliation for Saudi Arabia. Its bold ambition to assemble a new coalition Sunni army that would confront Iranian influence across the region has stumbled badly. It suffered early and unexpected defections by Pakistan and Turkey, and a distinct lack of enthusiasm on the part of Egypt (which demanded a huge fee in order to participate), Iraq (whose PM criticized the venture roundly) and Jordan. Worse, Saudis more recently have come to suspect UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed of conspiring with Ali Saleh behind their backs to fix a political solution in the Saleh interest. (Recall that bin Zayed reportedly conspired with Tuwaijri, King Abdullah's closest aide, to have King Salman passed over in the succession to the throne).

More significantly, the kingdom still, in this new phase, seems to lack any effective plan on how to achieve its objectives, set out with such inflated rhetoric.

With Saudi Arabia Faltering in Yemen, Power in the Region Has Begun To Swing East | Alastair Crooke
What a humiliation!

We fly in Yemen's air space for an hour from Oman border to Sana'a without giving a shit about your 'no fly zone', while Saudi pilot is literally begging the Iranian pilot to land in Saudi Arabia, he doesn't listen and Saudis desperately bomb the shit out of Sana'a airport runway, destroying a civilian airliner on the ground. But who am I talking to? Someone who makes 'achievements' even out of humiliations. If you knew what a no fly zone means, you'd know that it's Saudis that are humiliated.
OMG, even that crystal clear humiliation has been turned to a victory. Even Iranians' comments about this all over internet was "Really humiliating".
What a humiliation!

We fly in Yemen's air space for an hour from Oman border to Sana'a without giving a shit about your 'no fly zone', while Saudi pilot is literally begging the Iranian pilot to land in Saudi Arabia, he doesn't listen and Saudis desperately bomb the shit out of Sana'a airport runway, destroying a civilian airliner on the ground. But who am I talking to? Someone who makes 'achievements' even out of humiliations. If you knew what a no fly zone means, you'd know that it's Saudis that are humiliated.

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dont take this kindness of RSAF lightly..........they can be very deadly.
Iran simply sent a suicidal pilot in that plane, it may well be real aid.

-Iranian aid plane land without coalition approval, Iran publicize this as a "win," where they landed in spite of the coalition. Raising the morale of the Arab Shiites, especially the Houthis (who had been slamming Iran for not helping them)and also giving the Shiite media something to use as a diversion from the loses in Syria.

-Iranian plane get bombed, then discovered to be a real aid plane, Shiite media go into a frenzy about the Saudi's inhumane war, and publicize this incident in Yemen and everywhere else, changing public opinions around the world, and garnering sympathy for the Houthis, which may lead to stopping the war in their minds.

Saudi solution? bomb the runaway and force Iranian plane to go back where it came from :-)and make Iran, yet again. the laugh stock of the whole world.
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dont take this kindness of RSAF lightly..........they can be very deadly.

RSAF is very strong indeed.... in killing women and children and bombing refugee camps and stadiums in Yemen.
OMG, even that crystal clear humiliation has been turned to a victory. Even Iranians' comments about this all over internet was "Really humiliating".

Oh, the last thing I needed was someone like you telling me what Iranians are saying. I've been reading what they are saying, they are cheering for the pilot for not giving a shit about what Saudi pilot was saying and also not giving a shit about the so called 'no fly zone'. First you should learn the basics of a no fly zone.

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