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On Insulting Muslims

The only problem is that there is no intellect involved in Making a cartoon,or making a movie with baseless false allegations...
These things frustrate Muslims specially when coming from people who don't believe in Islam and should have nothing to do with our religious icons..
We have had this debate Multiple times on This forum,on Facebook and on many other platforms...
There was no reason for Muslims to go protesting if they hadn't made the movie..
Surely a movie making fun of 9/11 victims...Making Mockery of the guy who jumped from Tower window....or Making a cartoon of him will infuriate Americans and there will be a rise in Racist attacks in USA..
similar is the situation of Muslims.
The day the non-Muslims specially Americans start understanding this,these problems will stop happening..

One has to start with himself.

Remember, the only person you can change in the world is YOU.

You can keep on making endless demands on the kaffirs, the fact is you individually and very many like you insult and mock other religions all the time.

Only the bigotry is so much ingrained in you, you don't even notice it.

Yet all hell breaks loose when a fraction is paid back.

So the trick is not just to ignore the "insults". That will not happen and you are incapable of that and others will anyway know what is burning behind that apparent aloofness.

The trick is to figure out a way to be genuinely tolerant and do what it takes to live in a multi religious multi cultural world.

To be genuinely tolerant.

A tall order for your ilk as that means a very basic change.
I agree that the Muslim reaction to "insults" is the wrong approach. We need to learn from our Jewish brothers: when you hold 'em by the balls, they won't even think of insulting you in public, regardless of what they may say in private.

Sacha Baron Cohen can be blatantly racist about various ethnicities, but God help anyone who does the reverse. Jewish authors and comedians routinely trash Christianity and Islam, but the reverse would never be tolerated. Danish authorities blabber on about freedom of speech, but when Arabs insult Jews, these very same authorities charge them with inciting racial hatred.

Some, it seems, are more equal than others.

Absolutely! All Muslim countries make that pretty plain. Don't they?
Alas you could not see through! they are protesting against US and western attitude that freedom of speech give them license to insult other belief and religion.

Coming from you that is pretty ironic. ;)

As they say, you ain't seen nothin yet.

That is if you can't change yourself in time.

And time is running out.
The Muslim world is up in arms for that idiotic video that insults the Prophet (PBUH). But how come there is only muted reaction to this crass video in Pakistan?

There are huge demonstrations in Pakistan on the so called 'Kashmir Day' every year as well as at regular intervals in Pakistan with Mullahs and militant honchos spewing hatred and outrageous speeches that call for the death of infidels, Kafirs and so on. But how come there's nothing happening there in spite of the extremely insulting and provocative video on the Prophet? It seems raising the heat on Kashmir is more important than a vid that shows Islam in a bad light.

Just politics or hypocrisy?

It is all stage managed.

The establishment decides when and for what to rise the passions and get the mob in.
All Pakistani criticism nowadays seems to revolve around the same thing: others must change or act to satisfy Pakistanis, Pakistanis aren't responsible for anything Pakistanis do. Even your foreign minister thinks this way, pointing out that if Indians don't like 26/11, Pakistanis don't like what happened in 1971 - essentially an open-ended assertion that Pakistan today has the right to kill Indians whenever and however it can because India humiliated Pakistan by stopping its army from killing "inferior" East Pakistani Muslims a generation ago.

Mustapha is saying what should by now be obvious to you: this is diseased thinking and Muslims who think this way are damaging their own religion as well as killing others.

As baffling as it may sound, this is the crux of the matter and not just with the Pakistanis.

They fail to realize that the change needs to start within them first.

Trying to point out others' mistakes or trying to put them on guilt trip by repeating Islamophobia like a parrot may sound more attractive and is definitely much easier than starting with oneself, one's own country and one's own Islamic Ummah.

It is also the lazy option and one that just doesn't work if it ever did.
As baffling as it may sound, this is the crux of the matter and not just with the Pakistanis.

They fail to realize that the change needs to start within them first.

Trying to point out others' mistakes or trying to put them on guilt trip by repeating Islamophobia like a parrot may sound more attractive and is definitely much easier than starting with oneself, one's own country and one's own Islamic Ummah.

It is also the lazy option and one that just doesn't work if it ever did.

The crux you mention is very valid. But as soon it's applied to justify provocation or one's own side of the story; the essence becomes nullified. Since starting with self means we all do it.

In all, it's a neutral point and not something to score with...
If a movie made by individuals can excite the reaction it has, how exactly should the Buddhists have reacted when the Bamiyan statues were blown up on religious grounds by order of religious figures?

What's good for the goose must be good for the gander too.

This was only last month in India, not ONE but highest figures of TWO religions were routinely desecrated by vandals, and its all but obvious these retards, and I mean those crying Islamophobia now, don't even realise others respect their religion as much as these illiterate brainwashed violent morons do, only difference - these retards are illiterate brainwashed violent morons.


