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One in five women raped in US: White House report

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And again, it would be really bad....if it were true. The problem is, it isn't. One simply saying, the figures say "x" but I think it's more like "y", simply does not make "y" true. Secondly, the poster who's opinion you have bought into without a shred of supporting evidence, also gets the first percentage wrong. It's not 30 of all female soldiers. It's nearly 30% of all sexual assaults or unwanted contact were rapes.

Actually 30% of women in military are raped in US army.

Why #passMJIA? 50 Facts About Sexual Assault in the US Military | Soraya Chemaly

1/3rd of Women in US Military Raped
Washington: About one in five women in the US has been raped in her life time, with nearly half of the victims subjected to sexual assault before the age of 18, a White House report said today.

Though women of all races are targeted, but some are more vulnerable than others, the report said, noting that 33.5 per cent of multiracial women have been raped, as have 27 per cent of American-Indian and Alaska Native women, compared to 15 per cent of Hispanic, 22 per cent of Black, and 19 per cent of White women.

Most victims know their assailants and the vast majority (nearly 98 per cent) of perpetrators are male, the report said.

The report released by the White House came ahead of the convening by US President Barack Obama and the Vice President Joe Biden of a meeting of the White House Council on Women and Girls at the Cabinet level along with the council representatives from each agency to examine the progress made and to renew a call to root out abuse wherever it exists, further protecting Americans from rape and sexual assault.

The report "Rape and Sexual Assault: A Renewed Call to Action" outlines the facts surrounding rape and sexual assault and identifies key areas to focus on and improve, including working to change social norms, improving criminal justice response, and protecting students from sexual assault.

To this end of building on strong steps already taken to make educational settings safer for students, Obama is scheduled to sign a new Presidential memorandum at the meeting to establish the White House Task Force on Protecting Students from Sexual Assault.

"The President believes that the prevalence of rape and sexual assault in our Nation's schools is both deeply troubling and a call to action. When 1 in 5 young women is sexually assaulted while in college, we must do more," the White House said in a fact sheet.

According to the report young people are especially at risk with nearly half of female survivors were raped before they were 18, and over one-quarter of male survivors were raped before they were 10.

College students are particularly vulnerable, one in five women has been sexually assaulted while in college, the report said.

Repeat victimisation is common with over a third of women who were raped as minors were also raped as adults, it said.

Men and boys, however, are also at risk, the report said, adding that one in 71 men or almost 1.6 million have been raped during their lives.

Other populations are also at higher risk of being raped or sexually assaulted, including people with disabilities, the LGBT community, prison inmates (of both genders), and the homeless, the report said.

Undocumented immigrants face unique challenges because their abusers often threaten to have them deported if they try to get help, the report said.

The White House said its Task Force on Protecting Students from Sexual Assault will provide schools with best practices for preventing sexual assault, improve transparency of the federal government's enforcement activities, and coordinate among federal agencies to hold schools accountable for confronting sexual assault.

"The Task Force builds on strong steps the Administration has already taken to combat rape and sexual assault on campus.

In 2011, Vice President Biden and Secretary Duncan announced first-of-its kind guidance to ensure that educational institutions fully understand their obligations under Title IX to respond to and prevent sexual assault," the report said.

One in five women raped in US: report | NDTV.com
Ye gad. I swear people lose a part of their humanity when they come to this website. Scoring brownie points from rapes, terrorist attacks etc.
Yeah, that is why 100% sampled women have been sexually harassed in USA, all because they can so safely walk the street.

100% sampled? Spare this forum your asininity, exercise some intellect.

All you proved was how lacking in common sense are Americans and Chinese. Also how bestial.

Another proof why india is such a backward society. be ashamed.
No worries,my country is not on the news for rape;)
There are rapes evrywhere in the world but i allways wonder;
What is the reason for a rape thread on a defence forum?
Its not in the defence section!!!
And world affairs is considered to be a place where you can post anything...
Anyway OP will clarify that...
100% sampled? Spare this forum your asininity, exercise some intellect.

Sampled, surveyed, studied choose your pick. Sorry, I did not account for your retardedness and comprehension issues. My apologies for that.

India is 1000% more advanced than China culturally. Can understand your jealousy though.
Sampled, surveyed, studied choose your pick. Sorry, I did not account for your retardedness and comprehension issues. My apologies for that.
Until you can make an intellectual argument that is supported by fact and research, no apology needed. Simply the disparity in intellect is too great.

India is 1000% more advanced than China culturally. Can understand your jealousy though.

Just because you said so? Thanks for proving my statement above right. Yes 1000% more advanced in culture of incivility.
Ah, so now it's back down to half of what you said you thought it was. Secondly, I don't know if Bandaras News, on on-line English language news page of Puerto Vallarte, Mexico is really a credible source, but your first link, which is more credible, is artificially skewed.

