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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.


Saudi Arabia – F-15SA Aircraft | The Official Home of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency

170 APG-63(v)3 Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar
(AESA) radar sets
193 F-110-GE-129 Improved Performance Engines
100 M61 Vulcan Cannons
100 Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution
System/Low Volume Terminal (MIDS/LVT) and spares
193 LANTIRN Navigation Pods (3rd Generation-Tiger Eye)
338 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
462 AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVGS)
300 AIM-9X SIDEWINDER Missiles
25 Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM-9X)
25 Special Air Training Missiles (NATM-9X)
500 AIM-120C/7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air
Missiles (AMRAAM)
25 AIM-120 CATMs
1,000 Dual Mode Laser/Global Positioning System (GPS)
Guided Munitions (500 lb)
1,000 Dual Mode Laser/GPS Guided Munitions (2000 lb)
1,100 GBU-24 PAVEWAY III Laser Guided Bombs (2000 lb)
1,000 GBU-31B V3 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM)
(2000 lb)
1,300 CBU-105D/B Sensor Fuzed Weapons (SFW)/Wind
Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD)
50 CBU-105 Inert
1,000 MK-82 500lb General Purpose Bombs
6,000 MK-82 500lb Inert Training Bombs
2,000 MK-84 2000lb General Purpose Bombs
2,000 MK-84 2000lb Inert Training Bombs
200,000 20mm Cartridges

400,000 20mm Target Practice Cartridges
400 AGM-84 Block II HARPOON Missiles
600 AGM-88B HARM Missiles
169 Digital Electronic Warfare Systems (DEWS)
158 AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Targeting Systems
169 AN/AAS-42 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) Systems
10 DB-110 Reconnaissance Pods
462 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System Helmets
40 Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receivers
80 Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation Pods


That's American, not Saudi Arabian. Plus, Iran has F-14. 8-)
That's American, not Saudi Arabian. Plus, Iran has F-14. 8-)

no superboy Saudia Arabia has it's own F-15s and Panvia Tornados for strike missions.

and what does F-14 and Iran have to do with anything o_O :crazy:
no superboy Saudia Arabia has it's own F-15s and Panvia Tornados for strike missions.

and what does F-14 and Iran have to do with anything o_O :crazy:

F-15 is an American plane, not a Saudi Arabian plane. Plus, Saudi Arabian cannot manufacture parts for its F-15s. The US sold F-14 to Iran in the 1970s 8-)
F-15 is an American plane, not a Saudi Arabian plane. Plus, Saudi Arabian cannot manufacture parts for its F-15s. The US sold F-14 to Iran in the 1970s 8-)

and?? it's a modern weapon in use by the Sauds :rofl: who ever said KSA was capable of producing modern weapons like the F-15?

also shame the Sauds don't have the M270 with ATACMS. with a 300KM range unparalleled precision Sanaa would be in striking range

and?? it's a modern weapon in use by the Sauds :rofl: who ever said KSA was capable of producing modern weapons like the F-15?

also shame the Sauds don't have the M270 with ATACMS. with a 300KM range unparallel decision Sanaa would be in striking range

As long as Saudi Arabia serves US interests. If not, no more spare parts for Saudi Arabia's F-15s. :rofl:

Iran manufactures improved versions of TOW and MIM-23 missiles the US sold to Iran in the 1970s. 8-)
As long as Saudi Arabia serves US interests. If not, no more spare parts for Saudi Arabia's F-15s. :rofl:

Iran manufactures improved versions of TOW and MIM-23 missiles the US sold to Iran in the 1970s. 8-)

isn't it the other way around if the U.S serves Saudi Arabia intersts.

and I really don't care about Iran or what it can and cannot do :big_boss:
isn't it the other way around if the U.S serves Saudi Arabia intersts.

and I really don't care about Iran or what it can and cannot do :big_boss:

Americans are obsessed with Iran. You are all a bunch of Indo Europeans. :laugh:
Americans are obsessed with Iran. You are all a bunch of Indo Europeans. :laugh:
Hilarious, since you mentioned the F-15 specifically, we already make F-15 wings and fuselages and spare parts and weaponry, also the Upgrade of F-15S fleet to F-15SA is tendered to a Saudi company.

Al-Salam Aerospace Industries Begin F-15SA wings production

Let alone other planes and plane engines.

Keep living in Qaher dream while the world leaves you in its dust.
Hilarious, since you mentioned the F-15 specifically, we already make F-15 wings and fuselages and spare parts and weaponry, also the Upgrade of F-15S fleet to F-15SA is tendered to a Saudi company.

Al-Salam Aerospace Industries Begin F-15SA wings production

Let alone other planes and plane engines.

Keep living in Qaher dream while the world leaves you in its dust.

Can't make engines. Can't fly without US approval. :laugh:
wikipedia again..:feminist::wave::wave:

See the post on the F15 sauds..that a Saudi moderator sympathiser closed..but the article is still there..