We have zero tolerance for insulting our religious icons and that's that..
Although i am not in favor of violence..and regret the loss of life in this particular incident

The other day, when you were trying to insult the religion of your ancestors and I told you that this is what you will get, this is what you mentioned:

^^^ I care not what cartoons they make....If grown up men want to have fun with cartoons,i rather laugh at them having childish fun..
But saying that,nobe of their slurs and cartoons effect our love and respect for our Holy Prophet (PBUH).
We continue to have all the love and respect for our religious icons.
If this makes you jealous,so be it.

my dear...i can log off from facebook...leave the site all together...and switch off the TV or Computer..so they can make what they want..
They only do this with the sole purpose of annoying us..Once we completely ignore them,they wont get what they want..
As far as pretesting against such behavior is concerned,those who do that are only expressing their right of free speech....same as the cartoon guys are doing...Freedom works both ways..
I wont bother anymore, that's official..
What people don't understand is that Muslims do not take religion as a joke. It baffles them that for some reason we get offended when someone degrades our religion because they themselves do not take their religions seriously so why should they be expected to respect ours.

In fact, no!

It baffles no one.

What baffles people is that Muslims feel they can get away with offending others but no one will ever offend them.

As a Pakistani writer realized:

Muslims are an extremely intolerant group and yet extremely sensitive when it comes to their own religious sensitivities.
This was only last month in India, not ONE but highest figures of TWO religions were routinely desecrated by vandals, and its all but obvious these retards, and I mean those crying Islamophobia now, don't even realise others respect their religion as much as these illiterate brainwashed violent morons do, only difference - these retards are illiterate brainwashed violent morons.



For them it is nothing unusual. Just par for the course.

There is nothing new in it to get noticed.
how exactly should the Buddhists have reacted when the Bamiyan statues were blown up on religious grounds by order of religious figures?

Not just Buddhists, but everyone should, and did, condemn the Taliban actions, including Pakistan.

The difference is that, when Muslim extremists preach hate speech it is (rightly) condemned by everyone but, when other extremists preach anti-Islam speech, then their apologists hide behind freedom of speech. Anyone who condemns anti-Islam hate speech is labelled an appeaser. Obama is copping election year flak for condemning this film.

What's good for the goose must be good for the gander too.

The argument is that hate speech is not good for anyone, goose or gander, and a striving towards a more tolerant world should stigmatize all such speech, from all quarters, in the same way that racist speech is stigmatized in polite circles.
Do not feel too sorry too soon. You should hear his views on the Jews.

Most Pakistanis have never seen or met a Jew in their life.

Their hatred of Jews is a manifestation of assuming alternate identity, a need to prove oneself more loyal than the king.

In this particular case, there could be other reasons for jumping ever higher to prove the loyalty as Shiaism has been accused for a thousand plus years of being a Jewish conspiracy to weaken and destroy Islam from within.

And looking at the facts on the ground, it may not be entirely untrue. ;)

The too clever by half differentiation of Jews vs. Zionists impresses no one.

Especially when the same people recoil at the difference between Muslims and Islamists.
Most Pakistanis have never seen or met a Jew in their life.

Their hatred of Jews is a manifestation of assuming alternate identity, a need to prove oneself more loyal than the king.

In this particular case, there could be other reasons for jumping ever higher to prove the loyalty as Shiaism has been accused for a thousand plus years of being a Jewish conspiracy to weaken and destroy Islam for within.

And looking at the facts on the ground, it may not be entirely untrue. ;)

The too clever by half differentiation of Jews vs. Zionists impresses no one.

Especially when the same people recoil at the difference between Muslims and Islamists.
Jews have again and again proved that they are the enemies and they will remain the enemies and by supporting this they have invited the biggest trouble and they will pay the highest price for it and Muslims should try to do some covert operations and finish those who do these kind of things inside their own country fear of death will stop many others from doing these kind of actions
This was only last month in India, not ONE but highest figures of TWO religions were routinely desecrated by vandals, and its all but obvious these retards, and I mean those crying Islamophobia now, don't even realise others respect their religion as much as these illiterate brainwashed violent morons do, only difference - these retards are illiterate brainwashed violent morons.



and in this way you easily forgot the vandals of the babri mosque and then you cry that muslims do this to us??

start giving equal rights to muslims and equal opportunities and sop discriminating them
Face it guys.

You have this huge massive humongous gargantuan persecutory complex chip on your collective shoulders.

And its funny coming from a faith that till now has done all the persecution.

World over.

And proud of it!

Nothing has changed, people are just waiting for the good times to come back.

The issue even with the "moderates" is not of the intentions of the people "to rightfully rule the world and show the kaffirs their place"!

It is that they are not going about it the right way.

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