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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.


Tell me what it all this good for? Why are we forced to take a stand? Why did those 3 border guards/soldiers die for? Why are "we" even fighting? For who? For what? What is the objective? Do Houthi's really pose a threat to KSA? Is Hadi really a useful "ally"? What can Yemen give us other than trouble? Are we fighting to protect the House of Saud or the country? I just don't know man.

For each day that passes by all I see is some retarded sides arguing who the biggest retard is and a bunch of cheerleaders from Indonesia to Surinam all while the sane nations of the world are laughing all the way to the bank and in their parliaments/offices etc.

Just answer me why all this trouble and will it really end as long as there are so many retards in the Muslim world regardless of sect? What has the Muslim world really to do with Islam and those people we hold as dear in Islam?

From my point of view almost nothing more than lip service and hypocrisy.

I really hardly give a crap anymore. I am of mixed origin already and live in Europe to make matters worse. I know that the locals in the Muslim world that don't know any better don't have a choice. It's sad.

You're asking the right questions and obviously @Rakan.SA is not answering in earnest.

Tell me what it all this good for? Why are we forced to take a stand? Why did those 3 border guards/soldiers die for? Why are "we" even fighting? For who? For what? What is the objective? Do Houthi's really pose a threat to KSA? Is Hadi really a useful "ally"? What can Yemen give us other than trouble? Are we fighting to protect the House of Saud or the country? I just don't know man.

The question you're struggling with is: Is war ever justified?

Philosophers, theologians, and military leaders have struggled with this question so you're certainly not the first to be troubled by it. To explore this debate further, begin with Just War theory: en.wikipedia org/wiki/Just_war_theory

In my observation: Most warmongers, regardless of country, skin color, religion, politics, or ideology use politics of fear to invoke and justify war. People are sold on the virtues of war with rhetoric that present issues in double bind or in false dichotomy or loaded language, i.e. fighting evil, fighting fascism, war on terror, etc.

In France these days, you can experience politics of fear being mobilized against Muslims. Every aspect of your Muslim life is being politicized to generate fake outrage which is later used to stoke fears of Muslims or Islam. Lump all the "debates" on niqab, hijab, halal, mosques, et al. in this category.

To understand how politics of fear works, refer to this discussion:
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This is what Obama's Iran doctrine does differently. It differentiates between real threats and imaginary or perceived threats from Iran, something Arabs will eventually need to assess for themselves:

In case of Yemen:
  1. Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly using politics of fear, i.e. Iranians are now at our doorstep. Arabs have traumatic memories of imperialist ventures on their lands, be they American, British, French, Turkish or Persian. So politics of fear is an easy sell. Saudi grand scheme: Saudi Arabia wants to make a statement on their resolve.
  2. In case of Shi'ites, politics of fear is invoked with threat of extinction, i.e. Americans, Arabs, Israelis, Sunnis want to wipe us out. Threat of extinction is something Shi'ites have faced since their inception so the trauma is innate. Traumas from the past, e.g. persecution from Sunnis, betrayal at the hands of great powers, Iran-Iraq war, are used to generate compliance.
However, the question you should ask is: Why does the war in Yemen grasps my attention?
For context
: youtu.be/GZGY0wPAnus

The Power of Nightmares is a good series to watch if you want to understand the world:
  1. The Rise of the Politics of Fear: dai.ly/x20su5f
  2. The Phantom Victory: dai.ly/x20vgms
  3. The Shadows In The Cave: dai.ly/x20xke2
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I wonder if that lad Hasani that used to post here still thinks the Houthis weren't armed and funded by Iran :lol:

He naively claimed the indigenous Houthis had no connection to Iran.

I suppose Europeans like him have a different view of events in the M.E :lol:
US Prepared To Provide Saudi Refueling
US Prepared To Provide Saudi Refueling

WASHINGTON — US Air Force refueling assets stand ready to support Saudi Arabian operations in Yemen, but the Saudi government has yet to request their use, a Pentagon spokesman said Monday.

Col. Steve Warren said there is nothing holding up that refueling, but it just has not yet been needed.

"It's authorized, it's approved. The assets are in place. Thus far the Saudis, or any other participating nation, simply haven't requested it," Warren told reporters.

Warren stressed that any air refueling operations would not occur over Yemen itself. Asked why that was, the spokesman deferred, saying it was simply the mission parameters that have been decided upon, but the likely cause is to avoid the potential of US airmen becoming trapped on the ground in the midst of the conflict.

Warren did not go into details about what assets could be involved in the refueling, but said no new assets have been moved into the region to support operations.

Saudi forces have taken the lead in a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) operation against Houthi militants in Yemen. The air strikes are seen, in part, as Saudi Arabia reasserting itself as a regional power.

