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One in five women raped in US: White House report

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There are no eve-teasing problems in US and CHina, hence, no campaign. Just ask anyone who has been to these countries.

Yeah there is no eve-teasing in US and China, just plain sexual harassment.

The wife has an equal right to say no. Such is the rights and protection women have in the US that women in Asia don't, china included.
The very fact that you can't even distinguish the difference, shows the indian mentality towards women rights is far lower.

LOL. Indian women can say all the no they want to, their husbands understand when the woman is not prepared for it. It does not go to the stage where they have to bring in police and courts unlike US and China. Says a lot about failure of American and Chinese culture that they have no idea how to handle marriages and human relationships. That they are such selfish people that court and police intervention is inevitable.
1. lolzz at your denial comment. We Pakistanis have allowed posting of such news realities against Pakistan on our own forums. NO denial.
yes that's why every other day a indian member is ban b'coz it take a dig on pakistan.....good..

2. You Indians want it ban because you feel frustrated and do not want to discuss it.
what do you want to want to discuss about it...
how rapes are done in india..or how women are assaulted or indian men are of worse kind or how Indian women are raped and still go for complain...it's nothing to be frustrated but just blaming a country and saying shameless and hiding one's shame show's me your blaming mentality..

3. Harassed ? How you are harassed ? You Indians are in larger numbers than us on this Pakistani forum. You Indians have full rights to post anything against us. You also have same rights of replying as we have.
If you have solid arguments you wont feel harassed come up with instead of point fingering.
do, you think India are allowed to speak all..a Indian member break the rule once he/she is banned..but even for a continuous reminder by the indian no action are taken against the fellow...I had this last nite...So, I know how it goes here...

4. Cant speak for Chinese Media but FYI Pakistani media has been the most vibrant along with our NGOs to speak and expose such crimes against women. Your Indian media has just recently cached the hint and hence your feeling the heat viz a viz rapes in India.
It's not about feeling the heat ...and please whole world know about pakistan hypocrisy...it's nothing new..
Yeah there is no eve-teasing in US and China, just plain sexual harassment.

I didn't say there isn't, but they are not on the same same scale and severity. And certainly not in open public places. Women can't even walk safely at night in most places in India.

LOL. Indian women can say all the no they want to, their husbands understand when the woman is not prepared for it. It does not go to the stage where they have to bring in police and courts unlike US and China. Says a lot about failure of American and Chinese culture that they have no idea how to handle marriages and human relationships. That they are such selfish people that court and police intervention is inevitable.

I have made sufficient factual points for anyone with a brain to make a non-bias conclusion. In fact, many well travelled educated indians know the situation in their country.
Thats very bad for a country that boasts about super power and literacy...
@Spring Onion @Fattyacids

I tell you we in our profession attend many such workshops, conferences arranged by the so-called super powers and Civilized, developed countries on Women rights, the most surprising for their people are hard questions from us when we point out about discrimination against women in their countries.

Last year we were at an American consulate and there their high level personnels asked what was salary package for women in our field here in Pakistan and when we told them that women were getting more than our fellows in many cases in media houses here rather males were discriminated then they were amazed and shocked.

The point is discrimination and crimes are there in their society against women BUT again i will give US/West others plus point as compared to India/Pakistan. They have better environment for women than us.

Lets accept the realities
I tell you we in our profession attend many such workshops, conferences arranged by the so-called super powers and Civilized, developed countries on Women rights, the most surprising for their people are hard questions from us when we point out about discrimination against women in their countries.

Last year we were at an American consulate and there their high level personnels asked what was salary package for women in our field here in Pakistan and when we told them that women were getting more than our fellows in many cases in media houses here rather males were discriminated then they were amazed and shocked.

The point is discrimination and crimes are there in their society against women BUT again i will give US/West others plus point as compared to India/Pakistan. They have better environment for women than us.

Lets accept the realities
WTF you bring india into this man...
Why should we agree that america is better?
There are lot of rapes happenning in america and its time to ask them to understand the realities...
I didn't say there isn't, but they are not on the same scale and severity. And it is certainly not in open public places. Women can't even walk safely at night in India.

Yeah, that is why 100% sampled women have been sexually harassed in USA, all because they can so safely walk the street.

I have made sufficient factual points for anyone with a brain to make a non-bias conclusion. In fact, many well travelled educated indians know the situation in their country

All you proved was how lacking in common sense are Americans and Chinese. Also how bestial.
Thats very bad for a country that boasts about super power and literacy...
@Spring Onion @Fattyacids
And again, it would be really bad....if it were true. The problem is, it isn't. One simply saying, the figures say "x" but I think it's more like "y", simply does not make "y" true. Secondly, the poster who's opinion you have bought into without a shred of supporting evidence, also gets the first percentage wrong. It's not 30 of all female soldiers. It's nearly 30% of all sexual assaults or unwanted contact were rapes.

"Rape, 27 percent; aggravated sexual assault and sexual assault 28 percent; aggravated or abusive sexual contact, 35 percent; nonconsensual sodomy, 6 percent..."

Military sexual assaults by the numbers - CBS News
Really ???
Yes...Thats the reason they talk lot of fantacy here...

And again, it would be really bad....if it were true. The problem is...it isn't. Once simply saying, the figures say "x" but I think it's more like "y", simply does not make "y" true. Secondly, the poster who's opinion you have bought into without a shred of supporting evidence, also gets the first percentage wrong. It's not 30 of all female soldiers. It's 30% of all sexual assaults or unwanted contact were rapes..
Whatever figures might be...
Seems like americans are no saints and america is no better place?
Search on google
I did and your figures are wrong. I have posted a link of the actual Pentagon report and there are several other links I am more than happy to post.

Whatever figures might be...
Seems like americans are no saints and america is no better place?
Who said we were saints or that America is utopia? o_O
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