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On the brink of Third World War

I have no strong views on Zionism either way, but do on Hindutva, which is a much maligned and abused word in India. And elsewhere as well of course, but largely in the land where it should be understood but is reviled instead. Anyways, neither Hindutva nor Zionism have much to do with this thread. We give each too much importance in the larger scheme of things.

Lots of non-hindus I know speak freely and openly about Hindutva as they don't feel deterred by the obvious stigma the word carries for Hindus - for some reason.

AFAIK you are not a Hindu too.
Lots of non-hindus I know speak freely and openly about Hindutva as they don't feel deterred by the obvious stigma the word carries for Hindus - for some reason.

AFAIK you are not a Hindu too.

Many members here also call China or Chinese 'chini' knowingly it is very offensive to us,
Lots of non-hindus I know speak freely and openly about Hindutva as they don't feel deterred by the obvious stigma the word carries for Hindus - for some reason.

AFAIK you are not a Hindu too.

Yes I'm not Hindu. Yes I identify very positively and strongly with the social and cultural basis of Hindutva. Yes I have recently been branded an Indian/Hindutva Fascist/Brown-shirt elsewhere. No I do not believe Hindutva is in any way relevant to this thread.

In continuation of your point though, purely temporally, Hindutva should have less of a pull for me as a Parsi Indian than it should have with most Indian Muslims, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, and Sikhs.

However, I do not believe that's the case.
Blah blah. So you cant name any actions. Just slogans.

Here are events in chronological order:
1. Israel and Iran were in fine relationships.
2. After Islamic revolution Iran broke relationships with Israel.
3. Then Iran was attacked by Iraq and despite Iran broke ties with Israel Israel still provided help to Iran.
4. After the war Iran started massive support of terrorist groups against Israel, calling for destruction.
5. Iran started nuclear enrichment and ballistic missile program while keeping threats and supporting terror against Israel.
6. Israel said that if there will be no choice it will act against nuclear program of Iran.

So who is warmonger here?

Could you try to addressing the substantive part of my response??

you hating hypocrisy and doubles standards. I do too. So don't you think Israel's position that it can be trusted with Nukes but rest of the Muslim world cant is hypocrisy? After all I think Iranians and or Arabs have suggested a nuke free zone in the ME
If pakistan speaks anything against Iran now it would be in trouble as India is already trying its luck in Iran and it seems to be going well for them in afghanistan, tajikstan and maybe iran it will get squeezed so its better not to speak at this time,

Well technically we are on better terms than Pakistanis are, with Iran if you closely look at our foreign affairs. While Pakistan's ties with Iran are ceremonial to common religion and cultural similarities, ours with Iran are more hard-nosed and contemporary. Trade and CBMs is what dictates foreign policies and being a part of BRICS, we have candidly declared that we cannot have zero relations with Iran (along with rest of BRICS nations in agreement).

While Iran and Israel have their problems, we are neutral and mean no hostility to either. Both are our friends with only difference being one is commercial ally while other is a strategic ally. And we'd like to keep it that way rather than choosing sides in a war that is not going to happen in the way most members here fantasize it to occur.
World war? Zionists? Saud Family zionists? Has anyoen said Hindu zionists so far?

Here's the plain truth, majority of people and nations DO NOT share the revolutionary fire stoked by religious frustrations of some. We KNOW world is not fair, but what is? Most os us live in unfair immediate surroundings too but do not pick up a gun and head for the mountains and become an outlaw.

People throw the word ''China'' like its some magical pill. Have these people ever been to China? I have and I can tell you the chinese want to do business, business, business. If you think they are going to help you either prevent or start a war, you are living in cockooland.

But then, thats where most of you belong anyway ;p
so you say that china will just let the west arm taiwan and tibet japan and korea and do not do anything about this ?

Japan and Korea are already pretty well armed. Japan probably has the strongest navy in Asia.
Both are interoperable with the US systems.

US-Korean exercise recently- ˇˇ no CGI

Could you try to addressing the substantive part of my response??

you hating hypocrisy and doubles standards. I do too. So don't you think Israel's position that it can be trusted with Nukes but rest of the Muslim world cant is hypocrisy? After all I think Iranians and or Arabs have suggested a nuke free zone in the ME

Aryan, but you as a Muslim nation and with Nukes are already a vanguard to the Muslim world isn't it? Then what are you saying that Israel is opposing every nation to be nuclear armed? :what:
Could you try to addressing the substantive part of my response??

you hating hypocrisy and doubles standards. I do too. So don't you think Israel's position that it can be trusted with Nukes but rest of the Muslim world cant is hypocrisy? After all I think Iranians and or Arabs have suggested a nuke free zone in the ME
I am a Zioinist and I dont mind Islamic Republic of Pakistan having nuclear weapons. :wave:
Pakistan being instrumental in deciding the fate of the world ? Don't you guys think that's bit of an over-reaction ? International relevance of pakistan is not exactly big........
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