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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

how the hell do they unsheathe those daggers? without ripping the scabbard ? :what:
The first phase of the operation is to use air strikes and blockade as much as possible to weaken Huthis, then the ground war will come. It's now a guirrilla war, each side can capture buildings here or there but for sure Huthis are getting much weaker everyday. Huge amounts of ammo and arms have been destroyed, their air defence and air force have been destroyed. Hundreds of them killed. It's the same as the coalition war against the ISIS, first air strikes, and ISIS were gaining some lands but when most their resources destroyed, they are being defeated.


They are being defeated because there are Iraqi forces and Iranian advisors on the ground not to mention Kurdish Peshmarga.

Where are Saudis adviser generals on the ground, fighting alongside a Yemeni force and even taking their selfies?

Air strikes are just killing civilians. The situation on the ground is fast becoming unfavorable to you. And meanwhile you do not have brave Generals who can go in and take territory and hold it.

Go figure.
I have once seen them at Oman airport.. i suppose, the daggers are not curved, its just the sheath which is curved.
I assumed as much, but daggers with a hook would bring a whole other dimension to knife fights.. brootal :butcher:
Apr 6, 2015, SPA -- Brig. Gen. Ahmed bin Hasan Asiri, consultant at the minister of defense's office and spokesman of the Coalition forces, stressed that the coalition forces started today to evacuate eleven Red Cross personnel from Yemen with additional flights to lift the remaining personnel scheduled.

He explained that other countries are embarked on evacuating their country mates stranded in Yemen, pointing out that the coalition command is committed to the schedule.

In today's daily briefing, which he held at Riyadh airbase, Brig. Asiri said the Houthi militias are still committing hostile actions again citizens and population and never military targets. They have also stretched outside Aden and fortified themselves inside some districts, noting that work is continuing with popular committees, tribesmen and resistance members who started to move to Aden to assist the resistance there in defense of the city.

Asiri pointed out that the coalition command is continuing to provide the logistic and information support while the airstrikes are also continuing in the same rhythm and according to the prescribed goals.
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22:25 LOCAL TIME 19:25 GMT

They are being defeated because there are Iraqi forces and Iranian advisors on the ground not to mention Kurdish Peshmarga.

Where are Saudis adviser generals on the ground, fighting alongside a Yemeni force and even taking their selfies?

Air strikes are just killing civilians. The situation on the ground is fast becoming unfavorable to you. And meanwhile you do not have brave Generals who can go in and take territory and hold it.

Go figure.

Brother can you brief me how was the situation today in Yemen ? Though we cannot support you directly but we pray that a country like Iran should always be there as it is a true representation of Islam. If we get a chance to fight for Iran we will always stand with you.
April 06, 2015, SPA -- Prince Mohammed bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, Deputy Crown Prince, Second Deputy Premier and Minister of Interior; and Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Minister of Defense, Chief of the Royal Court, and Special Adviser to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, arrived at King Khaled Air Base in Khamis Mushait yesterday evening.
The Deputy Crown Prince was briefed on planned air operations, their types according to the specific objectives and preparations for them.
Before the taking off of the aircraft of the Determination Storm, Prince Mohammed bin Naif and Prince Mohammed bin Salman met with the commanders of participating forces from coalition countries, and the pilots involving in the air operations.
14:11 LOCAL TIME 11:11 GMT

Brother can you brief me how was the situation today in Yemen ?

The situation simply put is that Houthis are winning territory after territory. A simple google search suffices. Bringing in propaganda from Saudi official has no bearing on the ground reality.

PS. Just watch how things will go, bro. This thing will be wrapped up pretty fast.
The situation simply put is that Houthis are winning territory after territory. A simple google search suffices. Bringing in propaganda from Saudi official has no bearing on the reality on the ground.

I think situation can change only if mercenary force of Pakistan comes into the picture as pussy arabs cannot do much of its own.
06 April 2015 22:38 (Last updated 06 April 2015 22:39)
Yemen's Shiite Houthi group has staged a massive abduction campaign over the past two days in five provinces of crisis-hit Yemen

Yemen's Shiite Houthi group has staged a massive abduction campaign over the past two days in five provinces of crisis-hit Yemen, a local rights group said Monday.

The group has kidnapped 318 political opponents and raided 26 homes and 33 NGOs, according to the Sanaa Rights Center.

It added in a statement that Houthi gunmen had also raided 16 offices of the pro-Muslim Brotherhood Al-Islah Party and seven student dormitories.

The center described the alleged violations as "unprecedented" in Yemen's history.

Since March 26, positions held by Yemen's Shiite Houthi group have been under attack by warplanes from countries participating in the Saudi-led campaign.

The Chinese embassy in Yemen has been temporarily closed.

The Chinese embassy in Yemen has been temporarily closed, a Yemeni diplomat said Monday.

The closure of the embassy in capital Sanaa and China's consulate in the southern city of Aden "will be temporary," the diplomat told The Anadolu Agency.

According to the diplomat, the Chinese ambassador and embassy staff have been evacuated to neighboring Djibouti.

Fractious Yemen has remained in turmoil since last September, when the Shiite Houthi militant group overran Sanaa, from which they have sought to extend their influence to other parts of the country as well.


At least 27 Houthi militants were reportedly killed in an ambush in Yemen's southern Ad Dali city on Monday.

"About 27 Houthis were killed and more than 20 others injured when a Houthi military convoy was ambushed in central Ad Dali city," a member of a local vigilante group loyal to embattled President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi told The Anadolu Agency.

He said the Houthi convoy had been en route to Aden to provide support to pro-Houthi forces who are currently shelling parts of the southern city.

The pro-Hadi vigilante, for his part, said that 24 Houthi militants had been captured by vigilante groups in the southern Lahj province.

There has been no comment from the Shiite Houthi group regarding the reports.
I think situation can change only if mercenary force of Pakistan comes into the picture as pussy arabs cannot do much of its own.

Well, personally, I do not think it will happen. It appears, Pakistani Generals this time have flatly refused to take part. The Pakistani politicians and the Saudi kingdom are just trying to decorate and cover up this flat refusal. The only help, that it seems has been allowed by Pakistani Generals, to be extended to Saudis, is to use the Pakistani flag during their propaganda announcements.
PS. Just watch how things will go, bro. This thing will be wrapped up pretty fast.

The same way you "wrapped up" Tikrit? sorry, I mean the Americans wrapped it up for you and then you took the credit.


You have no chance of winning in Yemen.

They are being defeated because there are Iraqi forces and Iranian advisors on the ground not to mention Kurdish Peshmarga.

Where are Saudis adviser generals on the ground, fighting alongside a Yemeni force and even taking their selfies?

Air strikes are just killing civilians. The situation on the ground is fast becoming unfavorable to you. And meanwhile you do not have brave Generals who can go in and take territory and hold it.

Go figure.
Calm down, make yourself some french fries, watch and enjoy:


They are being defeated because there are Iraqi forces and Iranian advisors on the ground not to mention Kurdish Peshmarga.

Go figure.
Hmm.. You mean the Iranian advisors and Shiite militias who ran away from the battle so the Iraqi forces and the coalition do the job for them, then after liberation of Tikrit they came back to loot and burn embty civilian houses? The ones who have been kcked out recently?
I'm really interested to see, how militants would receive further weapon shipments from Iran or US.
I'm also interested to see, how foreign fighters would leave Yemen.
I believe Arab coalition, should blockade Yemen and soon militants would come out of their rat holes.
I also would like to know, why India was waiting so long to evacuate its citizens and why its notorious army chief went to Yemen. Are they busy evacuating Iran Revolution Guards?
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