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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

اللهم صلي وسلم عليه ، مرحبا اخي

No problem brothers, I think he's facing some temporary difficulties in his study and it will end soon insha Allah :D (I'm going through this also:sick: ) .He's carrying the voice of peace .When needed , he will be the first man carries the weapon to defend his country and people . :enjoy:
sounds like he is PMSing.
if he thinks the muslim world is retarded and hypocryte then he better not come back.
we dont need more hypocrites. we have enough already
. .
Good post. I agree with a lot of the content although not everything. Actually what I was alluding to was not war in itself (I consider war as an inevitable human "past time" that will always be present and always has been) but the general condition of the MENA region/Muslim world, all of those conflicts that are targeting the common man and woman first of all while the leaders and clerics are hardly impacted, all the hypocrisy, misuse of religion for selfish agendas, the lack of foresight, the troublesome realization that past mistakes are being committed time and time again, the petty discussions/topics that are the source of death which the vast majority of the remaining world has long thrown away, all the problems that seem to have no end, the wrong priorities etc. Sometimes you reach a point where you have to say it how it is no matter if it is going to hurt or provoke other people. I don't bother if people are calling me a Nazi, racist, non-Muslim, agent or whatever they want to do in case of me speaking out about the ground realities or simply voicing my opinions which are shared by millions. Maybe not on all fronts but at the core they are.

Also don't misunderstand me. I believe that the Houthi's are a huge part of the problem in Yemen alongside with corrupted officials in the parliament and military, AQAP and other fractions. It's just that this fight is not the fight of anyone else but the Yemenis. A joint Arab coalition led by KSA might chase the Houthi's back to their strongholds in the Northernmost regions of Yemen but they won't be able to crush the Houthi's completely or make them disappear as I have read, seen and heard certain commentators, officials etc. proclaim.

There are a lot of questions and few answers as of now. Don't forget that this conflict/war is one out of dozens of conflicts/wars and all of them are connected.

In the end I just like most other sane people simply want to see progress and peace in the region and for us to focus on matters that really matter.

Such as continued economic progress, education, science, job creation, infrastructure, social and political reforms etc. It's even gotten to the point that compatriots are killing each other due to sect/different political views alone. All that it takes. This is not what I envision my children or grandchildren (not that I expect them to live in the ME) to live through or future generations. Simply put the status quo in the MENA region/Muslim world is by large a very messed up/insane status quo and the locals have to be at the forefront to change that because foreigners are not going to do that. In fact they will just make it all worse by using weak people for their own agendas as seen recently and throughout history.

Also of course not everything is doom and gloom but I think that it is fair to say that I have a point or two. People that live in the region can either close their eyes and pretend that those problems are not there or actually try to do something about them at least. If nothing is done they won't disappear but just become more widespread and more deadly.

If you accept war as part of the human condition then everything that follows, i.e., death, destruction, brutality, economic collapse, poverty, loss of innocence, etc. should be easier to accept. Ergo, the death of 3 Saudi soldiers and countless Yemni civilians is nothing more than 'necessary evil'.

Only when you question the necessity of war can you arrive at the conclusion that people who view themselves, or others, through the lens of war are more likely to wage war. This is true regardless of geography and religion. Its true in the case of Houthis as well.

If you only focus on the symptoms of conflict (war is escalation of conflict) and not how those conflicts are resolved, or escalated, you're essentially looking for scapegoats i.e. bad leaders, lack of social or political development, etc.

Empowered communities will, in time, demand better leadership and development. If leaders fail to deliver, they will have a revolution on their hand. French aristocracy suffered this fate more than once.

On the other hand, if you keep people in a state of fear, they are less likely to question their leaders or their policies. Hence politics of fear comes before war. To question the politics of fear is to question the necessity of war.

not me or any saudi or citizen from the coalition countries has to answer to anyone but god.