The US is not participating in any strikes directly, but is offering intelligence and logistical support through the GCC's Joint Fusion Center. The US has about a dozen representatives in the center.

In addition to refueling, the US is prepared to offer combat rescue operations. Sometime in the past two weeks, Warren said, the US helped rescue a downed pilot of a Saudi F-15 that experienced mechanical failures. That occurred over gulf waters, he added.
I wonder if that lad Hasani that used to post here still thinks the Houthis weren't armed and funded by Iran :lol:

He naively claimed the indigenous Houthis had no connection to Iran.

I suppose Europeans like him have a different view of events in the M.E :lol:

Hasani has never denied the role of the Mullah's but correctly pointed out that the Houthi movement is an indigenous movement in Northern Yemen that far precedes any Mullah meddling in Yemen. Hasani also knows more about the ground realities of the MENA region than the vast majority of users on PDF. Be it the historical or current realities.

Hasani unlike many users here is not blindly following the party line if he thinks that something is not right as Hasani has very little tolerance left for the regimes of the MENA region/Muslim world, political groups etc. Hasani first and foremost cares about the well-being of the Arab people and the Arab world as a whole. Hasani does not care the slightest about sects, race, religion outside of countering trolls on PDF.
@Red Wolf @Saif al-Arab only a fool would waste his time making excuses to no one on the internet. not me or any saudi or citizen from the coalition countries has to answer to anyone but god. sometimes i answer back if i feel like it. and if its a hopeless case i walk away.
the amount of crap you typed and mixing facts it just proves my point that we should never engage with ppl like you in discussions.
ppl had enough from iran and the west and thats why muslims from all around the world are happy for what saudi and its allies did.
anyway as i said i can debate both of you and prove how ignorant you both are. but i dont feel like it. why should i ?
its not like saudi goes to war every year. so believe what you want to believe. as long as it makes you happy and it dosnt affect us no one gives a crap what you both think. you can join the iranians,
one last thing. ppl are already asking for the same action to be taken in syria. and when the time is right iran.
we are warmongers ?! :sarcastic::cuckoo:please dont let me start. LOL
between 4 and 5 million arabs and muslims have been killed by the west and iran and tens of millions of refugees since 2001. 11 million just in syria and you call us warmongers! you are sick you need a shrink! something is wrong with your head man!
Hasani has never denied the role of the Mullah's but correctly pointed out that the Houthi movement is an indigenous movement in Northern Yemen that far precedes any Mullah meddling in Yemen. Hasani also knows more about the ground realities of the MENA region than the vast majority of users on PDF. Be it the historical or current realities.

Hasani unlike many users here is not blindly following the party line if he thinks that something is not right as Hasani has very little tolerance left for the regimes of the MENA region/Muslim world, political groups etc. Hasani first and foremost cares about the well-being of the Arab people and the Arab world as a whole. Hasani does not care the slightest about sects, race, religion outside of countering trolls on PDF.

Hasani definitely said there was no connection between Houthis and Iran. He categorically stated this despite me telling him that they're an Iranian sponsored militia. I have little interest in the internal politics of Yemen, yet I still knew this.

I liked Hasani, but sometimes he was very wrong on issues. Perhaps because he's a bit detached in Europe.

I was surprised about how naive he was with regards to Iran's meddling in the region.
Hasani has never denied the role of the Mullah's but correctly pointed out that the Houthi movement is an indigenous movement in Northern Yemen that far precedes any Mullah meddling in Yemen. Hasani also knows more about the ground realities of the MENA region than the vast majority of users on PDF. Be it the historical or current realities.

Hasani unlike many users here is not blindly following the party line if he thinks that something is not right as Hasani has very little tolerance left for the regimes of the MENA region/Muslim world, political groups etc. Hasani first and foremost cares about the well-being of the Arab people and the Arab world as a whole. Hasani does not care the slightest about sects, race, religion outside of countering trolls on PDF.
LOL yeah ok. badr aldeen alhouthi and his sons went to iran for a few years just for vacation. they didnt became 12ers or anything! they didnt leave the zaidi sect.
look how badr aldeen alhouthi and his son hussein grave looks like ? its purely Yemeni style. yes indeed you know very much about whats going on

just to be clear i dont care if they worship a donkey. thats their problem. but dont say its indigenous
Hasani definitely said there was no connection between Houthis and Iran. He categorically stated this despite me telling him that they're an Iranian sponsored militia. I have little interest in the internal politics of Yemen, yet I still knew this.

I liked Hasani, but sometimes he was very wrong on issues. Perhaps because he's a bit detached in Europe.

I was surprised about how naive he was with regards to Iran's meddling in the region.

