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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Saudis confirm 3 more soldiers sacrificed for the al suad family. Funny enough anti-saudi sources were saying this several hours before Saudis.

How they got killed? Aren't they doing Ariel bombardment only?
Houthi and pro Saleh army tanks captured by tribesmen in Taiz



How they got killed? Aren't they doing Ariel bombardment only?

border clashes.in saudi territory, in the Dhahran region. Houthis will keep on doing this, get some kills and then disengage. Occupying border post for a short time.
Arab newspapers really make the best propaganda material in the world. Obviously, every country does it, from North Korea to USA, but there is something so innocent about the way certain Arab newspapers do it,

"Once they reached Saudi territory, their eyes filled with tears of joy. She added that all the hardships they faced are now gone once they reached Saudi soil safe and sound.
The border crossing at Towal witnesses long queues of people kneeling to the ground thanking Allah for saving them from death.
Other Arab nationals also talked to the media on the hardships they faced until they reached the border crossing, adding:
“They, Yemeni border officials, searched us and said horrible things to us because we left Yemen at this particular time.”
Those who cannot manage to leave Yemeni territory controlled by Houthis have been given up for dead."

This is from an article headline "Great escape: Yemeni girl flees Houthis dressed up like man"

Since, when are Houthis preventing civilians boys from leaving? Haha, come on!
And I like the picture they used at the top of the article is about a refugee camp in Djibouti but the article is all about them running away to Saudi Arabia.


Look at this headline "Every soul backs Decisive Storm"

Not most, not some, EVERY SOUL.

The Houthis are not more than one per cent of Yemen’s population and still they are fighting [but] with external reinforcement,” Dr Abdul Aziz said in a veiled reference to the alleged role of Iran in supplying the rebels with weapons and equipment. “The Yemen crisis is an issue of external interference,” he added. “It’s not a sectarian conflict.”"

Wow. So, the whole country fell because of 1% group? Those 99% Yemenis might be such big sissies even though apparently every Yemeni male has a gun. I guess those 99% use their gun to scratch their back only.
The Houthis are not more than one per cent of Yemen’s population and still they are fighting [but] with external reinforcement

Except this has never been about Houthis. Sure, Houthis are 0.01% of Yemen's population, but 99% of Yemen's population overthrew ex president Hadi. :happy:
Ceylal, I can't really bet anything, let's just say we bet honour. Within 2 weeks this campaign is over. The Pentagon is vetry displeased as are many other western leaders. Bombing sand castles and chest thumping is nice, but not nice when Al Qaida is on the rise. Those dumb Americans have bombed Al Qaida for a decade in yemen with drones, only to have some dress wearing men to become their air force? Ah nah. Two weeks.
That's one reason the "US" is not entering this fight. El Qaida in Yemen, ISIS and all these small armed groups are serving a purpose for the "one" behind their rise. For the time being the one eliminated are the one that ran out of their useful life.
The "US" is herding them from one area to another and the GCC is paying for it. This is the remodeling of the Great Middle East of GW Bush being executed in the field.
The first phase of the Decisive Storm objectives was a success. Now heading to the 2nd phase.

Saudis confirm 3 more soldiers sacrificed for the al suad family.
Why liying my friend. :( Where are the 3 who were killed?
Funny enough anti-saudi sources were saying this several hours before Saudis.
I agree, it's funny since it's made out.


-Some of the 1rst phase objectives:

- 80% of Huthis ammo stores: destroyed.
- Huthis air defense systems: destroyed/disabled.
- Ballistic missiles: destroyed.
- Air force: destroyed/disabled.
- Command and control/ Communication infrastructure: destroyed.
- Complete air superiority.
- Complete air and naval blockade.

2300 air sorties have been conducted against Huthis since the beginning of the Decisive Storm.
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