First of all, there is a difference between "rape" and sexual assault or "unwanted sexual contact". Secondly, as with your first link, it is not 30% of all service women. It's 30% of the 26,000 women in the survey who reported being raped. There numbers are skewed as they are going off only those women who are in the category of having been the victims of "unwanted sexual contact" of all kinds. This link clarifies the point.

"These numbers look dreadful – but there’s much more to the story. Let’s start with that number from the Report that 26,000 service members who experience unwanted sexual contact. This number, as one can see in a Fox News story, is often being interpreted by the media as “unreported sexual assault.” However, it includes everything from penetrating rape all the way down to groping.

According to a Wall Street Journal article by Marine Captain Lindsay L. Rodman, the methods for gathering and extrapolating the information were flawed as well, entailing random surveys sent out to a few military members, only 20 percent of whom bothered to respond. (She also suggests that the “random” surveys may have gone to many more women than men.) The real reported rape figures in the military are around 0.2 percent, still about triple the rate of civilian rape but much, much lower than the media is suggesting."-The Stats On Rape In The Military You Won't Hear Anywhere Else - The Brenner Brief |The Brenner Brief

As to the real numbers though, math doesn't lie. Out of the survey, there were 26,000 service members total, who reported any kind of unwanted sexual contact. Of those, a certain percentage were men. Most were women, but for simplicity, lets just say that all 26,000 were women. Now that 26,000 are not reported cases, which is a much smaller figure. The 26,000 is the total number that members responded to in the survey. That was out of a total female service member population of 210,000 women in all branches of the active armed forces. Simple mathematics will tell you that that equals a total percentage of 12.4% of women, for all types of unwanted sexual contact. Numbers are not biased, skewed nor have an axe to grind. They just are what they are.
Until you can make an intellectual argument that is supported by fact and research, no apology needed. The disparity in intellect is simply too great.

I posted my arguments with stats and proper links unlike you who were basing your argument on your brain farts. So yes indeed there is no intellectual comparison

Just because you said so? Thanks for proving my statement above right. Yes we lose to you in culture incivility.

Every year China executes more than 5000 people compared to 52 people executed in India in all of its 66 years of being an independent country. That shows who is more civilized. Indian culture is respected and admired throughout the world, who gives a damn about the Chinese culture. Even your own govt does not trust you people, hence they ask the Chinese to stay away from even anniversary parades.

China's 60th anniversary stirs pride, also unease
I posted my arguments with stats and proper links unlike you who were basing your argument on your brain farts. So yes indeed there is no intellectual comparison

Anyone can post a link with stats, there're thousands of such website, but they are no country wide research sanctioned by renowned authority. Once again, thanks for proving our disparity in intellect.

Every year China executes more than 5000 people compared to 52 people executed in India in all of its 66 years of being an independent country. That shows who is more civilized. Indian culture is respected and admired throughout the world, who gives a damn about the Chinese culture. Even your own govt does not trust you people, hence they ask the Chinese to stay away from even anniversary parades.

China's 60th anniversary stirs pride, also unease

Execute more because of our strict judiciary system, don't need me to remind you how your juvenile rapist cum murderer got away with the lightest sentence, and rape continues to plague your country. Indeed, such culture and cast system is respected worldwide.
That's why there is no stampede in china!
Ah, so now it's back down to half of what you said you thought it was
You are mistaking me for someone else. 30% is the only figure I have quoted.

As for the rest of your figure juggling and that link, it is a stretch really. When White House report claims 25% of American women have been raped, then where you get your 0.2% and 0.6% from really.

There are 74,000 women in the US Army, and if 26,000 of them claim to have been raped, then they were raped. I am sure the women in army are educated and know the difference between rape and groping. Additionally, 14 percent of female veterans report experiences of gang rape.

Anyone can post a link with stats, there're thousands of such website, but they are no country wide research sanctioned by renowned authority. Once again, thanks for proving our disparity in intellect.

LOL. You are a joke man. Thanks for proving once again China = Fake/Unreliable/Artificial/Low grade.

Execute more because of our strict judiciary system, don't need me to remind you how your juvenile rapist cum murderer got away with the lightest sentence, and rape continues to plague your country. Indeed, such culture and cast system is respected worldwide.
That's why there is no stampede in china!

All it proves is that China needs to kill a whole lot of Chinese to manage its society. Also it cannot take a risk with Chinese being free on the ground, least the Chinese beast goes on rampage.
LOL. You are a joke man. Thanks for proving once again China = Fake/Unreliable/Artificial/Low grade.

Is that even an intellectually sound statement? I pardon your intellect.

All it proves is that China needs to kill a whole lot of Chinese to manage its society. Also it cannot take a risk with Chinese being free on the ground, least the Chinese beast goes on rampage.

Proof? We hosted the Olympics, you can't.

Look, I've stated many factual points, what's all I have to say. I'm not here to partake in your brainless mudsling. Have fun with your denial and delusion. :wave:
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