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Once Rafales come, Pakistan won’t come near LoC or border: IAF chief ACM BS

Rafale will primarily take over from InAF Mirage 2000s in precision ground attack role, a role which only the Mirage 2000 does well in InAF. Yes it´s a threat but PAF is not idle either, improving as well and has nothing to worry about.
PL-15 and PL-10 equipped JF-17 fleet is what InAF should worry about. And then we have Azm/J-31 in pipeline
J-10C is only a matter of time unless we put all our money on a 5th gen fighter which isn’t bad idea.
400 jets of 4 and 4.5 generation will be enough for us. we already have 75 F-16. 250 JF-17 will be produced and remaining 75 can be acquired from china J-10c (50) and J31 (25)
@MastanKhan @Windjammer @Khafee @Mentee @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER

Dear Friends,

I know the idea is a bit outrageous...however, why can't Pak sell JF block II to india? About 400+ as Mig21 replacement.

IAF won't be able to cause any harm to Pak.

Would be good for economic benefits and some peace-loving gesture on top of this cake.

PM Khan should tweet that Pak offers JF-17 II to India.

What says you lot?

I believe sometimes ago we did offer Indians the Thunder :P
This Indian AirChief is now the offical election campaigner for Mr Modi!!

Imagine an Air Cheif talking about two front war after Operation Gagan Shakti and now is saying only Rafale can save them???


Just handover IAF to Bollywood industry
The official embarrsment of IAF by their own tongue and look who is talking recently rafale jet deal documents were stolen from his headquarters why IAF chief u cant handle rafale jet docs and handle red hot pak
Rafale will primarily take over from InAF Mirage 2000s in precision ground attack role, a role which only the Mirage 2000 does well in InAF. Yes it´s a threat but PAF is not idle either, improving as well and has nothing to worry about.
PL-15 and PL-10 equipped JF-17 fleet is what InAF should worry about. And then we have Azm/J-31 in pipeline
Exactly! They are making lame excuses to their people instead of telling them the reality which is we can't do something to Pakistan without getting a bloody nose. They have one of the best Air Superiority fighter that they lost to adversary they under estimated. By making these comments I believe IAF put a much bigger dent on reputation and credibility of their resources.
I am hoping that Pakistan will be releasing more details once Indian election is over. Let's see if they provide some interesting stuff about what happen on 27th Feb.
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