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On Insulting Muslims

That's because IN USA or other western countries When it comes to spreading hates against others say blacks Hispanics or Muslims its called freedom of speech but say a word against Jews and immediately you will be labeled Anti Semite by the same news media that wants to print these kinds of publications.

Generalizing the whole West, and hence total rubbish.

Yesterday there was a demo in Amsterdam by a few angry Muslims.

One of those idiot denied the Holocaust in front of the camera.

GeenStijl TV : Tom Staal tussen de booslims op de Dam
(third person that was interviewed, spoke very poorly Dutch, the first two could were even worse.)

Now, was he arrested by the police? No.

Did a Jew trash him? No.


This was today in Sydney.

I think Muslims need to grow a thicker skin. This is exactly the kind of response they were expecting to get out of Muslims.


Look at the kid who is is made to hold that banner.

Now wonder there are so many Western Muslim kids, that turn out to be so hateful, they're indoctrinated with hate from early on.

Nobody gets locked up for anti - jew comments. People get locked up for hate speech - but thats against everyone, not just jews. May be you need to read the local laws more carefully.

Right on the spot.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2012
On Insulting Muslims

This morning, in response to the news that people were killed because someone somewhere made a movie that supposedly insults our Prophet (PBUH), I wrote the following tweet:

I think we need more, not less cartoons and videos that “insult” Muslims. We need once and for all to be desensitized & grow thick skins​

As you might have imagined, I got a few, ehm, colorful responses, many of which by otherwise reasonable people who seemed to have missed the point of the tweet. Considering that this is a sensitive topic, I think the idea deserves a little bit of elaboration.

First, I want to make it clear that I don’t approve of the movie which, judging from the parts I saw online, appears to be tasteless and crass drivel. But the point is not whether the movie is good or bad, tasteless or poignant. The question we all need to ask ourselves as Muslims is: Do people who make movies/cartoons/art that “insult” Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) deserve to die?

To me, the answer to that question is an absolute, unqualified “No”.
There are two reasons why every Muslim on this planet should share this opinion. One is based on principles and the other is pragmatic.

The principled position is clear: Nobody deserves to die because of something they said. And certainly nobody deserves to die because of something someone else said. It is true that freedom of speech can be abused, but killing people for their opinion (or silently approving of other people killing them) is not the mark of Islam, a religion which many of its adherents believe was built on persuasion, not subjugation.

The pragmatic reason is that your response is doing more harm to your religion than the “insult” itself. I would never have watched that movie If the angry mobs in Egypt and Libya didn’t kill people because of it. By being angry and killing people you are unwittingly exposing much more people to the object of your wrath.

Imagine you’re driving down the road, and some idiot on the street calls your mother a “*****”. There are two things you can do: You can ignore him and his insult will be lost in the urban noise and concrete jungle. Or, you can park your car, make a scene and kill the guy. This way you guarantee that you’ll be featured in the newspaper the day after, with a couple of reporters investigating whether or not your mom was really a *****, and a columnist swearing that she actually is.

Was the man a jerk for calling your mother a *****? Of course! But it should be obvious to everyone what the right reaction to his insult is.


Hello, my name is Mustapha and I've been writing about Lebanese society, business and politics since February 2005. Subscribe to my feed to stay updated with the latest posts.

Solomon2 note: Click on the article link to view the comments thread.
Those who insult HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW only deserve to die and die the most brutal death that is order of ALLAH and INSHALLAH Muslims will make sure who ever has made the film meets this fate sooner or later
Yesterday there was a demo in Amsterdam by a few angry Muslims.

One of those idiot denied the Holocaust in front of the camera.

Now, was he arrested by the police? No.

DutchNews.nl - Denying holocaust 'not a crime': VVD

While denying the holocaust is not expressly banned in the Netherlands, the courts say it is a form of spreading hatred and therefore an offence.

Right on the spot.

The laws may be general bbut the prosecution is discretionary.

The same Danish authorities who defended the Mohammad cartoons then turned around and prosecuted Arabs for insulting Jews with their own cartoons.
Yet the point is correct that Muslims need to be able to handle these insults at the intellectual level because despite the anger, the ones paying for the instigation are mostly innocents or locals (property damaged, daily wages affected etc. of locals due to demonstrations that become violent burning, destroying facilities over anger in reaction to actions of some in a distant land) and the reality is that one cannot control what another says.
Sorry Sir their is no question of handling it on intellectual level this type of things have to be only handled by sword and guns and finishing those who do these kind of acts for doing this Muslims should do some sort of covert operations to eliminate these kind of bastards
DutchNews.nl - Denying holocaust 'not a crime': VVD

While denying the holocaust is not expressly banned in the Netherlands, the courts say it is a form of spreading hatred and therefore an offence.

So, the man in the video not being arrested for anti-Jewish remarks is an indication that Jews are not as privileged in a particular Western society as many of the Muslim apologists are claiming...

Disclaimer: the above is stated in the line of reasoning as you have interpreted the Dutch law from a news article.

The laws may be general bbut the prosecution is discretionary.

The same Danish authorities who defended the Mohammad cartoons then turned around and prosecuted Arabs for insulting Jews with their own cartoons.

I don't see a double standard. There is a big difference between criticizing an historical figure and hate speech against present day Jews as a whole group.
So, the man in the video not being arrested for anti-Jewish remarks is an indication that Jews are not as privileged in a particular Western society as many of the Muslim apologists are claiming...

Police don't prosecute every occurrence of a crime. Just as they don't stop every car that runs the red light or breaks the speed limit.

That doesn't mean the law itself isn't in place.

Disclaimer: the above is stated in the line of reasoning as you have interpreted the Dutch law from a news article.

I am not interpreting anything, since I do not know Dutch laws. I am merely posting an article by a Dutch news source which claims so.