Saudi Arabia – F-15SA Aircraft | The Official Home of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency

170 APG-63(v)3 Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar
(AESA) radar sets
193 F-110-GE-129 Improved Performance Engines
100 M61 Vulcan Cannons
100 Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution
System/Low Volume Terminal (MIDS/LVT) and spares
193 LANTIRN Navigation Pods (3rd Generation-Tiger Eye)
338 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
462 AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVGS)
300 AIM-9X SIDEWINDER Missiles
25 Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM-9X)
25 Special Air Training Missiles (NATM-9X)
500 AIM-120C/7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air
Missiles (AMRAAM)
25 AIM-120 CATMs
1,000 Dual Mode Laser/Global Positioning System (GPS)
Guided Munitions (500 lb)
1,000 Dual Mode Laser/GPS Guided Munitions (2000 lb)
1,100 GBU-24 PAVEWAY III Laser Guided Bombs (2000 lb)
1,000 GBU-31B V3 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM)
(2000 lb)
1,300 CBU-105D/B Sensor Fuzed Weapons (SFW)/Wind
Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD)
50 CBU-105 Inert
1,000 MK-82 500lb General Purpose Bombs
6,000 MK-82 500lb Inert Training Bombs
2,000 MK-84 2000lb General Purpose Bombs
2,000 MK-84 2000lb Inert Training Bombs
200,000 20mm Cartridges

400,000 20mm Target Practice Cartridges
400 AGM-84 Block II HARPOON Missiles
600 AGM-88B HARM Missiles
169 Digital Electronic Warfare Systems (DEWS)
158 AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Targeting Systems
169 AN/AAS-42 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) Systems
10 DB-110 Reconnaissance Pods
462 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System Helmets
40 Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receivers
80 Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation Pods

They have none of that...Wikipedia is not a source.
Last edited:
Reuters / Tuesday, April 21, 2015
A Saudi soldier fires a mortar towards Houthi movement position, at the Saudi border with Yemen April 21, 2015. REUTERS/Stringer

Apr 23, 2015, SPA -- Saudi Ambassador to the United States of America Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir said that the Operation Renewal of Hope, which began on Tuesday, aims at focusing on the political process, protecting the Yemeni people and repulsing any aggressive actions carried out by the Houthis.

In a press conference held Wednesday at the headquarter of Saudi Embassy in Washington, he pointed out that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday the end of Operation Determination Storm and the start of Operation Renewal of Hop in Yemen, saying that Operation Determination Storm was designed to remove any threats against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by ballistic missiles, heavy weapons and planes seized by the Houthi militia and their ally Ali Abdullah Saleh.

He added that 'the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its allies were able to remove this threat and protect the legitimate government of Yemen and the Yemeni people from the hostile Houthi movement which is allied with Iran and Hezbollah.'

He expressed hope that this operation had opened the door to a political settlement so that Yemenis can get together again reiterating that there is no military solution to the conflict in Yemen and that the solution must be political and based on Security Council resolution 2216, the initiative of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the results of the national dialogue in Yemen.

He said that 'we have always expressed the hope that the Houthis would resort to wisdom through participation in the political process instead of resorting to the control of the country with arms. He added that 'we have already made it clear that we will not allow them to take over Yemen with arms and we are still at this position.'

He said, 'We applied this matter today in Taiz where the Houthis pounded Brigade 35 and we intervened militarily to put an end to the bombing and we also followed very troublesome movements by the Houthi militia in the city of Aden across three directions, and we are determined to respond to the request of the legitimate government in providing necessary assistance.'

00:43 LOCAL TIME 21:43 GMT

Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir called on the Houthis not to fall under any illusions and said, 'The coalition forces will continue to use force to prevent them from taking over Yemen through hostile acts, and this matter will not change,' expressing hope that the Houthis will participate in the political process.

He added, 'We heard a statement from the Houthi militia on their acceptance of the political process. But later, we see movements of their troops and use of artillery weapon against Yemen's legitimate government forces and this is not the behavior or attitude of a group seeking to resolve their disputes with the rest of Yemenis through dialogue and peace.'

The Saudi ambassador to the United States of America confirmed that the ambition of the kingdom in Yemen is Yemen's stability and well-being of the Yemenis, pointing out that Operation Renewal of Hope seeks to protect civilians in Yemen, confront any acts of aggression by those militia, facilitate and intensify the flow of humanitarian aid to Yemen and facilitate the work of international aid organizations.

He recalled the order by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud to allocate an amount of USD274 million for humanitarian relief in Yemen after the United Nations was seeking to collect this amount for humanitarian work in Yemen.

00:50 LOCAL TIME 21:50 GMT

Responding to reporters' questions, the Saudi ambassador to the US said that Operation Determination Storm's goal was to remove threats of ballistic missiles which were in the possession of the extremist Houthi militia which is allied with Iran and Hizbullah in addition to destroying the centers of command and heavy weapons, slowing their military movements and protecting the legitimate government of Yemen.

He stressed that this goal was achieved and 'we are now moving on to the goal of the current phase which is continuing the protection of civilians in Yemen from the control of the Houthi militias and countering any aggressive moves from them in addition to working to enhance the flow of humanitarian aid and facilitate the work of international relief organizations. So, if the Houthis or their allies carry out any aggressive moves, there will be a response to that.'

Regarding a role by Iran in the political process in Yemen, he said, 'Iran is not a neighboring country of Yemen, and we see it as part of the problem rather than part of the solution. The financial, logistic, personnel or military equipment support they gave to Houthi was very serious and a destabilizing factor in Yemen and we believe that the Houthis could not have done what they did without this support.'

Concerning stimulating groups such as the Houthis and the ousted Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh to participate in the political process, Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir said that sanctions were levied against Ali Abdullah Saleh by the international community and he played a destructive role in the political process in Yemen and a very negative role in the past years, stressing that he will not have a role in the future of Yemen.

01:26 LOCAL TIME 22:26 GMT
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