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On May 21, the world will end! --- Finally!!!

^.^ They destroyed the space ship with those balls? Man, that's truly something!
its 47c outside here :eek:, if its not end of the world then tell me how we humans are meant to survive 50+ celcius temps in comming 2-3years.
it is a real religion -- an Abrahamic one (like Islam and Judaism)

every religious group has its fair share of whackos who say silly things and have crazy theories.....including our own. Doesnt make the religion "bad" or "invalid"
all of them doomsday cults are a bunch of losers.
I guess HongWu didn't manage to get a hold of the Chinese nuclear arsenal then. :P
here i become alive on May 21 :P after 4 days of no internet world damn
We have 8 minutes for 21 May to end. Within 8 minutes the world with end. :rofl:
Are we dead yet?-

Cm on- All of you be dead already :argh:-
I think we died and are coming back to life.. Awakening of Pakistan nation as a whole?.. was it symbolic death?

or are we

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