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Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

Looks like the same pussy cat gets flogged.. :lol:

LTTE pussy

TN pussy

Oh and the Indian PM killer gets center stage as well looking at the poster.. In India it self :-)
u meant that tiger symbol???
its the emblem of a pro LTTE political party based in Tamilnadu,leaded by a Christian terrorist Sebastian seeman...a man well known for his anti Indian stand and a noted hindu hater...he once invited Kashmiri separatist leader yasin malik for his party meeting and extended his support for free Kashmir....
a desha drohi...
and the Army and people of Sri Lanka ought to hate the LTTE and its supporters who tried to destroy Sri Lanka over half century period!

the destruction was confined to Tamil homeland - Eelam, no harm was inflicted to the Sinhala majority - Sri Lanka

The army and Sinhalas (rest of the world - India ) could not accept the truth - minority Tamil fought for a separate country and did not want Sinhala Buddhist rule, so the hatred towards LTTE plus India's fear of spill over to Tamilnadu
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Tamilnadu supports Kashmir's freedom and Kashmir supports Tamilnadu - live wth it losers

Tamilnadu supports Kashmir's freedom and Kashmir supports Tamilnadu - live wth it losers


Yasin Malik of JKLF. He's a good guy. I remember when he held a peaceful hunger strike @ Islamabad to protest the judicial murder of Afzal Guru. He really gave it to that guy doorknob goswami on that tv entertainment talk "show" he runs. I'll have to find the link to that, saw it some time back got a good laugh from it
Yasin Malik of JKLF. He's a good guy. I remember when he held a peaceful hunger strike @ Islamabad to protest the judicial murder of Afzal Guru. He really gave it to that guy doorknob goswami on that tv entertainment talk "show" he runs. I'll have to find the link to that, saw it some time back got a good laugh from it

Tamilnadu protested Afzal Guru's death sentence . Tamilnadu is against death sentence unlike the rest of India and Yasin Malik is popular figure in Tamilnadu -

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Tamils and other dravids are mostly geek people with strange english pronunciations like they say 'yem' instead of 'M' . @Ravi Nair @SAMEET

Don't say what iam stating is wrong :-3


that's actually true. And Also is also pronounced aalso.

for e.g My father says Yeggs, instead of eggs. God bless his heart though :)

@JayZ of course man. ISRO, DRDO, Tech powerhouses like Bangalore, Hyderabad. But you have an increasing number of engineers from Bihar and other places that are growing in number.

Well trolls doesn't necessarily need an identity.. Nor shame

well having flags means your allegiance is found out sooner. So less effectiveness in trolling because people know your intentions.

good to see you gibbsy.

Looks like the same pussy cat gets flogged.. :lol:

LTTE pussy

TN pussy

Oh and the Indian PM killer gets center stage as well looking at the poster.. In India it self :-)


It makes me want to puke.
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South Indians have preserved their culture and language. If we believe that invaders displaced very advance IVC people to South India. It means Pakistanis gave vedic culture to bhaiyas of North and South Indians were responsible for first great civilization in South Asia. Not to forget we are genetically related because not everyone went to South India.

north indian bhaiyas are like dhobi ke kutte, na ghar ke na gath ke. Thats why South Indians and Pakistanis get along very well. Just my honest opinion. Hopefully in a decade i don't have to call them South Indian but something else.
South Indians have preserved their culture and language. If we believe that invaders displaced very advance IVC people to South India. It means Pakistanis gave vedic culture to bhaiyas of North and South Indians were responsible for first great civilization in South Asia. Not to forget we are genetically related because not everyone went to South India.

north indian bhaiyas are like dhobi ke kutte, na ghar ke na gath ke. Thats why South Indians and Pakistanis get along very well. Just my honest opinion. Hopefully in a decade i don't have to call them South Indian but something else.

What a wierd-@$$ theory!:cheesy: Are you Shan by any chance?:unsure:
South Indians have preserved their culture and language. If we believe that invaders displaced very advance IVC people to South India. It means Pakistanis gave vedic culture to bhaiyas of North and South Indians were responsible for first great civilization in South Asia. Not to forget we are genetically related because not everyone went to South India.

north indian bhaiyas are like dhobi ke kutte, na ghar ke na gath ke. Thats why South Indians and Pakistanis get along very well. Just my honest opinion. Hopefully in a decade i don't have to call them South Indian but something else.

Addressing the annual convention of All India Muslim League, held in Madras in 1941, Muhammad Ali Jinnah said,
In this land of yours (meaning the Madras Province) there is another nation, the Dravidians. This land is really Dravidistan The only way for you to come into your own, live your own life according to your culture and according to your language-thank God that Hindi did not go very far here-and your history is to go ahead with your ideal. I have every sympathy for you, and I shall do all I can to support you to establish Dravidistan

IVC was a Dravidian Tamil civilization - e,g fish seal, Brahui language

Pakistanis need to use different lens when dealing with Tamilnadu, Tamilnadu is different from the rest of India culturally - e.g - language, religion , etc ,

Unlike Indians, Tamils don't see Pakistani as enemies, Tamils know their enemy .

High time Pakistan open a consulate in Chennai and foster close cultural links with Tamilnadu. Tamils supported the formation of Pakistan and support Kashmir's freedom

By the 1940s, Periyar supported Muslim League's claim for a separate Pakistan, and expected its support in return.

Dravida Nadu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jinnah with Periyar


Yasin Malik - Tamilnadu freedom rally
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