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On the brink of Third World War

Korea Japan and Taiwan are very well armed and the west has kept arming them continuously. China is not going to start a war for that. In return china has befriended every anti west parriah state. Thats all.
one thing lead to another and the next level isnt good but of course a world war is not a good thing and i dont wish for it becouse i know what is war
But what worries me is that your Tibet comment received three thanks. Apparently there are a lot of disgruntled people here who have let their anti Americanism take over their reason. Sure I see now why you would root for a war.
i am egyptian and i care about what is good for my country and so the balance of power in the world must be kept i sayd that on the syrian matter and i say it in tibet the one superpower in the world the US has to end so that we can get a chance to build our country becouse the us and isreal wont let us do it becouse we are in the middle east and share our bordars with isreal
No, Manmohan Singh wrote it.

Good to know.
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