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On Insulting Muslims

I don't even see the point of the protest. Whom, exactly, are they protesting against?

Alas you could not see through! they are protesting against US and western attitude that freedom of speech give them license to insult other belief and religion.
Too many Muslims are making themselves look silly by equating the criticism (or mockery) of a historical figure with denying the Holocaust.

They forget that the film maker is an Arab. (Not that he should be put on trial or even killed because he's exercising his right as a non-American)

They forget that no American Jew has killed an ambassador and other people just because someone denied the Holocaust in a far away country.

More importantly, they forget that the USA do not have holocaust denial laws, even if you consider the comparison to be valid (which I don't btw). This makes these Muslim apologists look really stupid.

The only one who is looking stupid is you.... more like a thick one with a complete lack of comprehension.

No one is equating the rejection of holocaust and spewing insults at all. Insults are actually orders of magnitude worse.

Saying that holocaust did not happen or that the death figure is much less than the quoted 6 million is an opinion. Stating an opinion is not an offence at all.

If a Christian says I don't believe Hz.Muhammed was a prophet or that Quran is not divine revelation, these are statement of opinions. No one will get angry with that. Similarly nor when somebody says Jesus is a prophet, just a mere man not son of god nor god. He can neither benefit someone nor harm him. He has no decree above mankind...

But saying insults like Jesus's mom was such an such, prophet Muhammed is such and such is a different matter.
It is sad to see the protest on the streets and N number of muslims loosing their life , how many westerns lost their life , may be 3 or 4 , how many muslims , is it the rational way to do this

I always feels Saudi Arabia is the best place , they dont allow mass protest, but they do it in diplomatic level and every western country will understand and value their comments and suggestions

Lastly what happend when Taliban distroyed the sacred statues of Budha , did you see this type of riots all over the world

Now it has become easy way for the fanatics to make joke of muslims , they know by one picture or one movie they could make lot of the distruction in the muslim world and tarnish their image in the west
There are many insidents.
Many times in Karnataka cow transporters got killed.

Provide the links.

Do you remember recently boy insulted shiv ling and many called him to be executed (later consfusion arised as if he was hindu or christ.)

Did you see Hindus going in a rampage, destroying public property, indulging in arson over that ?

And he was a christian.

Wikipedia ? Oh, I have one better for you. BIRD : Bangalore Initiative for Religious Dialouge :: Activities

If you still thin that if a muslim insulted hindu gods there wont be any riot in India, then surly i cant blive that.

MF Hussain was a Muslim..no ?
They don't get it at all. But it is our mistake in the end. We responded too violently to this hateful incident instead of taking the rational approach.
Some freaks killed people who didn't have anything to do with this whole despicable affair.

Making fun of Muslims isn't so bad, but mocking Islam, the Prophet, other sacred figures and the Quran is an insult to every Muslim in the world.

Freedom of Speech - My ***
Provide the links.

Did you see Hindus going in a rampage, destroying public property, indulging in arson over that ?

And he was a christian.

I said, called for his death (like muslims do). No they did not go on rampage this time(I dint say). May be because police said he is christian.

Do you think chistians updated in wiki saying "Look, we were distributing some tickets which was insulting hindu gods, so bajrangadal attacked us?"

"Forced convertions" again, dude Its India not bangladesh. Isnt it? in India also forced convertions are possible even now?

But link provided by you says its "unethical conversion" by paying money (you can say helping) to poor. -Not forced conversion.
Along with that if you did not read your own link fully, it also said
"Satya Darshini" also one of the reason.
So why dont you read your link?

Morover, Why dont you blive US commission report? Its United States dude, Always do right thing. And why i should blive some group which was under BJP law which is supporter of these groups?

MF Hussain was a Muslim..no ?
You goto mosque, say MF Husain is a hero. and check whats the reaction.
What makes you think he represented Islam? His name?

By the way if you are trying to say he has been treeted well then search in the net from your own source, with your own search engine. You might get this.

"Husain lived in Dubai and London after being forced to leave India in 2006. He left in the face of a vicious campaign of harassment and intimidation, including death threats, by right-wing Hindutva groups, citing his artistic depiction of Hindu deities. His exhibitions were vandalised. A number of legal cases based on the charge of hurting religious sentiments were slapped on him. When he could not respond to a summons from a district court in Haridwar, his immovable properties in India were attached. An arrest warrant was also issued.".

You asked for links where muslims killed for transporting cow? You really dont blive? Man i am from karnatka, i dont know from where you are. You could have searched a bit.