@Rakan.SA If you have to invoke god to justify a petty regional war, you've already lost the argument.
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If you have to invoke god to justify a petty regional war, you've already lost the argument.
sorry what argument ?! lol
i told you im not going to waste my time trying to explain anything to you. you made an argument out of that ?! lol
anyway the theories you are talking about is exactly what the west and US have been doing with their ppl.
not in saudi.
im not a prince i dont work for the government and from time to time i make harsh comments against my government. so i fear no one and i dont kiss ***. if my government did anything wrong i would say it. but what it did is exactly what the ppl want and have been asking for years. why ?! because we dont feel secured while iran is doing what its doing for the past few decades. the iranian government is directly involved in terrorist attacks all around the world specially the arab world including saudi. even in makkah during hajj. thats how sick they are. so our government was very very patient for decades! and it has an obligation to secure its ppl and national interests.
i dont need someone living in the other half of the world tell me how things are and why we went to war.
keep your BS to your self. your nation has enough blood on its hands so stay busy dealing with that.
the US made up 9/11 to apply the theories you have been talking about so ppl can give up their liberty in exchange of security and control by the government " NE WORLD ORDER" as many western presidents and politicians call it. and it dragged the whole NATO members with it cuz they have a deal. then they dragged them to war.
so you have a blood thersty corropt governments that are killing 10s and 100s of millions for the past 100 years until now for world dominance! so please go stand against them. and leave us alone we know how to deal with our part of the world.
your world government including UN and the UN security council have brought nothing but wars and trouble to this world. 5 countries decides who has the right to live or not! thats how low you ppl are. you keep your ppl busy with fancy materialistic things in life while you make it hard of other nations to live.
so dont give us lectures like we are bunch of idiots here.
you go all the way to afghanistan to fight a ghost called terror and kill civilians then you want to lecture us!

@Rakan.SA @Gasoline @Ahmed Jo

أهي جريمة الآن إن تحدثنا عن الحقائق المؤسفة التي تجري على أرض الواقع في منطقة الشرق الأوسط والعالم الإسلامي؟ هل تعتقدون حقا أن جميع النزاعات والحروب الفارغة، والقتل، والطائفية، والسلوك المتخلف، وعدم الكفاءة السياسية، والأولويات الخاطئة، والجماعات الإرهابية، والأنظمة الشمولية، والنفاق، واستغلال الدين سوف تختفي بين عشية وضحاها؟ ألا يستحق الشعب والأجيال القادمة حياة أفضل؟ لماذا يجب علينا التستر على تلك المشاكل والتظاهر بأن كل شيء على ما يرام في حين أن كل شخص عاقل يمكن أن يرى أن هذا هو محض هراء، إذا ابتغينا الصدق لمرة واحدة ولو كان قاسيا؟

وعليه، هل أصبح الآن من غير المشروع التشكيك في فعالية (على المدى الطويل) العملية العسكرية الحالية؟ أين ترونني أعبّر عن أي دعم للحوثيين أو للملا في إيران أو أختلق أي أعذار؟

أنا أؤيد العملية، غير أن الغزو البري وحده لن يحل المشاكل إلا مؤقتا كما كتبت. يجب على الشعب اليمني أن يحل مشاكله بنفسه على المدى الطويل لأنه الوحيد القادر على ذلك. وبحسب ما أراه، اليمن بؤرة خطر وهذا يبدو وكأنه فخ.

بالطبع أشعر بالغضب عندما يموت الجنود الشباب وحرس الحدود في صراعات فرغة يمكن تجنبها بين العرب تحديدا، ولا سيما الجيران العرب.

إن الكثير مما كتبتموه لي إنما هو مزاعم واتهامات باطلة لم أكتبها قط. فأنا لم أزعم قط أن الحوثيين ليسوا جزءا من المشكلة ولا الملا في إيران، ولم أقل إنه لا ينبغي أن نحارب الحوثيين في اليمن. يرجى أن تقرأوا مجددا ما كتبته فعليا. الواقع هو أن جميع المجموعات ارتكبت وترتكب الأخطاء وقد سئمت من استغلال الضحايا الأبرياء في هذه اللعبة القذرة.

كنت مثلكم في السابق غير أنه طفح الكيل عندي.

أصدقائي، مهما يكن رأيكم ورأيي في الأمر، فإن التغييرات التي ذكرتها ضرورية لمنطقتنا للمضي قدما. ولا علاقة لذلك بالدين (الإسلام). وإن أراد المرء أن يشفى من علة، فعليه أن يعترف أولا بأنه يعانيها.

