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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Keralite being held captive by suspected rebels in Yemen
A 49-year-old Keralite has been taken captive allegedly by a six member armed group at Sanaa in strife torn Yemen, according to information reaching the family here.
Salman, hailing from Malappuram district, has been in Yemen with his wife and five children since the past seven years.

According to his father, Abdu Rehaman, Salman's wife, Khamarunnisa, informed him that the six member rebel group carrying arms had stormed into their flat on March 24 and taken him into custody along with five others.

Though the other captives were released later, there was no information about Salman yet, his father said.

"We have sent e-mail complaints to Chief Minister Oommen Chandy and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, seeking urgent steps to bring back our son," he said.

Yemen has been witnessing a fierce battle between Saudi-led coalition and Shiite rebels known as Houthis, who have battled their way into various cities, including in the former stronghold of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, who has fled overseas.

The total number of Indian evacuees from war-ravaged Yemen touched the 4,000 mark yesterday with nearly 700 more nationals, including 600 from Sanaa, rescued in three air sorties.
Iran sent two warships to the Gulf of Aden on Wednesday, state media reported, establishing a military presence off the coast of Yemen where Saudi Arabia is leading a bombing campaign to oust the Iran-allied Houthi movement.

The Alborz destroyer and Bushehr support vessel sailed from Bandar Abbas on a mission to protect Iranian shipping from piracy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said in comments cited by Press TV.

Saudi Arabia and several Arab allies have imposed an air and naval blockade on Yemen as part of a two-week campaign to oust the Houthis, who have taken most of the country and forced President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to flee to Riyadh.

Iran has condemned the campaign and called for dialogue. Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of providing military support to the Houthis, a charge the Islamic Republic denies.

The Iranian ships will patrol the Gulf of Aden, south of Yemen, and the Red Sea, Sayyari said. The area is one of the world's most important shipping routes and a gateway between Europe and the Middle East.



Reminds me of Kim Jong Un inspecting various things.

Whaaaat? What is that relic doing there? Simply epic.
The operation Started not many days ago and here are the results till now :

- hundreds of civilian (not fighter) death

- Expanding of ansarallah control to a whole new level

- blowing civilian buildings up + a couple of 1950s equipment .

All this , against a bunch of houthi fighters , So decisive indeed , LMAO .

Keep your dumb little toys back in the hangers please , you might need them later
Iran deploys warships off Yemen's coast| Reuters
Wed Apr 8, 2015 7:26am EDT

(Reuters) - Iran sent two warships to the Gulf of Aden on Wednesday, state media reported, establishing a military presence off the coast of Yemen where Saudi Arabia is leading a bombing campaign to oust the Iran-allied Houthi movement.

The Alborz destroyer and Bushehr support vessel sailed from Bandar Abbas on a mission to protect Iranian shipping from piracy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said in comments cited by Press TV.

Saudi Arabia and several Arab allies have imposed an air and naval blockade on Yemen as part of a two-week campaign to oust the Houthis, who have taken most of the country and forced President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to flee to Riyadh.

Iran has condemned the campaign and called for dialogue. Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of providing military support to the Houthis, a charge the Islamic Republic denies.

The Iranian ships will patrol the Gulf of Aden, south of Yemen, and the Red Sea, Sayyari said. The area is one of the world's most important shipping routes and a gateway between Europe and the Middle East.
The operation Started not many days ago and here are the results till now :

- hundreds of civilian (not fighter) death

- Expanding of ansarallah control to a whole new level

- blowing civilian buildings up + a couple of 1950s equipment .

All this , against a bunch of houthi fighters , So decisive indeed , LMAO .

Keep your dumb little toys back in the hangers please , you might need them later
The opposite is true. And for the second point, capturing building and being in some parts of any city doesn't mean that they take control of that city. Huthies are being fought in most Yemeni areas, from air and on ground.

Iran deploys warships off Yemen's coast| Reuters
Wed Apr 8, 2015 7:26am EDT

(Reuters) - Iran sent two warships to the Gulf of Aden on Wednesday, state media reported, establishing a military presence off the coast of Yemen where Saudi Arabia is leading a bombing campaign to oust the Iran-allied Houthi movement.