By the way, I will tell what happened to dalits when they skinned out a dead cow. (Really poor fellows.)

Jhajjar killings:
"According to the state government, the five persons were going to Karnal from Farukhnagar in Gurgaon district in a vehicle carrying hides and a dead cow, purchased from a hide contractor. The stray animal had died on October 15.

When they couldn't bear the cow's stench, they stopped the vehicle between Dulina and Jhajjar and started skinning the cow."

Brother listen, i am not here to say that every hindu will do this. What i am trying to say is insulting some ones religion will always ignite communal riots in every sects. But you are all saying only muslims will do this mistake.

Is that your hatred making you blind? What will you get talking like this?
I said, called for his death (like muslims do). No they did not go on rampage this time(I dint say). May be because police said he is christian.

Again your are misleading. Which authority, swami, shankaracharya called for his death ? Anyone pronounced a fatwa on his head ? The "alleged" calls to his death were made on the internet by some random people..that anybody with a keyboard can do..

And no they did no go on a rampage anytime. There was a report of hindu gods on chappals in US..there was a report of hinddu gods on undies in australia...any protest was done peacefully and not like barbarians.

No people behave like Muslims when they feel their religious feelings are hurt..perhaps you guys need to grow a skin and stop being so insecure.

Do you think chistians updated in wiki saying "Look, we were distributing some tickets which was insulting hindu gods, so bajrangadal attacked us?"

The link I gave was compiled by a Karnataka state minorities commission member. Go read it. Wikipedia anybody can edit it. Give me five minutes and I will make it as "Martians attack Christians in Karnataka".

"Forced convertions" again, dude Its India not bangladesh. Isnt it? in India also forced convertions are possible even now?

But link provided by you says its "unethical conversion" by paying money (you can say helping) to poor. -Not forced conversion.

There are many ways of co-erced conversions..Not necessarily to use the sword everytime.

Morover, Why dont you blive US commission report? Its United States dude, Always do right thing. And why i should blive some group which was under BJP law which is supporter of these groups?

Why should I believe it ? No one blindly opposes the US govt or blindly believes it. People analyse what happens and comes to their own conclusion..and anyway most of the evangelist groups in Karnataka are funded by US based groups..so I would hardly call them "correct".

You goto mosque, say MF Husain is a hero. and check whats the reaction.
What makes you think he represented Islam? His name?

He was a Muslim. Period. And his paintings did not cause riots. Why because the Hindus knew that that man did not represent the Muslims as a whole. Is that what the Muslims are doing...one random egyptian copt makes a film and they go about attacking American, German,British embassies.

And if you had missed the news a day before there was a violent protest in Ghaziabad because some pages of quran were found on the railway station...I mean seriously ?
I strongly disagree with respect.

I think you must've heard the story of camel and the tent , you keep relenting and one day you'll find out your out of the tent and the camel inside completely.........we need to draw the line soemwhere !

You should understand that media is always ready to push the envelope infinitely , they are ultra-liberals and they just wait for acceptability , if we signal to media that ridiculing Islam is OK , we'll end up same was as christianity or hinduism is ridiculed. For us religion is the most sacred thing.

This is what i call a bigot! So according to u anyone questioning anything about Islam should be killed..rt?

because god forbid, humanity should question blind faith and try to find better way of living!
By the way if you are trying to say he has been treeted well then search in the net from your own source, with your own search engine. You might get this.

"Husain lived in Dubai and London after being forced to leave India in 2006. He left in the face of a vicious campaign of harassment and intimidation,including death threats, by right-wing Hindutva groups[/B], citing his artistic depiction of Hindu deities. His exhibitions were vandalised. A number of legal cases based on the charge of hurting religious sentiments were slapped on him. When he could not respond to a summons from a district court in Haridwar, his immovable properties in India were attached. An arrest warrant was also issued.".

The bolded parts just show he was a fugitive from justice, running to escape the court cases against him. Oh and btw this how one should protest..lawfully..by filing FIRs in police stations and let law take its own course. Not behaving like ruffians and vandals. regarding his 'intimidation', what intimidation are you talking about...that was the lame excuse of a man who clearly knew he had hurt the feelings of majority and ran away from the law citing "threats".

You asked for links where muslims killed for transporting cow? You really dont blive? Man i am from karnatka, i dont know from where you are. You could have searched a bit.

Sorry, I dont believe. No hard feelings. But I very well know certain Muslim groups play this victim card to get sympathy. Show me the links and I will believe.