I don't see a double standard. There is a big difference between criticizing an historical figure and hate speech against present day Jews as a whole group.

The Arab cartoons were also about historical events, the Holocaust.
I am not interpreting anything, since I do not know Dutch laws. I am merely posting an article by a Dutch news source which claims so.

Police don't prosecute every occurrence of a crime. Just as they don't stop every car that runs the red light or breaks the speed limit.

That doesn't mean the law itself isn't in place.

Well, it isn't. Not explicitly in Holland. People can be persecuted under the defamation laws, whereby insulting groups as the Jews fall under. Not only Jews, but Muslims and other groups as well.

The Arab cartoons were also about historical events, the Holocaust.

Denying the Holocaust is not a crime in Denmark, so I doubt that the Arab Danish that drew these cartoons were put on trial for that.
Those who insult HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW only deserve to die and die the most brutal death that is order of ALLAH and INSHALLAH Muslims will make sure who ever has made the film meets this fate sooner or later

Yaaa, perfect example of followers of religion of peace. Every one should belive that they are followers of religion of peace, if any one dare to not to belive than, these followers will kill tham brutally to convince it.:cool:
Those who insult HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW only deserve to die and die the most brutal death that is order of ALLAH and INSHALLAH Muslims will make sure who ever has made the film meets this fate sooner or later

How do you know that the bold part is true?
You are devoid of reality but we can test your theory just come to the US and say anything that criticizes Jews it does not even have to be "hate" speech.
Do you even live in America? There are so many bad things said about Jews on TV and in public every day. And yet they do not end up in Jail. If you attempt to do than just excessive the American right to free speech, then you'll find yourself in a bit of trouble. For example: "I will kill all the Jews", in which case that would lead you to jail.
Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Number 79

...."When you see an evil act you have to stop it with your hand. If you can't, then at least speak out against it with your tongue. If you can't, then at least you have to hate it with all your heart. And this is the weakest of faith."

According to this hadith the weakest part of faith is at least have hate in our heart for the person who did evil act of insulting the Prophet SAW if we consider this and all the muslim Ummah just boycott Danish products for cartoonist or US product for making movie.By doing this we will make more powerfull statement without hurting or killing or doing damage to anybody or property.
and the host country will be force to take action on the culprit or face economic lost in muslim country .
DutchNews.nl - Denying holocaust 'not a crime': VVD

While denying the holocaust is not expressly banned in the Netherlands, the courts say it is a form of spreading hatred and therefore an offence.

The laws may be general bbut the prosecution is discretionary.

The same Danish authorities who defended the Mohammad cartoons then turned around and prosecuted Arabs for insulting Jews with their own cartoons.

The hypocrisy of the West at best from the article above:

"Junior coalition party ChristenUnie is working on legislation which would formally make denying the holocaust a crime, the paper says."

So insults are free speech and expression one's opinions are a crime. Alright....
Two idiots made a movie to piss off some muslims and, low and behold, they succeeded. Now, I know that the most extremist responses came from radical Islamists and not the general population of these countries (There were Libyans holding up signs to apologize for the Ambassador's death) , but I can't believe even those consider it acceptable to kill and plunder innocent American (and German and Swiss?!?!) citizens and buildings because out of a country of 300 million, two or three wanted to stir **** up. If this is going to be your reaction when someone says something anti-Islamic anywhere in the world, you'll be rioting 24 hours a day. Should the United States have deported its muslim populationn after the 9/11 attacks?

As Voltaire (didn't) say: I detest what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2012
On Insulting Muslims

This morning, in response to the news that people were killed because someone somewhere made a movie that supposedly insults our Prophet (PBUH), I wrote the following tweet:

I think we need more, not less cartoons and videos that “insult” Muslims. We need once and for all to be desensitized & grow thick skins​

As you might have imagined, I got a few, ehm, colorful responses, many of which by otherwise reasonable people who seemed to have missed the point of the tweet. Considering that this is a sensitive topic, I think the idea deserves a little bit of elaboration.

First, I want to make it clear that I don’t approve of the movie which, judging from the parts I saw online, appears to be tasteless and crass drivel. But the point is not whether the movie is good or bad, tasteless or poignant. The question we all need to ask ourselves as Muslims is: Do people who make movies/cartoons/art that “insult” Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) deserve to die?

To me, the answer to that question is an absolute, unqualified “No”.
There are two reasons why every Muslim on this planet should share this opinion. One is based on principles and the other is pragmatic.

The principled position is clear: Nobody deserves to die because of something they said. And certainly nobody deserves to die because of something someone else said. It is true that freedom of speech can be abused, but killing people for their opinion (or silently approving of other people killing them) is not the mark of Islam, a religion which many of its adherents believe was built on persuasion, not subjugation.

The pragmatic reason is that your response is doing more harm to your religion than the “insult” itself. I would never have watched that movie If the angry mobs in Egypt and Libya didn’t kill people because of it. By being angry and killing people you are unwittingly exposing much more people to the object of your wrath.

Imagine you’re driving down the road, and some idiot on the street calls your mother a “*****”. There are two things you can do: You can ignore him and his insult will be lost in the urban noise and concrete jungle. Or, you can park your car, make a scene and kill the guy. This way you guarantee that you’ll be featured in the newspaper the day after, with a couple of reporters investigating whether or not your mom was really a *****, and a columnist swearing that she actually is.

Was the man a jerk for calling your mother a *****? Of course! But it should be obvious to everyone what the right reaction to his insult is.


Hello, my name is Mustapha and I've been writing about Lebanese society, business and politics since February 2005. Subscribe to my feed to stay updated with the latest posts.

Solomon2 note: Click on the article link to view the comments thread.

Denying the Holocaust gets you jailed..... but abusing our Prophet is freedom of speech?

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