The Alborz destroyer and Bushehr support vessel sailed from Bandar Abbas on a mission to protect Iranian shipping from piracy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said in comments cited by Press TV.

Saudi Arabia and several Arab allies have imposed an air and naval blockade on Yemen as part of a two-week campaign to oust the Houthis, who have taken most of the country and forced President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to flee to Riyadh.

Iran has condemned the campaign and called for dialogue. Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of providing military support to the Houthis, a charge the Islamic Republic denies.

The Iranian ships will patrol the Gulf of Aden, south of Yemen, and the Red Sea, Sayyari said. The area is one of the world's most important shipping routes and a gateway between Europe and the Middle East.
Let's see what Iran can do to save it's brothers from the Decisive Storm.
Let's see what Iran can do to save it's brothers from the Decisive Storm.
They are there just for anti-piracy operations. They will be patrolling the gulf of Eden, which they have full right to do. They won't dare open the naval blockade of Yemeni ports, that much i can guarantee.
WHy do you mock them ? Just a few hours ago you were defending Saudi wahabian security estabilishment :lol:
you were mocking the death of a saudi policemen and i simply told you its a low thing to do .

you can do whatever you want to do bro , i'm not your guardian .
The operation Started not many days ago and here are the results till now :

- hundreds of civilian (not fighter) death

- Expanding of ansarallah control to a whole new level

- blowing civilian buildings up + a couple of 1950s equipment .

All this , against a bunch of houthi fighters , So decisive indeed , LMAO .

Keep your dumb little toys back in the hangers please , you might need them later
wow! listen you must make a daily media briefing about the situation in yemen. i can help bring some media coverage for you. we need your intel on this. the world needs you! :sarcastic:

They are ALL the same $hit. Just a few days ago the Wahabis and their puppets in Pakistan killed Iranian border guards.

Looks fair to me.
18 to be precise :nana:
Let's see what Iran can do to save it's brothers from the Decisive Storm.

It's very foolish to think Iran is sending these 2 warships for a war, this is a routine naval vessel that has been sent numerous times before to fight piracy in gulf of Aden and has actually repulsed various pirate attacks on Iran's vessels. save your mighty power for those Yemenis who live in refugee camps and workers of factories. Because that's what the whole 'Failed Storm' operation is all about now.
Italian made FALCO UAV in Saudi Arabia. Possible opertational use in Yemen.


A WWII era SU-100 self propelled gun in San'aa, Yemen.

i read we made a contract with the US then south africa then china and now i see this italian drone!
i also know we have our own made drones.
anyway until now i only saw this italian drone and the saudi made. il see if i can find pics of other saudi drones
Cross Posting from Another Defense Site the Following comment is not my View, I found the observation interesting so I am pasting it here.

The Saudi Army in total is 150,000. Their actual combat strength is not more than ~85,000. One of the prime reasons they have required the services of Pakistani/Egyptian contingents in the past.

The actual infantry component in the kingdom is the Saudi Army National Guard which unlike the Army recruits exclusively from regimes own tribes and reports to the King directly. The National Guard is specifically deployed to protect the Saudi Royals against coups and increasingly to counter terror. IIRC, they should number around 95,000 and are spread all over the Kingdom and have also recently reinforced the restive Iraq border against ISIS chaps.

The Shia Zaidi's (aka Houthi's) are hardcore mountain fighters and have always retreated into the mountains where they have conducted an expensive attrition campaign against the enemy. This is not the first time the Saudi's have resorted to airpower against them and much bad blood exists between the two ever-since they were ousted from their lands in the East by the Saudi's. The Houthi's were once before obliterated by the Yemeni Army however have since grown immensely at the expense of the later.

The Saudi Army is not structured for a land campaign they are likely to face ie COIN Ops. They barely field 8 Infantry Brigades, out of which only 3 are Light Infantry ones which can take the fight to the enemy beyond the mountainous Najran region into the Zaidi controlled Al Jawf & Saada. In all, a lone Infantry Division plus worth of troops is what the Saudi Army can possibly muster for a foray into unknown mountain terrain. Where remote unconnected valleys would render their Mechanised forces a liability like the Soviets faced in Afghanistan while being reduced to protecting crucial lines of communication. This is ideal ambush countryside with an average altitude of 7,000 ft along the coast in the rebel's own backyard.
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