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On Insulting Muslims

Holocaust denial, as disgusting as it is, shouldn't be banned either. The only restrictions on speech should be if the work actively incites violence (and I'm talking seriously advocating murder, not publishing offensive content just to see what happens.

You can understand why the Germans did it though - after the war the Germans wanted to prove the dark days of '33-45 were behind them. Same with the prohibition of Neo-Nazis.

This was today in Sydney.

I think Muslims need to grow a thicker skin. This is exactly the kind of response they were expecting to get out of Muslims.

Disgusting. Would anyone be surprised if this kid goes on to be a terrorist in future? I wouldn't and these are presumably educated people living in a developed country. Seriously what kind of parents would allow their children to do this!! Unbelievable and I've seen plenty of those.

*Pulls out a dead horse*

Now beat it as hard as ye can...
I mean seriously? Where the hell do those people come from? :blink:

If they would acknowledge it.. and actually decide to learn about their religion.. without fear..that is important..
When you fear the Mullah, when you fear his tirade of you being incapable of understanding..
When you fear his version of Allah.. in which he starts with a "punishing and vengeful" God.. instead of "Ar-rehman..Ar-Raheem"..
When you consider God some bureaucrat and not the most intelligent power, the most understanding power in this universe..
Then.. Muslims are truly in Chaos...

Have ye noticed? Mullahs these days talk too much. Why so much talking? Are they supposed to talk so much in the first place?

Somebody needs to shut their holes and make sure they do the 'right' thing.

I dare say, for the most part, I in fact do not trust them at all.

P.S.. The worst curse to Islam is the internet..
Since now.. all the "false messiahs" ..and the Wannabe scholars are out posting crap everywhere..misleading both Muslims and non-Muslims alike
And its minefield out there on the http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/world-affairs/world-affairs/WWW.. I pray I am not lost either..
But we try

Hey....everybody's busy trying to take over the Internet. Yes, including those babbling Mullahs from these random 'sects'.
Holocaust denial, as disgusting as it is, shouldn't be banned either. The only restrictions on speech should be if the work actively incites violence (and I'm talking seriously advocating murder, not publishing offensive content just to see what happens.

Too many Muslims are making themselves look silly by equating the criticism (or mockery) of a historical figure with denying the Holocaust.

They forget that the film maker is an Arab. (Not that he should be put on trial or even killed because he's exercising his right as a non-American)

They forget that no American Jew has killed an ambassador and other people just because someone denied the Holocaust in a far away country.

More importantly, they forget that the USA do not have holocaust denial laws, even if you consider the comparison to be valid (which I don't btw). This makes these Muslim apologists look really stupid.
I've watch the video, how could you people take this thing seriously?
No one is taking it seriously. Just a couple of religious ******** creating all the trouble.

Btw, Esc8781, where are you from? :)
I strongly disagree with respect.

I think you must've heard the story of camel and the tent , you keep relenting and one day you'll find out your out of the tent and the camel inside completely.........we need to draw the line soemwhere !

You should understand that media is always ready to push the envelope infinitely , they are ultra-liberals and they just wait for acceptability , if we signal to media that ridiculing Islam is OK , we'll end up same was as christianity or hinduism is ridiculed. For us religion is the most sacred thing.

you just ignore a few of these type of incidents and after that no one will make it, those unknown movie makers, mediocre writer and journalists have found a way to get popular. so in my opinion what he is saying has some weight in it, with the kind of reaction this movie and those cartoon got previously is encouraging them to make more of it not less.
Muslims shouldn't take this thing seriously, look how much times they insult j saying that he is gay and fake, if you guys knows it is not true in your hearts then it is just BS :).
Muslims shouldn't take this thing seriously, look how much times they insult j saying that he is gay and fake, if you guys knows it is not true in your hearts then it is just BS :).
Dude, no one says such things about Jesus. He is our beloved Prophet, why would we say that? :)
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