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Once Rafales come, Pakistan won’t come near LoC or border: IAF chief ACM BS

Instead we should try to induct more F-16 like what we did with ones from Jordan. As I said introducing new platform means a commitments of decades. We don't need another light weight fighter we already have one called JF-17 Thunder. There is simply not space for a new platform which doesn't offer a significant leap from F-16s and Thunders. What we need is heavy superiority fighters, twin engines and with way bigger payload to strike deep inside enemy territory. Fifth generation is the future so need to invest time in a 4th gen single/twin engine fighter.
yes but it may take a very long time to materialise.We need a mid to heavy weight fighter immediately.
yes but it may take very long time to materialise.We need a mid to heavy weight fighter immediately.
Yes, there are flankers and EFT. If we are able to get a heavy fighter then good otherwise we can keep increasing and improving thunders and F16s.
Instead we should try to induct more F-16 like what we did with ones from Jordan. As I said introducing new platform means a commitment of decades. We don't need another light weight fighter we already have one called JF-17 Thunder. There is simply no space for a new platform which doesn't offer a significant leap from F-16s and Thunders. What we need is heavy superiority fighters, twin engines and with way bigger payload to strike deep inside enemy territory. Fifth generation is the future so need no need to invest time in a 4th gen single engine fighter.

by 2025-30 F-16 will be counted in old aircrafts and see how things were unfolding after Pulwama attack. Even after inducting 5th gen fighter PAF will need a medium weight fighter jets to give support to them. JF-17 is light weight and have some limitation in term of payload, range and radars coverage...
they used to say that before the skirmish that PAF will not stand a chance in front of mighty IAF .. I am sure after getting Rafale they will say once we have 150 Rafale PAF wont dare come near LOC.
J-10C provides greater range, more payload, powerful radars, and it provide numbers to replace old planes such as mirage and F-7 and greatest benefit of J-10C is that it release pressure of F-16..
The whole point was that they were never going to replace the old platforms one for one. And what pressure is there on the F16 that the JF17 has lessened? Better to focus on newer platforms such as 5th gen aircraft.
The whole point was that they were never going to replace the old platforms one for one. And what pressure is there on the F16 that the JF17 has lessened? Better to focus on newer platforms such as 5th gen aircraft.
5th gen jet will be in numbers maximum 60-70, and JF-17 numbers cannot go over 250, and it cannot cover the whole things.. PAF need another jet, a medium category between light weight to stealth jets..
The Indian air chief reminds me of the great film jaws when police chief Brody (Roy Scheider) says quietly;




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Conflict breaks out;


Conflict breaks out

"WE'RE GOING TO NEED autonomous plane"

Conflict breaks out

"WE'RE GOING TO NEED BattleStar Galactica with its squad of vipers"


Pakistan will be scared once Rafale jets come, says IAF chief
Indian Air Force (IAF) Chief Birender Singh Dhanoa on Monday said that Rafale jets will the best combat aircraft in the Indian sub-continent and once these are inducted, Pakistan won’t dare to come near the Line of Control (LoC) or the international border.


In a media talk, Dhanoa said: “When the Rafale comes in, it will ensure that the deterrence of our air defence will increase manifold and they (Pakistan) will not come anywhere near our Line of Control or border. That kind of capability we will possess for which presently they (Pakistan) don’t have an answer.”

On the sidelines of a function organised in Chandigarh for the induction of four US-made Chinook helicopters, he was asked about the situation on February 27 when Pakistani F-16 jets attacked Indian military positions, a day after the purported IAF strikes in Balakot.
The first Rafale aircraft under a 36-plane deal with France is scheduled to be delivered in September to the IAF. The Rafales will be armed with Meteor air-to-air missiles which have the capability of shooting down enemy planes at strikes ranges up to 150 km, reported Hindustan Times.

Air Chief Marshal Dhanoa asserted that at present, it is going to be the best aircraft in terms of the weapons capability in the Indian sub-continent and would be also the best in comparison with what China and Pakistan have.

“We are going to get Rafale in the month of September. Rafale will give a tremendous jump to our capability and it is superior to all the aircraft in the inventory of both our adversaries,” he said.

He also outlined the salient features of the Chinook helicopters and said that these aircraft will be very useful for the IAF in high-altitude regions.“Ability to transfer heavy loads and acclimatise troops from high altitude into another valley is a game-changing capability. If the enemy surprises us in any such valley, we can move troops immediately to such spots to get into battle. Our ability to do this is now enhanced for day and night with this helicopter,” he said.

Dhanoa, while asserting that inter-valley troop transfer will be helpful for the Indian military along borders with Pakistan and China, outlined that “the high-altitude game is more with China than Pakistan”.

Meanwhile, in response to a question on that Pakistan Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan flew a JF-17 and led from the front on its National Day, Chief Marshal Dhanoa took a dig at him saying he should be asked where was [he] flying the fighter plane, in the rear cockpit?

Addressing the media during his visit to the Air Force Station at Jodhpur last year, he had said, “Rafale is always a need for the Air Force. It (fighter jets) took a long time to come. Others have upgraded their squadrons.”

The Rafale jet deal controversy has been on the boil over the last few months. Congress has alleged irregularities in the deal for 36 aircraft and claimed that the Narendra Modi government is buying them at a price much higher than the one that was being negotiated by the previous government.


LOL.....No..He is setting up ground for ordering more Rafales apart from 36 already on order. Indian opposition is pressuring government for blocking further procurement of Rafales from dassault and IAF is adamant on ordering 116 more. In a way he is trying to convince Indian public and opposition parties that there is no substitute to Rafales.

True, like few years back there was no substitute for Su 30. Right!!
What 270+ Sukoi couldn't do 152 Rafale are not going to do either. Be rest rest assured.

I am actually struck with bizarre nature of Indians. For years, probably for decades, they have been shouting from the roof top that India is producing "indigenius" (spelling is purposeful) hardware , while Pakistan had been relying on China.
Yes, Pakistan relied on China for some technology items, no doubt. For simple reasons that West would not sell Pakistan those items. But Pakistan as a matter of fact have build up quiet a robust domestic industrial base for the hardware they need to keep themselves working as a mean, lean fighting machine.

But we realise, the Indians despite their #fakeindian slogans of domestically produced warfare, actually are totally dependent on the imports for their military's needs.

This is now a confirmed fact that the West has realised that how vulnerable and weak India is militarily. Indians are now swamped by the Western Manufactures to point to their weaknesses and recommending their hardware to strengthen Indian Army. This means that India would be more dependent on imported machinery than on domestic produce.
Like in the dog fight they found out their prize "Indigenius" product "Teja" Bahadur is still lying flat on a flatbed truck, while JF 17s were roaring in the skies.
Tomorrow, they may find out that their another prize "indigenius" product "Arjun" is lost in the jungle, while "Khalid" is out with his sword drawn in the battlefield.
5th gen jet will be in numbers maximum 60-70, and JF-17 numbers cannot go over 250, and it cannot cover the whole things.. PAF need another jet, a medium category between light weight to stealth jets..
We plan to develop and manufacture 5th gen jets in house, u dont do that if u only plan to induct 60-70 examples. By the time project AZM completes, our economy will be in a much better shape IA.
This guy is as ridiculous as his scraggly beard. Pakistan doesn't need to match these fascists. Successive governments have focused on economic development and getting our domestic house in order. Military is doing an excellent job partnering with China and other regional players, getting transfer of tech and building a credible defensive deterrent. If we get a long range missile system like FD-2000 these mallus will keep Rafale 351 km from our border. No need to do anything more for now.
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