لا تأخذوا كلامي شخصيا، واستخدموا ما لديكم من طاقات لمعالجة المشاكل الحقيقية.

على أية حال سوف أحدّ من أوقات دخولي إلى هذا المنتدى، لذا لن تقرأوا الكثير من مشاركاتي. لا شك أن ذلك سيسرّ الإيرانيين كثيرا لأنه لن يبقى أحد يوقفهم عند حدّهم إذا أساءوا التصرف. لقد توصلت إلى استنتاج مفاده أن سكان منطقة الشرق الأوسط يجب أن يروا أولا واقع الحياة في منطقة أخرى من العالم لكي يدركوا حقيقة ما يحدث في المنطقة ويروا العيوب الكثيرة في منطقتهم بين الأنظمة والجماعات السياسية ورجال الدين الخ

لا، أنا نفسي بعيد عن الكمال، ولكن على الأقل لا أتجاهل كل التحديات الضخمة التي نواجهها وسنواجهها لفترة طويلة في المستقبل إذا لم نغير سلوكنا وعقليتنا وأفعالنا.

عندما أكتب أن "العالم الإسلامي هو متخلف" فأنا عندئذ أشير بشكل واضح إلى مثيري الشغب والمشاكل المعروفين، والأهم إلى أنظمة معينة هي بالفعل متخلفة وتشكل جزءا كبيرا من المشكلة.

ألا تسأمون إطلاقا من كل هذا الهراء؟ ألم تعيشوا قط خارج الشرق الأوسط؟

أخيرا لا يمكنني أن أدعم بشكل أعمى نظاما غير منتخب، وأود أن أرى انتخابات حقيقية تُجرى في المملكة العربية السعودية ودول مجلس التعاون الخليجي والعالم العربي، حيث يمكن للناس أن يختاروا حكامهم بأنفسهم ويجعلوهم عرضة للمساءلة.

كذلك كنت أنتقد نظام الملا الإيراني وعملاءهم المخربين في العالم العربي بلغة قاسية قبل فترة طويلة من اشتراككم في PDF. نعم، قبل سنوات عديدة. لذا أرجوكم توقفوا عن هذا

كل ما أريده حاليا، قبل أي شيء آخر، هو السلام والتقدم في عالمنا العربي الحبيب. من فضلكم لا تجعلوا المسألة شخصية ولا تشكوا في إيماني.

بعض الإخوة الآخرين والمستخدمين القدامى يفهمون تماما ما أتحدث عنه.

Anyway have fun and take care.
A Yemeni supporter of the separatist Southern Movement rests a tank shell on his shoulder in the city of Aden on April 6, 2015. Fierce clashes raged between rebels and loyalist fighters in southern Yemen, leaving nearly 100 dead in 24 hours, as the Red Cross faced delays to urgently needed aid deliveries. AFP PHOTO / SALEH AL-OBEIDI
. . .
Yemenis from Taez province donate blood to those injured in the latest fighting in the southern port city of Aden on April 7, 2015, at an hospital in Yemen's second larget city of Taez (AFP Photo/Abdulrahaman Abdullah)

Shiite Huthi rebels gather in the Crater district of the the southern Yemeni port city of Aden on April 5, 2015 (AFP Photo/Saleh Al-Obeidi)
Warplanes from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain are taking part in the operation.

The following footage shows RSAF Tornado IDS, F-15S and Eurofighter Typhoon jets launch from and return to King Khalid airbase.

Noteworthy, the clip also shows one of the four Sudanese Air Force Su-24Ms that are taking part in the coalition air strikes in Yemen.

