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On Insulting Muslims

The attacks started in response to forced conversions, land grabbing and distribution of inflammatory literature targeting Hindu gods by the New Life Church - a fringe Protestant group operating in the state. The Catholic churches while denying any association with the group have joined the Hindus in condemning the activities of the New Life Church.
Anti-Christian violence in Karnataka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

islam and christanity have history of force convertion .they killed million of peoples who not converts their religion in past .if u want i give link .

Why are u taking only some phrases?

Read fully:
Satya Darshini
At the heart of the attacks were charges of the distribution of the Satya Darshini, a Kannada book containing inflammatory material denigrating Hindu gods and which irked Hindu groups.
Satya Darshini
At the heart of the attacks were charges of the distribution of the Satya Darshini, a Kannada book containing inflammatory material denigrating Hindu gods and which irked Hindu groups.
Face it guys.

You have this huge massive humongous gargantuan persecutory complex chip on your collective shoulders.

And its funny coming from a faith that till now has done all the persecution.

World over.
The attacks started in response to forced conversions, land grabbing and distribution of inflammatory literature targeting Hindu gods by the New Life Church - a fringe Protestant group operating in the state.

And these protests are the result of pent up anger over Muslim deaths, land grabbing and inflammatory literature.

See the parallel?
Satya Darshini
At the heart of the attacks were charges of the distribution of the Satya Darshini, a Kannada book containing inflammatory material denigrating Hindu gods and which irked Hindu groups.
hey bro i don't support these thug group but i have huge promlem of wahabi arab funded madrasas who openly support arab idology in india and many indian muslims are responsible for terrorist attack in india and it is growing .
same about godhra first indian islamist burn innocent 52 hindus in train and after riots started they start crying and playing minority card .

Thats what we are sayng here. US triggered issue and their ambassador got killed.
hey bro i don't support these thug group but i have huge promlem of wahabi arab funded madrasas who openly support arab idology in india and many indian muslims are responsible for terrorist attack in india and it is growing .

We can discuss this in some other thread.
Nobody gets locked up for anti - jew comments. People get locked up for hate speech - but thats against everyone, not just jews. May be you need to read the local laws more carefully.

You clearly said others who ignore criticism or protest peacefully did not take their religion seriously. To say only uneducated angry hate filled idiots are capable of religion is just unfair, but an apologist would not see that. An apologist would offer an apology by spinning uncouth violent behaviour to mean seriousness with religion - what a joke.

You are devoid of reality but we can test your theory just come to the US and say anything that criticizes Jews it does not even have to be "hate" speech.
hey bro i don't support these thug group but i have huge promlem of wahabi arab funded madrasas who openly support arab idology in india and many indian muslims are responsible for terrorist attack in india and it is growing .

Trust me when I say most Muslims have a problem with them too, but no one can stop them when they are funded by their petrol dollars.
And these protests are the result of pent up anger over Muslim deaths, land grabbing and inflammatory literature.

See the parallel?
hey bro come in india and see how they mullah openly abuse non-muslims(specially hindus) in india .and never forget high % are muslims in india are illiterate and backward and 40% criminals in the jails are muslims (and they are only 14% of total indian population)

And believe it or not....if I ran down the street yelling we needed to burn muslims....I would probably not get invited out much...

Yeah but no one would arrest you, now replace Muslims with Jews and you would probably not see the light of day for a couple of years end up calling some dude named Tyrone your daddy. There in lies the difference. :azn:
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