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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Foreign soldiers in Yemen coasts.... The title of the video says that they are American.... but they
strangely look like French.... :raise:
Something to add ?

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Foreign soldiers in Yemen coasts.... The title of the video says that they are American.... but they
strangely look like French.... :raise:
Something to add ?

HEEEEEY what the hell happened to the mistral ?! i dont see any ?! :omghaha:
its not accurate at all. we have our own mountain war school. now an exercise called samsam 5 is taking place in that mountain training school with pakistan army. its under estimating our real power.

and to correct you. houthies are not zaidies they are 12ers shia. they used to be zaidies before their leader badr aldeen alhouthi and his son went to iran and changed to 12 imam shia

This is getting boring with Iranians faking news left and right as if like their brothers have any hope to survive.

well , now Iranian faking news or some guy from KSA.
Are you talking about the "Russian" ? They're still in St Nazaire,waiting for your good $$$ :nana:
(Still waiting for what will happen to them.)
yeah we need that sexy boat.
the problem is its already fitted with russian equipment. right ?
Go back to riding your camel you Wahabi suicide bomber. Saudi isnt liked in the world, the whole world knows how dirty Saudi is with its funding of sunni terror groups.

You terrorist pigs, we will drag you into a never ending proxy war and wear you down as hell :lol:... be prepared wahabi scum.

Be prepeared for severe economic circumstances if the oil price continues to be low. Even if the sanctions are left, you will be eager to sell more oil, which will only drive the prices down. It will eventually be inflation and worthless currency that will bring you to your knees.
Apr 7, 2015, SPA -- Brig. Gen. Ahmed bin Hasan Asiri, consultant at the minister of defense's office and spokesman of the Coalition Forces, said that the relief operations are implemented in coordination with the People's Committees in Yemen for delivery of the aid to the Yemeni people, pointing out that the Red Cross relief ship arrived today at Aden port.

As explained during the daily press briefing held today base Riyadh flights, Brig. Asiri said: 'in light of turbulent conditions in a number of districts around the port of Aden due to acts of sabotage carried out by Houthi militias and their supporters in addition to the difficulty of delivering the aid, we have coordinated with the People's Committees in Aden in order to facilitate the delivery of aid to the beneficiaries.'

'The ship is still in the port. We are keen to ensure the coordination and safety of the crews. We are worked that this ship doesn't fall into the hands of the Houthi militias,' he added.

Brig. Asiri stressed that the relief aid will be delivered in coordination with the People's Committees and the Yemeni government to the hospitals in Aden.

20:24 LOCAL TIME 17:24 GMT

Brig. Asiri pointed out a continuation of evacuating foreigners in Yemen, highlighting that Indian people are evacuated by the aircraft, 'we still coordinate with all countries' willing of the evacuation process,' he added.

Asir stressed that the coalition forces sent today a message to the leaders of the military units who took the initiative to communicate with the Yemeni legitimate government, its leaders and armed members of pro-legitimacy whom declared their loyalty to some units and formations in Marib, 'we are keen not announcing their names for their own safety. There are honest leaders supporting Yemen's interest, stability and security in addition to protection of its property and legitimacy,' he added.

Brig. Asiri said that the coalition command support them and invite them to communicate with the relevant authorities, recalling upon the leaders of the units and formations in the Yemeni rebel army on the legitimacy to support the legitimacy in order to increase their numbers in the coming hours, 'the coalition forces are worked to deter whatever harms the Yemeni brotherly people,' he added.

20:46 LOCAL TIME 17:46 GMT

Brig. Asiri said: 'we received confirmed news stressing that large numbers of the Houthi militias and the Yemeni army who are against the legitimacy are surrendered. The coalition asked the People's Committees in Aden to maintain the security and safety of these element and to deal with them in accordance with a law.'

Brig. Asiri stressed that the coalition forces are still targeting specific objects of the remnants of missile sites and air defense positions as well as barbarous acts carried out by the Houthi militias and their loyalists in Aden which harm the Yemeni society, especially in Aden through shooting the people in the streets and homes, pointing out that the People's Committees in Aden besieged the Houthi militias in Mallika region with existence of a quiet in the other areas in comparison with the previous days.

Brig. Asiri added that the coalition forces are keen of no access of any support for the militias in Aden, drawing attention that the military actions inside the districts are risky while the coalition forces are working on the security and safety of the residents, 'the military operations are continuously supporting the People's Committees,' he added.

21:39 LOCAL TIME 18:39 GMT

Brig. Asiri pointed out that that air forces of the coalition targeted today site of the brigades, camps and movements that are still supplying the Houthi militias with the military support, including the 33rd Brigade in Dalea, 'the coalition also targeted yesterday and today the so-called brigade 'Glory' in Dalea,' he added.

Brig. Asiri added that the coalition forces attacked today units and elements moving from Yemeni territory towards 'Moon Island' after receiving information from the Saudi naval units located on Bab-el-Mandeb in order to prevent them from regrouping or to provide any support for the Houthi militias in the Yemeni territory.
The coalition spokesman confirmed that a number of ammunition stores are destroyed, stressing that the operations are continued in accordance with the scheduled plans, 'the goals have become specific and focused on the military gatherings, mechanisms and militia stationed in Aden,' Asiri added.