focusing on UAE Air Force contribution to the Operation:
سؤال ثاني لو تكرمت هل أنت مصاب بصدمه حضارية ؟
اكيد مصدوم! يحسب هو اللي سافر بس! يقول يبغالنا نسافر و نعيش برا لكي نرا عالمنا من منظور آخر! الله اكبر! السعوديه من اكبر ١٠ دول في العالم مصدره للسياحه. محنا عايشين في كهف لكي ننظر لاوطاننا نظره غربيه. خاصه و ان اوطاننا ضحية سياسه غربيه. قليلا ما ترى او بالكاد ترى سعودي مهاجو او جاليه سعوديه في اي دوله. الكل يعود لها لسبب.
ثم يقول اننا متخلفين و يلوم الدين والمشايخ و فكرنا و اوهام لا يقولها الا مضحوك عليه!
لو قال ما قال قبل الحرب كان ممكن اناقشه. لكن ان يتغير و يقلب اثناء الحرب فلا عذر له.
و اقول اليوم اليمن السعيد و غدا الشام.
ماذا تتوقع سيحدث لو تركنا اليمن ؟ سيناريو العراق و سوريا و سيطلع داعش و القاعده و يدخلو الحدود. لكن الفرق ان عندهم صواريخ سكود و صواريخ ايرانيه تم شحنها الى اليمن.
الحوثي لا يعلم كيف يستخدمها لكن الايراني و علي صالح يعلمو. الاستخبارات السعوديه جابت ارقام الصواريخ الايرانيه او ما يسمى سيريال نمبر المكتوبه عليها. و هذا الواهم يقولك هي حرب يمنيه و مالنا صلاح.
انا اعطيك مثال بسيط. بسبب الحوثيين رفعت شركات التامين الرسوم على السفن التي تعبر من قناة السويس و في طريقها لباب المندب ثم للعالم. فاضطرت بعض الشركات ان لا ترسل سفنها عبر السويس مما اثر على اقتصاد مصر.
هذا مثال بسيط. لا ارد ان اطيل لكن عيب و حرام ان يخذل و يثبط شخص المسلمين.

An alert border guard keeps vigil on the southern borders in Jazan. Saudi border guards have foiled infiltration attempts from the Yemeni side in the wake of the ongoing Decisive Storm operation against the Houthi militias. A Houthi camp was detected in the southern most point on Saudi border, which was completely destroyed by the security forces. After the 2009 infiltration attempt, the Kingdom created a buffer zone along the border with Yemen. Displaced villagers were compensated with money and housing. — SPA
Y؛emeni officials said Saudi airstrikes targeting a military base on Tuesday hit a nearby school, injuring at least a half dozen students.
The information came from two officials with the governor's office in Ibb province, where the school is located, as well as Houthi sources from the rebel group that is fighting for control of the country.

A third source, with the Education Ministry in Ibb, said three students had been killed at the Al Bastain School in Maitam, in southwestern Yemen, as a result of an airstrike.
Fire and smoke are seen at a military site after it was hit by an air strike at the Faj Attan mountain of Sanaa April 6, 2015.
Reuters/Mohamed al-Sayaghi

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S., a key ally of oil-rich Saudi Arabia, had also set up a coordination center in the Sunni Muslim kingdom, whose forces have led an air campaign against the Shi'ite Houthi group which rules most of Yemen.

"Saudi Arabia is sending a strong message to the Houthis and their allies that they cannot overrun Yemen by force," he told reporters in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

"As part of that effort, we have expedited weapons deliveries, we have increased our intelligence sharing, and we have established a joint coordination planning cell in the Saudi operation center," Blinken added.

Reuters / Monday, April 06, 2015
A Saudi soldier takes his position at Saudi Arabia's border with Yemen, April 6, 2015. REUTERS/Faisal Al Nasser

Apr 7, 2015, SPA -- Brig. Gen. Ahmed bin Hasan Asiri, consultant at the minister of defense's office and spokesman of the Coalition Forces, said that the coalition command is continuously communicating with the relief organizations to follow up evacuation of foreigners.

As explained during the daily press briefing held today base Riyadh flights, Brig. Asiri said that the command issued today necessary permissions for a ship to move from Djibouti towards Aden carrying relief materials and medical crews of the Red Cross.

Asiri added that the evacuation operations are going at a good pace despite of presence of some obstacles facing some countries in providing enough aircrafts to the size of their people in Yemen, stressing that capabilities which are provided by the coalition command are began to show results on the ground.

Brig. Asiri pointed out that the actions carried out by the coalition forces during the air campaign are going in accordance with the prepared plans where the coalition forces isolated the Houthi militias in Aden with a continuation of supporting the People's Committees and the loyal people of the region to address these acts of sabotage.

Asiri said that the coalition forces have worked to achieve the air objectives since the beginning of operations with a focus on the Houthi camps and movements where the coalition forces directly targeted them in Sana'a, Taiz and Dhali.

