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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

Saudi Arabia
350 missiles for US $1.8 billion deal to supply the Royal Saudi Air Force.[22]

No one knows exactly how much and how many^^ wiki is predicating.

$1.8 deal divided by $1.200,000 for example per missile will get around thousand something missiles, if the deal really 350 missiles then something must be hidden either ToT or greater than that figure in numbers. as I said No details.
Is this a Missile ?

TAURUS KEPD 350 cruise missile (Similar to ‘Storm Shadow cruise missile’)

Yes thats is the Storm Shadow air to surface missile with range 250km if I'm not mistaken.


Storm Shadow / SCALP EG

A Saudi Tornado IDS with two Storm Shadow missiles (yellow).
Jane’s Air-Launched Weapons

In February 2008, the Committee Chairmen and Ranking Members sought a “specific assurance that the Executive branch will consult with our Committees before any approval of a request to sell Saudi Arabia such sensitive weapon systems as Storm Shadow cruise missiles …”

February 14, 2008

The Honorable Condoleezza Rice

Secretary of State

U.S. Department of State

2201 C Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Madam Secretary:

Your Department has informed our Committees of its intent, pursuant to section 3(d) of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2753(d)), to approve the retransfer of controlled U.S.-origin defense articles from the United Kingdom (UK) to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in connection with the UK’s sale of 72 Typhoon fighter aircraft to Saudi Arabia. We believe that this retransfer proposal raises some of the same issues that the direct sale of advanced aircraft to Saudi Arabia would raise. In particular, we would not want the UK aircraft sale to jeopardize Israel’s qualitative military edge (QME), any more than we would permit a U.S. sale to pose such a threat to our closest ally in the region.

We understand that the UK Government has received helpful assurances from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We understand also that the retransfers in question relate only to the Typhoon aircraft, and not to the weapon systems that may later be sold for use with the aircraft. And we realize that many weapon systems that might be used with the Typhoon would be of U.S. origin or have U.S. content, and would therefore be subject to the need for U.S. Government approval, although not always for prior notice to our Committees.

We would appreciate receiving assurance from the Administration that the United States will not approve the export or retransfer to Saudi Arabia for use with the Typhoon aircraft of any U.S. weapon system or incorporated defense article that would threaten Israel’s QME. We would also appreciate specific assurance that the Executive branch will consult with our Committees before any approval of a request to sell Saudi Arabia such sensitive weapon systems as Storm Shadow cruise missiles or Paveway IV precision guided weapons. And we would appreciate assurance that our Committees will be informed promptly if you should learn that the assurances provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United Kingdom are no longer being observed.

If these assurances are provided, we will have no objection to receiving formal notification of the proposed retransfer approval. We are confident that any other concerns will be settled before the expiration of the 30-day waiting period mandated by section 3(d) of the Arms Export Control Act.


Richard G. Lugar
Ranking Minority Member
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Ranking Minority Member
House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Howard L. Berman
Acting Chairman
House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Function: Cruise missile

Scope: + 250 km officially [unofficially France and UK have calculated the range of the missile at sea level, instead of the more efficient high-altitude flight profile that the missile actually follows. He actually providing a range of over 300 miles / 500 km for KSA and UAE (Black Shaheen cruise missile)]

Guidance System: Inertial, GPS, TERPROM. Terminal guidance using the infrared image.

Unit price: US $ 1 million 210

Tornado GR.Mk 4 shown launching a Storm Shadow.
Jane’s Air-Launched Weapons

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i concur at the moment Euro fighter can not fire any ALCM and AGM and PGM until the software upgrade ?
i concur at the moment Euro fighter can not fire any ALCM and AGM and PGM until the software upgrade ?

The SEP upgrades are coming to KSA faster than the Euro nations. I wouldn't be surprised if they finished it here since it is planned to be finished in the middle of this year in UK.

New Saudi Camo looking gooooood:

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