21:56 LOCAL TIME 18:56 GMT

Requested to comment on reports of the presence of an Iranian battleship in the international waters opposite to Bab Al-Mandab, Asiri stated that vessels traffic in international waters is free, noting that all the Yemeni ports and regional waters are under the control of the coalition forces. He confirmed that there is no any hostile measure against the vessels sailing in regional waters with the coalition forces having the right to respond to any attempt to tamper the Yemeni people or provide the Houthi militias with supplies.

Asked to confirm reports that Al-Qaeda elements in Hadramout are controlling some military centers, Asiri said Al-Qaeda was actively functioning there even before the start of the storm, noting that the Yemeni government, with a bit poor capabilities, has done its best to confront this organization and managed to throw many of them into prisons. He said the coalition forces is aware of the danger of this development.

He denied reports that Iran has requested to evacuate its dependants from Yemen, adding that most of the Iranians residing in Yemen are actually working with the Houthis, in training and equipping and they will receive the same fate.
Asked whether there is split in the Houthi rebels, Asiri said this is natural but the coalition forces is dealing with them as one group, regardless of their differences.
23:30 LOCAL TIME 20:30 GMT

DEFENDING THE NATION AND ISLAM: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman receives commanders and senior officers at Al-Yamamah Palace in Riyadh on Tuesday. (SPA)

Only five countries, besides Saudi Arabia, own Typhoon jets.

The Typhoon plane is equipped with the latest technology. It can take off quickly if needed, is highly maneuverable and cannot be detected on radar. It can carry 13 rockets, four under each wing and five under the fuselage. It can also carry cruise missiles and anti-ground defense systems.

Only six countries in the world own Typhoon jets. They are Saudi Arabia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain and Britain. The Kingdom bought 72 in an $8-billion deal with Britain and has received 24, which were assembled in the country.
The deal includes training of Saudi pilots and technicians. Hundreds of qualified citizens have now been deployed to work on these planes. The first two were delivered to the King Fahd Airbase in Taif.

Arab hackers storm enemy portals | Arab News

The Union of Arab Programmers is providing online cover for Operation Decisive Storm by hacking websites belonging to supporters of the Houthis and deposed President Ali Abdullah Saleh, in addition to Iranian and Hezbollah sites that circulate lies and slander which aim to mislead world public opinion.

The websites hacked by the “e-Decisive Storm” group included the official website of the London-based Houthi March channel by posting national flags of the countries of the alliance participating in Decisive Storm.

It also planted a video clip playing Saudi patriotic songs by Muhammad Abdo that were released during the Gulf War.
The group also hacked the official blog of the Lebanese group Hezbollah and the site of Ansar Al-Hussain of the Houthis, in addition to the server of a number of Houthi sites, plus the main driver of Houthi March and a site of the Iranian Embassy in New Zealand.

The Houthi March channel air slanderous allegations against the airstrikes.
Be prepeared for severe economic circumstances if the oil price continues to be low. Even if the sanctions are left, you will be eager to sell more oil, which will only drive the prices down. It will eventually be inflation and worthless currency that will bring you to your knees.
Yemen is your graveyard

The Yemeni people who bring al SALOOL and their SALOOLI slaves to their knees


Wednesday, April 08, 2015 9:15 PM

Yemeni fighters opposing the Houthi rebels shout slogans as they walk in the southern Yemeni city of Aden on Wednesday. — AP

The Houthis, who are allied to soldiers loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, advanced into Crater on Wednesday morning with a tank and two armored vehicles, one resident said.

The battle in the old center of Aden came a day after fighters from the city said they had pushed the Houthis and allied troops from positions in northern Aden neighborhoods, which they said cut Houthi supply lines into the center.

One fighter, Yasser Mahmoud, said the Houthis had been pushed from the Dar Saad neighborhood at the northern approach to Aden.

He said 22 Houthi fighters were killed when a tank and an armored vehicle were destroyed. — Reuters

UAE fighter jets hit Houthis positions | WAM
ABU DHABI, 8th April, 2015 (WAM) -- The UAE fighter jets continued their air strikes against Houthi-controlled targets in Yemen. The strikes are part of Operation: Al Hazm Storm, launched by the Arab coalition in support of the legitimate government in Yemen.

The strikes targeted radar positions, rocket launchers, weapons depots and surface-to-air missile (SAM) positions.

All fighter jets returned to their bases safely.

Fighter jets of the Arab coalition continued their strikes against Houthis in response to a request from President Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi for military intervention to protect the Yemeni people and their legitimate government.

@Full Moon

Is this national television, if so I don't even know where to start as there are many other similar statements made by religious figures on Saudi TV .

When you have 'scholars/sheikhs' as retarded as this talking on TV as if they're intellectuals on such a large scale it doesn't surprise me so many of you end up joining terror groups. That explains their creation.