By the way, I will tell what happened to dalits when they skinned out a dead cow. (Really poor fellows.)

We are talking about Muslims...not Dalits. So dont try to deflect the topic.

Brother listen, i am not here to say that every hindu will do this. What i am trying to say is insulting some ones religion will always ignite communal riots in every sects. But you are all saying only muslims will do this mistake.

Is that your hatred making you blind? What will you get talking like this?

No it will not lead to communal riots...not on this level....people will protest..but they do it peacefully within lawful means...and you can see 5 cases of other religions protesting and 95 cases of Muslims protesting. That is the truth and you have to accept. My 'hatred' or anything does not have to do with this.
Denying the Holocaust is not a crime in Denmark, so I doubt that the Arab Danish that drew these cartoons were put on trial for that.

They weren't denying the Holocaust, but it had something to do with questioning the numbers or something. I don't really remember the details, except that were charged, not with denying the Holocaust, but inciting racial hatred or something such. The charge didn't stick, and the case was dismissed, but that wasn't the point. The authorities probably knew the charge was bogus, but the point is that they wanted to harass the Arabs to send a message to any other would-be "offenders".

These are the same authorities who defended the Mohammad cartoons as freedom of speech.
Again your are misleading. Which authority, swami, shankaracharya called for his death ? Anyone pronounced a fatwa on his head ? The "alleged" calls to his death were made on the internet by some random people..that anybody with a keyboard can do..

And no they did no go on a rampage anytime. There was a report of hindu gods on chappals in US..there was a report of hinddu gods on undies in australia...any protest was done peacefully and not like barbarians.

No people behave like Muslims when they feel their religious feelings are hurt..perhaps you guys need to grow a skin and stop being so insecure.

Muslims reaction would be different if it was not US or NATO.

Muslims dont feel insecure. But we cant accept insulting our prophet whom we love more than our parents,children. He is more than our father to us.

Dude, You dont respect your faith, You are insulting yourself, If you dont feel bad some one else insult your faith. Then its good for you. Why should we follow you and be like you?

The link I gave was compiled by a Karnataka state minorities commission member. Go read it. Wikipedia anybody can edit it. Give me five minutes and I will make it as "Martians attack Christians in Karnataka".

There are many ways of co-erced conversions..Not necessarily to use the sword everytime.

Why should I believe it ? No one blindly opposes the US govt or blindly believes it. People analyse what happens and comes to their own conclusion..and anyway most of the evangelist groups in Karnataka are funded by US based groups..so I would hardly call them "correct".
I asked you to read the link you posted. That also said book is one of the reason.

Do you know what women commission under BJP state government says about Mangalore attack? They blamed boys who partied there. This is how justice done. Now you asking us to blive state controlled group?

He was a Muslim. Period. And his paintings did not cause riots.
They rioted in his programs.

Again i say, Muslims reaction was not at all correct, they should have been more peaceful. But you should also know why muslims reaction will be always like this against US. They insult, they award the one who insulted, they make him hero. What is the meaning of all these provocations? Morover they are @ war and killed more than lakhs of people just lieing. I mean lakhs of people. And test their patience again and again? (I repeat, This doesnt give any reason to kill embassaries.).

You should also realize that, If the same insult happened in India, it wouldnt have been world wide event.

Why people like you can spend lots of time cricizing muslims here dont spend 50% of that time writing critisizing what US did?
I remember a few months back, they took off a video of Ashton kutchers from youtube because he was talking in Indian accent and it was labelled as "racist" but apparently its "freedom of speech" to insult Muslims and their faith. WOW!!keep up the hypocrisy and the world surely will be an embodiment of peaceful co-existence and please don't even get me started on how people are arrested in so-called developed west for just drawing a swastika sign around a Jew.
Too many Muslims are making themselves look silly by equating the criticism (or mockery) of a historical figure with denying the Holocaust.

They forget that the film maker is an Arab. (Not that he should be put on trial or even killed because he's exercising his right as a non-American)

They forget that no American Jew has killed an ambassador and other people just because someone denied the Holocaust in a far away country.

More importantly, they forget that the USA do not have holocaust denial laws, even if you consider the comparison to be valid (which I don't btw). This makes these Muslim apologists look really stupid.

No. You miss the point entirely.

The issue is not about the Holocaust at all; that example is given because it is the most glaring example of European inconsistency.

The issue is to highlight that certain sensibilities are protected be (European) laws but others aren't, so all this talk of "freedom of speech" is bogus.
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