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Addressing the annual convention of All India Muslim League, held in Madras in 1941, Muhammad Ali Jinnah said,

IVC was a Dravidian Tamil civilization - e,g fish seal, Brahui language

Pakistanis need to use different lens when dealing with Tamilnadu, Tamilnadu is different from the rest of India culturally - e.g - language, religion , etc ,

Unlike Indians, Tamils don't see Pakistani as enemies, Tamils know their enemy .

High time Pakistan open a consulate in Chennai and foster close cultural links
with Tamilnadu. Tamils support Kashmir and Pakistan .. this was acknowledged by Quid -e - Azam himself

By the 1940s, Periyar supported Muslim League's claim for a separate Pakistan, and expected its support in return.

Dravida Nadu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jinnah with Periyar


Yasin Malik - Tamilnadu freedom rally

Sir as i said our bound with you is very ancient, i can see our relations with Dravidstan being exemplary in near future. Sir in Pakistan there are 3 million Brahui, who have preserved their ancient language till this day! While these bhaiyas quickly adapted Pakistani ancestors languages without any resistance.
Addressing the annual convention of All India Muslim League, held in Madras in 1941, Muhammad Ali Jinnah said,

IVC was a Dravidian Tamil civilization - e,g fish seal, Brahui language

Pakistanis need to use different lens when dealing with Tamilnadu, Tamilnadu is different from the rest of India culturally - e.g - language, religion , etc ,

Unlike Indians, Tamils don't see Pakistani as enemies, Tamils know their enemy .

High time Pakistan open a consulate in Chennai and foster close cultural links
with Tamilnadu. Tamils support Kashmir and Pakistan .. this was acknowledged by Quid -e - Azam himself

By the 1940s, Periyar supported Muslim League's claim for a separate Pakistan, and expected its support in return.

Dravida Nadu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jinnah with Periyar


Yasin Malik - Tamilnadu freedom rally

So you mean to say that Pakistanis today have no claim on IVC?....And those Tamils who identify themselves as Hindu are confused folks? Splendid!

btw, how do you identify yourself as? Given that there isn't anything out there that can be called 'Tamil Country', I can see why you've found it quite difficult to adopt any flag.:lol:
So you mean to say that Pakistanis today have no claim on IVC?....And those Tamils who identify themselves as Hindu are confused folks? Splendid!

btw, how do you identify yourself as? Given that there isn't anything out there that can be called 'Tamil Country', I can see why you've found it quite difficult to adopt any flag.:lol:

Wrong again, there are 3 million Brahui in Pakistan. Dravidians!

Its our shared history with Dravidians. North Indians are merely our slaves.
Wrong again, there are 3 million Brahui in Pakistan. Dravidians!

Its our shared history with Dravidians. North Indians are merely our slaves.

Wrong again. The Brahui haven't settled in Pakistan anytime before 900-1000 AD. They're akin to the Roma in that sense. Relatively recent settlers. Plus, the Brahui aren't Tamil. Didn't you just hear it from Manlion and like his views, that IVC is a product solely of Tamil heritage?
Thank you. I am actually a Rajput Punjabi. How do you guys feel about us? A general consensus in the Punjabi Rajput community is that we should have continued intermarry with Rajastani Rajputs.

First of all you are punjabi baniya/khatri, you have said it many times. Khatris once used to be Kashtriyas in ancient Punjab but many later invasions meant they become baniyas. So many were killed that South Indian warrior class had to join North kashtriyas. I will leave this post from from Shameer in another thread

''An indian educated Brahmin guy on genetics forums has revealed that current Rajput clans of Rajashtan are NOT historical kshatriya clans of northern south asia which according to him were either eliminated during Saka, Kushan and Hephtalite invasions or turned into traders as Khatris.
He is of the opinion based on his extensive references that current Rajputs are actually a mixture of Southern indian Rasthrakuta clans that filled the vaccum in the north and mixed with ruling Gujjar-pratihara dynasty. His claim is justified on the genetic results of Rajput clans of Rajasthan and UP who are much more south indian genetically than the Brahmin populations in the same state.''

As one can see your coward ancestors abandoned warrior ways and became baniyas, to fill the gap warrior Dravidians joined some ghairatmand warriors lefts in North. These warriors are now called Rajputs.

Wrong again. The Brahui haven't settled in Pakistan anytime before 900-1000 AD. They're akin to the Roma in that sense. Relatively recent settlers. Plus, the Brahui aren't Tamil. Didn't you just hear it from Manlion and like his views, that IVC is a product solely of Tamil heritage?

Sir what you are saying was a theory which has been rejected by latest genetic tests. Brahui group didn't migrate from India in 900-1000. It also doesnt make much sense for only dravidian group to migrate to Balochistan instead of South India. And that to when these areas were under muslim rule all the time. Tell me when was the last time hindu king ruled Balochistan?