Than you have this deranged cretin as well

Had I been watching this since my childhood it wouldn't surprise me i'd join a terror group.
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@Full Moon

Is this national television, if so I don't even know where to start as there are many other similar statements made by religious figures on Saudi TV .

When you have 'scholars/sheikhs' as retarded as this talking on TV as if they're intellectuals on such a large scale it doesn't surprise me so many of you end up joining terror groups. That explains their creation.

Than you have this deranged cretin as well

Had I been watching this since my childhood it wouldn't surprise me i'd join a terror group.
are you dumb or dumb... you think you can get away with it while there is arabs here ?! LOL
1st vid he said we can send million suicide bomber and mujahdeen according to your definition. and that saudi youth are ready to fight.
2nd vid. it shows how low you are. you are sick. he is talking about the yemeni ppl in saada being surrounded by houthis. and he will enjoy the what this war will bring to the houthies you dumb ignorant ape.
thats why we will never ever leave you. cuz you are snakes and we will hunt you. you fabricated our religon and stole our lands with the help of the west. now its pay back time
even the zaidies in yemen hate your guts

and regardless of this vid. i told you many times before. there is war coming and you didnt see anything yet. il be the first to sign up. refugee rat
are you dumb or dumb... you think you can get away with it while there is arabs here ?! LOL
1st vid he said we can send million suicide bomber and mujahdeen according to your definition. and that saudi youth are ready to fight.

Not according to me according to what he said. Yes he said there are a million suicide bombers, what do you think about him saying that, nothing wrong with it ?

2nd vid. it shows how low you are. you are sick. he is talking about the yemeni ppl in saada being surrounded by houthis. and he will enjoy the what this war will bring to the houthies you dumb ignorant ape.
thats why we will never ever leave you. cuz you are snakes and we will hunt you. you fabricated our religon and stole our lands with the help of the west. now its pay back time
even the zaidies in yemen hate your guts

and regardless of this vid. i told you many times before. there is war coming and you didnt see anything yet. il be the first to sign up. refugee rat
You're an example of watching too much of the above, I bet you look up to those 'intellectuals. I mentioned full moon for a reason as he might give some insight, nothing useful that'll come from you but emotional ranting
Not according to me according to what he said. Yes he said there are a million suicide bombers, what do you think about him saying that, nothing wrong with it ?
im the first suicide bomber. ready to defend my country
what do you think soldiers go do in wars ? throw nutella jars on the enemy ? lol
3 million died in your country. why dont you go find a solution to the blood bath happening there ? until we come and fix things our self of course
im the first suicide bomber. ready to defend my country
what do you think soldiers go do in wars ? throw nutella jars on the enemy ? lol
3 million died in your country. why dont you go find a solution to the blood bath happening there ? until we come and fix things our self of course

So you are with the ideology of blowing up in a Shi'a mosque like what AQAP did recently killing over 100 Zaidi civillians ? That's what he meant with 'a million suicide bombers', most suicide bombers are from that group and ideology these days.

Anyway i've known you for a while, big mouth and emotional, easy behind a screen. Solution is to deal with people like him in the video.
So you are with the ideology of blowing up in a Shi'a mosque like what AQAP did recently killing over 100 Zaidi civillians ? That's what he meant with 'a million suicide bombers', most suicide bombers are from that group and ideology these days.

Anyway i've known you for a while, big mouth and emotional, easy behind a screen. Solution is to deal with people like him in the video.
no i dont do that kind of sht. and we dont have a problem with zaidis we have good relation with them from the days they ruled yemen. and i would NOT kill or attack any shia or any one for his faith.
i will simply be happy to attack my enemy regardless of religion. even if he is saudi
i dont mind blowing my self up with khamenaei and his gang all in one room. :sarcastic:

why do you say im all talk and emotional ?! for months iv been telling you things will escalate and it did!
and im still telling you it will escalate more. it just prove im not talking out of my @$$ like you guys.

i dont change my views or the way i talk i dont lie i dont fabricate stories im not racist. unlike you and your iranian masters. its hard to have a logical discussion with you guys.
and please let us not talk about emotions :sarcastic:
no i dont do that kind of sht. and we dont have a problem with zaidis we have good relation with them from the days they ruled yemen. and i would NOT kill or attack any shia or any one for his faith.
i will simply be happy to attack my enemy regardless of religion. even if he is saudi
i dont mind blowing my self up with khamenaei and his gang all in one room. :sarcastic:

why do you say im all talk and emotional ?! for months iv been telling you things will escalate and it did!
and im still telling you it will escalate more. it just prove im not talking out of my @$$ like you guys.

i dont change my views or the way i talk i dont lie i dont fabricate stories im not racist. unlike you and your iranian masters. its hard to have a logical discussion with you guys.
and please let us not talk about emotions :sarcastic:
Why this terrorist animal is not banned from this forum??!!
He said he doesn't mind if he blow up him self
Why the mods allow such scum in this forum
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