Hasani wants to see proof of such an claim because that's not what Hasani was writing before September 2014 when most PDF users could not even locate Yemen on a map.

Hasani has been one of the most anti-Mullah users on PDF in the entire history of PDF. Something that most users will confirm easily. He was banned several times for speaking out against those Mullah's in heated discussions.

Hasani just asked me what issues he was "very wrong about". Hasani is laughing loudly on the claim of being naive when it comes to Mullah meddling in the region as Hasani has been a big critic of the Mullah's and their destructive proxies for almost 1 decade now.

Now Hasani has to go to bed as he has classes early tomorrow morning.
@Saif al-Arab

سلامات ايش صار في عقلك حبيبي ؟ :crazy:
اذا انته عايش برا السعودية وتقول لي والله ما اعرف شيء فهذي مشكلة ونعذرك

اما انك تقول لي ان هذي الحرب مالنا مصلحة فيها والمفروض نتركها ،واننا غلطانين ، فما لك حق صراحةً

جنودنا كل يوم يقتلون واحد منهم على الحدود وهم لسى ما عندهم لاقوة ولا سيطروا على اليمن كيف لو سيطروا على اليمن ؟؟
شفت التدريب اللي سووهقريب حدود السعودية ؟ انت تعرف مين يدعمهم ؟ انت شفت تهديداتهم ؟

أصحى يا اخي اصحى وسيبك من البزرنه

اذا كنت فعلاً الحسني فهذي مصيبه هههههههههههههههه :lol:
ايش صار لك ياخي ؟


ايش الهرجة بينكم ؟
Hasani wants to see proof of such an claim because that's not what Hasani was writing before September 2014 where most PDF users could not even locate Yemen on a map.

Hasani has been one of the most anti-Mullah users on PDF in the entire history of PDF. Something that most users will confirm easily. He was banned several times for speaking out against those Mullah's in heated discussions.

Hasani just asked me what issues he was "very wrong about". Hasani is laughing loudly on the claim of being naive when it comes to Mullah meddling in the region when Hasani has been a big critic of the Mullah's and their destructive proxies for almost 1 decade now.
then what the hell is wrong with you making excuses for those houthies when they pointed their missiles towards us ? and when iran started sending them missiles we are suppose to just stand there and watch ? and let them take control of oil and ship routs ? why dont we just open our doors for them and let them take over.

@Saif al-Arab

سلامات ايش صار في عقلك حبيبي ؟ :crazy:
اذا انته عايش برا السعودية وتقول لي والله ما اعرف شيء فهذي مشكلة ونعذرك

اما انك تقول لي ان هذي الحرب مالنا مصلحة فيها والمفروض نتركها ،واننا غلطانين ، فما لك حق صراحةً

جنودنا كل يوم يقتلون واحد منهم على الحدود وهم لسى ما عندهم لاقوة ولا سيطروا على اليمن كيف لو سيطروا على اليمن ؟؟
شفت التدريب اللي سووهقريب حدود السعودية ؟ انت تعرف مين يدعمهم ؟ انت شفت تهديداتهم ؟

أصحى يا اخي اصحى وسيبك من البزرنه

اذا كنت فعلاً الحسني فهذي مصيبه هههههههههههههههه :lol:
ايش صار لك ياخي ؟


ايش الهرجة بينكم ؟
الواد خرف... انا قلت حسابو مهكر يمكن
Well, personally, I do not think it will happen. It appears, Pakistani Generals this time have flatly refused to take part. The Pakistani politicians and the Saudi kingdom are just trying to decorate and cover up this flat refusal. The only help, that it seems has been allowed by Pakistani Generals, to be extended to Saudis, is to use the Pakistani flag during their propaganda announcements.
I don't think so the delegation went with Defence minister was very very powerful U Know what I mean?officers with him were not on pleasure trip they mean bussiness the Cheif of General staff ,DGMO s of all three services .Air and sea U will see big action by Pak it's only about ground troops how much pak can offer plus what kind of demand is by Saudis .issue is parliment Govt will get endorsement they have majority plus other political parties R with them .but ultimately it's by Army Cheif how much pak can help Saudis means on ground troops but there will be participation for sure at what level and under which command we will see in days .The word iran iN pak military and civil circles gone with Great raza shah .
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@Gasoline @Rakan.SA @Saif al-Arab ههههه صلو عالنبي يا اخوان :lol: (yes, I know the irony in me saying that)
اللهم صلي وسلم عليه ، مرحبا اخي

No problem brothers, I think he's facing some temporary difficulties in his study and it will end soon insha Allah :D (I'm going through this also,but it doesn't harm me alhamdulillah :sick: ) .He's carrying the voice of peace .When needed , he will be the first man carries the weapon to defend his country and people . :enjoy:

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