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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

I'll take riding in a Lada any day over being an honorless bendover in an Audi.... But you enjoy.... :disagree:

Baradar, within time we'll make those US 'Persiaaaans' look like nothing. No Lada for us. In mader jendeha dah sal dige shotor miroonan. Hahah!
Baradar, within time we'll make those US 'Persiaaaans' look like nothing. No Lada for us. In mader jendeha dah sal dige shotor miroonan. Hahah!

I know that.... :-) The saudis in audis are against everything that is honorable, manly and civilized. Personally I could care less. We are all humans and they're entitled to live as they wish. But we can't remain indifferent when they have this abiding hatred toward everything that is Iranian and they can't bear to see us standing. 30 years ago they goaded that poor sod Saddamz in attacking us, when they thought they could get away with it. And they'd do the same thing today if they could.
I know that.... :-) The saudis in audis are against everything that is honorable, manly and civilized. Personally I could care less. We are all humans and they're entitled to live as they wish. But we can't remain indifferent when they have this abiding hatred toward everything that is Iranian and they can't bear to see us standing. 30 years ago they goaded that poor sod Saddamz in attacking us, when they thought they could get away with it. And they'd do the same thing today if they could.

Wah poor Iranian feel unloved :sad: poor baby, don't worry I'm sure you'll find plenty of "love" from the "civilized" world, specifically North Korea and Russia :omghaha:

And if it makes you feel better I feel bad for saying Iranis in Ladas..

I shouldve said Iranis in Qahers:

Wah poor Iranian feel unloved :sad: poor baby, don't worry I'm sure you'll find plenty of "love" from the "civilized" world, specifically North Korea and Russia :omghaha:

Don't even compare yourself with Russians and even the Norks. They are men. They stand on their own two feet. They are respectable. They fight for what they want and are not afraid to pay the price for it. They live life on their own terms. They are not cowardly sissy saudis in audis who want to destroy Iran, but go around begging others to fight in their place and get turned down, even by their own brothers... Stick to your humor attempts haboobi.... you have a better chance with that... :rolleyes:

Wah poor Iranian feel unloved :sad: poor baby, don't worry I'm sure you'll find plenty of "love" from the "civilized" world, specifically North Korea and Russia :omghaha:

And if it makes you feel better I feel bad for saying Iranis in Ladas..

I shouldve said Iranis in Qahers:


Yeah, like I said Iranian stuff is made out of card boards and photoshop. So you give a new meaning to the word loser when you keep losing against that... :D
Don't even compare yourself with Russians and even the Norks. They are men. They stand on their own two feet. They are respectable. They fight for what they want and are not afraid to pay the price for it. They live life on their own terms. They are not cowardly sissy saudis in audis who want to destroy Iran, but go around begging others to fight in their place and get turned down, even by their own brothers... Stick to your humor attempts haboobi.... you have a better chance with that... :rolleyes:

Yeah, like I said Iranian stuff is made out of card boards and photoshop. So you give a new meaning to the word loser when you keep losing against that... :D

Suuuuure, the Saudis were pretty manly when they killed your beloved Iranian soldiers and advisers in Iraq :D Or when they killed these guys:


Capt. Homayoun Hekmati


Ebrahim Dalal Khosh

Shot down over Persian Gulf by Saudi F-15s

Your Iranian officials shouldve said "Owned" rather than just KIA. :laughcry:


You guys are just weak and lame. Saudi have never lost a plane to Iranian crap, unlike you who get blown to bits by Saudis as a hobby.
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Suuuuure, the Saudis were pretty manly when they killed your beloved Iranian soldiers and advisers in Iraq :D Or when they killed these guys:


Capt. Homayoun Hekmati


Ebrahim Dalal Khosh

Your Iranian officials shouldve said "Owned" rather than just KIA. :laughcry:


You guys are just weak and lame.

Yeah saudis are very manly when there's no risk to themselves. When they can shoot down a stray Iranian plane far from combat zones when nobody is suspecting them. Or drop bombs from 40,000 feet on a country that cant shoot back at them.

But they're not so manly when dealing with people who can kick them in their fat ***. In that case, they bend over for everybody else to come and save them.

Unfortunately, in the real world, that's called faggy behavior. Not that there's anything wrong with that. To each his own! But just dont pretend to be something you're not.... :coffee:
Yeah saudis are very manly when there's no risk to themselves. When they can shoot down a stray Iranian plane far from combat zones when nobody is suspecting them. Or drop bombs from 40,000 feet on a country that cant shoot back at them.

But they're not so manly when dealing with people who can kick them in their fat ***. In that case, they bend over for everybody else to come and save them.

Unfortunately, in the real world, that's called faggy behavior. Not that there's anything wrong with that. To each his own! But just dont pretend to be something you're not.... :coffee:

:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: Good, good choice of words :omghaha:

Lets see who is more capable when sanctions are lifted.

to azzo: yeah, but them tiddays though!
:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: Good, good choice of words :omghaha:

OK, Well thanks for posting videos of homosexuals.... lol If you think you don't have plenty of those in your country, I got news for you buddy. Here have read about your gay compatriots

The Kingdom in the Closet — The Atlantic

But at least they don't pretend to be something they are not. And in that they are honorable. Saudis on the other hand talk tough, but are pussies in reality... That makes them faggy and dishonorable. But as I said, to each his own! All I'm saying is don't pretend to be a tough cookie, when in reality you would as soon bend over and pull up your dishdasha. That's all haboobi... :whistle:
At least our homos are still men, your homos get transformed into females by the blessings of your Khuramanei :yahoo:
I can't really stand those Beverly Hills type Iranians. Even though many of them are not really Iranians if you know what I mean. Even though I am a Westerner, I don't like those type and their way of speaking. Anyway, I can't wait till the end of june. Insallah I can visit the country that gave me my father!

And o yeah, we need a cease fire in yemen.
At least our homos are still men, your homos get transformed into females by the blessings of your Khuramanei :yahoo:

They may be male, but they're no men.... And I'm afraid that goes way beyond the gay community in Saudi Bendoveria

Oops, i forgot my smily...:agree:
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