Brahui have preserved their language for thousands of years!
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First of all you are punjabi baniya/khatri, you have said it many times. Khatris once used to be Kashtriyas in ancient Punjab but many later invasions meant they become baniyas. So many were killed that South Indian warrior class had to join North kashtriyas. I will leave this post from from Shameer in another thread

''An indian educated Brahmin guy on genetics forums has revealed that current Rajput clans of Rajashtan are NOT historical kshatriya clans of northern south asia which according to him were either eliminated during Saka, Kushan and Hephtalite invasions or turned into traders as Khatris.
He is of the opinion based on his extensive references that current Rajputs are actually a mixture of Southern indian Rasthrakuta clans that filled the vaccum in the north and mixed with ruling Gujjar-pratihara dynasty. His claim is justified on the genetic results of Rajput clans of Rajasthan and UP who are much more south indian genetically than the Brahmin populations in the same state.''

As one can see your coward ancestors abandoned warrior ways and became baniyas, to fill the gap warrior Dravidians joined some ghairatmand kashatriyas lefts in North. Now these kashtriyas are now called Rajputs.

Sir what you are saying was a theory which has been rejected by latest genetic tests. Brahui group didn't migrate from India in 900-1000. It also doesnt make much sense for only dravidian group to migrare to Balochistan instead of South India. And that to when these areas were under muslim rule all the time. Tell me when was the last time hindu king ruled Balochistan?

Don't call me Sir, mate. Makes me feel so...old!
The language of the Brahui doesn't belong to the Southern Dravidian sub-family, but to the Northern Dravidian sub-family. It's speakers moved to Balochistan at a time when Dravidian languages were still widespread in Northern India. Did you know that the Rashtrakutas themselves spoke Kannada and were ruling as far as Kannauj in the North? And Muslim rule has got nothing to do with their migration.
So you mean to say that Pakistanis today have no claim on IVC?....And those Tamils who identify themselves as Hindu are confused folks? Splendid!

btw, how do you identify yourself as? Given that there isn't anything out there that can be called 'Tamil Country', I can see why you've found it quite difficult to adopt any flag.:lol:

Is it possible to convert and become a Tamil?
Is it possible to convert and become a Tamil?

Nope. It's an ethno-cultural thingy. One can live like a Tamilian, but he/she won't be accepted as a Tamil just because they chose to live like one. An ancestry traceable to somewhere/anywhere south of the River Kaveri on mainland India is just as important.:)
Don't call me Sir, mate. Makes me feel so...old!
The language of the Brahui doesn't belong to the Southern Dravidian sub-family, but to the Northern Dravidian sub-family. It's speakers moved to Balochistan at a time when Dravidian languages were still widespread in Northern India. Did you know that the Rashtrakutas themselves spoke Kannada and were ruling as far as Kannauj in the North? And Muslim rule has got nothing to do with their migration.

Sir you are not making any sense, tell me for what reason Brahui will migrate to Balochistan in 1000 from central/north India? Why not to little less hostile and more fertile land like Sindh for exemple? People have always came to South Asia for fertile land, no one wanted to live in mouintains and desert of Balochistan. Even today Balochistan population is 10 million despite being biggest province of Pakistan. And Brahui make 33% of Balochistan population!
Sir you are not making any sense, tell me for what reason Brahui will migrate to Balochistan in 1000 from central/north India? Why not to little less hostile and more fertile land like Sindh for exemple? People have always came to South Asia for fertile land, no one wanted to live in mouintains and desert of Balochistan. Even today Balochistan population is 10 million despite being biggest province of Pakistan. And Brahui make 33% of Balochistan population!

It makes sense when you realize that the most productive land is also the most fiercely guarded and contested by Men. And that necessity has driven Man to inhabit even the most remote and hostile corners of this Earth. Whatever the reasons for their migration, maybe they were not welcome in Sindh or other regions of India and they themselves were probably too weak to wage a war and gain land for themselves and had to settle in Balochistan. Plausible, isn't it, considering that the Roma have travelled much farther distances when they too could have settled in very productive land.
Nope. It's an ethno-cultural thingy. One can live like a Tamilian, but he/she won't be accepted as a Tamil just because they chose to live like one. An ancestry traceable to somewhere/anywhere south of the River Kaveri on mainland India is just as important.:)

Hmm, interesting.

My ancestors were once not considered Han, even though our subgroup (Hakka) originated from the North China plains itself.

But the Han identity is all about assimilation. Those who adopted the Han language (Chinese) and Han culture and customs became Han.

Though of course, nowadays Chinese nationality is more important.
When are we getting metrobus (best transport system in the entire galaxy) in Abbottabad sir? :angel:

When Hazara region is made part of Punjab. You guys should join us ;) and then see metro bus and trains flying over Abbottabad.

So far after Lahore and Rawalpindi my plan is to build metro bus in Multan, Faisalabad, Gujrawala. Abbottabad could have been next :(
It makes sense when you realize that the most productive land is also the most fiercely guarded and contested by Men. And that necessity has driven Man to inhabit even the most remote and hostile corners of this Earth. Whatever the reasons for their migration, maybe they were not welcome in Sindh or other regions of India and they themselves were probably too weak to wage a war and gain land for themselves and had to settle in Balochistan. Plausible, isn't it, considering that the Roma have travelled much farther distances when they too could have settled in very productive land.

Sir you have not seen Brahui people. They are very tall and strong people, nothing like Indians. If they can settle and live in Balochistan then India is piece of cake for them. And as i said genetic tests has also made this theory redundant.
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