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Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

Think about it, without India's backing, Tamil Nadu would have nothing to protect themselves from Sri Lankans or any leverage against them.
Think about this instead:

Where will Tamil Nadu gets its water from? Do you seriously think that Karnataka or Kerala will be releasing anything above the bare minimum to a "foreign" country?
The issue is not language but the issue is imposing something on others which make them rebel..if English would have imposed by gora then people would have started hating it

Yep. Pretty much.

Increasing numbers of South Indians are learning Hindi to communicate with the North Indian migrants.

why the need to impose then? Why should South Indians be compelled to learn Hindi to cure the Hindi wallhas of their post colonial complex?

Think about this instead:

Where will Tamil Nadu gets its water from? Do you seriously think that Karnataka or Kerala will be releasing anything above the bare minimum to a "foreign" country?


@KingMamba Tamil Nadu has long standing water disputes with Kerala, Karnataka.

where are they going to get the water from?
@Arya Desa Look am A odia you know where it is spoken ! I only know to speak Hindi and english ! then last thing I asked you are tamil because your name sounds like a south Indian movie star ! get a life bro ! thinking all south Indian are madrassi ! you need to shamed to cursed me mister !
Yep. Pretty much.

Increasing numbers of South Indians are learning Hindi to communicate with the North Indian migrants.

why the need to impose then? Why should South Indians be compelled to learn Hindi to cure the Hindi wallhas of their post colonial complex?
Yea its all about satisfaction of their ego if they feel you will be real indian only if you learn Hindi..To be honest you educated indians guys prefer to communicate in english more than educated Pakistan whether we talk about film industry, politicains or even students..its your habit and most of you feel pride speaking in English or using some words of english in Hindi while its differnt matter in pakistan..may be only high class society but middle class society in pakistan dont have any obsession with english
If what you say is true than we support you, your leaders supported us so we will always return the favor.


You speak of South Indian insecurity. In the case of the Dravidian parties, I cannot deny a lot of them has that.

But this Hindi, Hindu, Hindustani movement is born of an Indian insecurity to throw away the last vestiges of colonialism?

so my question is, why should South Indians compromise just so that Hindi wallahs can cure themselves of the complex of being ruled by Gorahs for 250 years?

English is learned because it provides obvious economic benefits.

If Hindi provides the same, South Indians will flock to it. It makes economical sense.
If what you say is true than we support you, your leaders supported us so we will always return the favor.

I am just a Tamilnadu watcher - Tamils nationalists will be grateful to the gesture , Tamils don't see Pakistan as their enemy their eternal enemy is Lanka and neigbouring states - Kerala , Karnataka -

sample these to feel the anti Tamil vibe

@KingMamba Tamil Nadu has long standing water disputes with Kerala, Karnataka

You do realise that Kerala (where I am from) and rest of the South has disputes with Tamil Nadu? They hate Tamil Chauvinism as much as they hate Hindi imposition
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Didin't you ask me to leave a thread because I was brown?

Dillinger was there as a witness, so no, I am not making this up.

I asked you to leave because you were black. I don't trust anything I can't see at night.

You speak of South Indian insecurity. In the case of the Dravidian parties, I cannot deny a lot of them has that.

But this Hindi, Hindu, Hindustani movement is born of an Indian insecurity to throw away the last vestiges of colonialism?

so my question is, why should South Indians compromise just so that Hindi wallahs can cure themselves of the complex of being ruled by Gorahs for 250 years?

English is learned because it provides obvious economic benefits.

If Hindi provides the same, South Indians will flock to it. It makes economical sense.

I can accept that but I still believe there should be one indigenous language to serve as the national language. I have no problems with English in fact learning English gives Pakistanis and Indians advantages over others which is ever evident in the performance of South Asians abroad with Indians leading the way by far. English is my first language anyway so like I said not an issue.
Yea its all about satisfaction of their ego if they feel you will be real indian only if you learn Hindi..To be honest you educated indians guys prefer to communicate in english more than educated Pakistan whether we talk about film industry, politicains or even students..its your habit and most of you feel pride speaking in English or using some words of english in Hindi while its differnt matter in pakistan..may be only high class society but middle class society in pakistan dont have any obsession with english

basically yes.

their idea of an Indian is the one who speaks Hindi, and is a Hindu. That vision of India is an exclusive one.

These Tamil Lingual fanatics and Hindi language fanatics, where do they send their children? that's right, English medium schools in foreign countries most likely.

Because they know that in order to access the higher level education, they need to divest their past colonialism complex and be pragmatic.
I am just a Tamilnadu watcher - Tamils nationalists will be grateful to the gesture , Tamils don't see Pakistan as their enemy their eternal enemy is Lanka and neigbouring states - Kerala , Karnataka -
tamils people are not cheap to hate others to destroy them they are furious by the condition of civil war and war crimes but they keep silent on tamil tigers one that why dont ike there politicians ! I have known tamil from srilanka they dont hate srilankan and their country but they hate there armya and government brutality and injustice !
I can accept that but I still believe there should be one indigenous language to serve as the national language. I have no problems with English in fact learning English gives Pakistanis and Indians advantages over others which is ever evident in the performance of South Asians abroad with Indians leading the way by far. English is my first language anyway so like I said not an issue.

again, Increasing numbers of South Indians are learning Hindi. There Hindi tution classes and coaching in Kerala and Tamil nadu.

I am an advocate of popularising Hindi.

That way, you can avoid all these brouhaha.

You can't impose on India what worked for other nations. It is a nation that is a composite collection of cultures, languages and religions.

This will be about linguistics now.

what happens when these same people will exclude Muslims? Christians?

I am not fighting against Hindi. But this exclusive vision of what an Indian should be. That is a Hindi speaking Hindu.
basically yes.

their idea of an Indian is the one who speaks Hindi, and is a Hindu. That vision of India is an exclusive one.

These Tamil Lingual fanatics and Hindi language fanatics, where do they send their children? that's right, English medium schools in foreign countries most likely.

Because they know that in order to access the higher level education, they need to divest their past colonialism complex and be pragmatic.
The real problem is to associate any language with patriotism or nationalism.. Urdu was needed for Pakistan because we had all four different provinces who were speaking local languages. We needed a common language which we could use to communicate with each others. It could be either Urdu or English but if some illiterate Pakistani whether they are from punjab,sindh or kpk cannot speak Urdu then that don't mean they would become less Pakistani..

People would learn your language voluntary if they know they will get opportunities in that state/country where this language is common. I have seen Pakistan people who learned even German in order to get free study in Germany
basically yes.

their idea of an Indian is the one who speaks Hindi, and is a Hindu. That vision of India is an exclusive one.

These Tamil Lingual fanatics and Hindi language fanatics, where do they send their children? that's right, English medium schools in foreign countries most likely.

Because they know that in order to access the higher level education, they need to divest their past colonialism complex and be pragmatic.
exactly am odia and I know hindi but I think that you make sense by denieing the compulsion of hindi in state government and school ! in kerala people tends to learn hindi faster compares to tamil ! I stayed three years in tirupur TN but i couldnt learn tamil ! its hard and for people there hindi is hard the same story for me and average tamil there we speak english to communicate !

basically yes.

their idea of an Indian is the one who speaks Hindi, and is a Hindu. That vision of India is an exclusive one.

These Tamil Lingual fanatics and Hindi language fanatics, where do they send their children? that's right, English medium schools in foreign countries most likely.

Because they know that in order to access the higher level education, they need to divest their past colonialism complex and be pragmatic.
you need not talk to this people about this !
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