20:26 LOCAL TIME 17:26 GMT

Brig. Asiri said that the coalition command hopes that the commanders of the military units in the Yemeni army which desire to support the legitimacy and abandonment of these terrorist groups are to communicate with their colleagues who support the legitimacy in order to avoid destroying these forces.

During the past 24 hours, Brig. Asiri added that the coalition forces targeted all brigades and forces that support the Houthi militias at their sites, movements and ammunition stores, 'the coalition forces destroyed today about 11 ammunition stores,' he added.

Brig. Asiri said that the number of Houthi militias are began to decrease, pointing out that they are in disarray and have no organization, 'the coalition command will target and destroy their sites,' Asiri added.

At Al-Anad Airbase, Brig. Asiri confirmed that the potentials are neutralized at the airbase, 'but the Houthi militias returned yesterday to the airbase and tried to grab these potentials and hide inside the airbase,' Asiri added, pointing out that the coalition forces directly attacked them and the base is became now under the control of the People's Committees in the region.

Regarding the land operations, Brig. Asiri said the Kingdom's southern borders are in a fully stable situation where the land forces and border guards perform their duties.

At the same time, the naval operations of the coalition forces are also playing their role effectively in collaboration with the states in the region at Bab-el-Mandeb and the Horn of Africa.

20:55 LOCAL TIME 17:55 GMT

Answering reporters’ questions, Asiri said the coalition forces are working to achieve their current main goals of securing the city of Aden, preventing the Houthi militias from continuing to terrify citizens and blocking any flow of supportive materials for the Houthis from outside the city. He said that mutinous army forces, affiliating to deposed former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and the militias are from time to time trying to reinforce their presence in the city of Aden.

He drew the attention that the Determination Storm targeted the hostile camps in Aden, particularly the central security and presidential guard sites who might play crucial role on the military balance on the ground, noting that the Houthi militias have in the past stormed the Yemeni army facilities and robbed quantities of arms from the stores, and imported big amounts of weapons from outside Yemen. Asiri questioned the wisdom from storing this sizable quantities of arms inside Yemen if it were not to harm the country and its citizens.

He said military action is a planned and organized one that's not responding to reactions. So, this work is targeting militia's and not a regular army, noting that ten to twelve or two weeks of military operations is considered a short time, particularly that the military operations are done according to a prescribed plan that takes into consideration the safety of citizens and the infrastructure of the country.

He criticized those who are crying on the media to condole the painful losses their Houthi allies have sustained, citing the human and Houthi military infrastructures losses.
21:58 LOCAL TIME 18:58 GMT

Giving an account on the history of the Houthi group struggle to seize power in Yemen, Asiri reminded that the Houthi militias started to attack the Yemeni State early 2002, and then launched six wars against the Yemeni army, drawing the attention that the Yemeni government has given TV evidence in the past years on the involvement of Iran in support of the Houthi militia with weapons and ammunition coming to them through Yemeni ports.

Since then, the militias were trying to seize power from the legitimate government in Yemen. Following their most recent coup in Sanaa, there were 14 flights a week coming from Iran carrying weapons and ammunition for the Houthi militia, he disclosed, adding that the planes were also carrying what they call 'tourists coming from Iran and Yemeni tourists going to Iran'.

He confirmed that the Iranians managed to train Yemeni youths to use military aircraft, obtain airstrikes and artillery, an unprecedented experience of a militia who possess warplanes and scud missiles. He stated that Iran and Hezbollah managed to provide training for Houthi militia which was developed to sustain harm to Yemeni population and infrastructure. He said this destructive plan is now halted by the Determination Storm Operation.

On the other hand, Al-Samsam military drill 5, is held alternately between the Kingdom and Pakistan, aiming at achieving mutual experience and benefit. He said the Saudi Arabian armed forces and land forces are ready to do their job along the southern border of the Kingdom, noting the role being played by King Salman Training Center in this regard.

22:37 LOCAL TIME 19:37 GMT
Italian made FALCO UAV in Saudi Arabia. Possible opertational use in Yemen.


A WWII era SU-100 self propelled gun in San'aa, Yemen.


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