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On Insulting Muslims

This was today in Sydney.

I think Muslims need to grow a thicker skin. This is exactly the kind of response they were expecting to get out of Muslims.

That thicker skin cannot come while Muslims continuously live in the fantasy that they are born to rule the world or express their power as they wish WITHOUT HARD WORK, WITHOUT ORGANIZATION,WITHOUT EDUCATION..
They will continue to went their frustration of being pushed to the bottom of the food chain on incidents like this.. while not realizing that God rewards those who seek and apply knowledge in his path.. and not those that follow blindly.. but refuse to understand out of fear of a few who have hijacked their religion.

Seeing their inability to create change in the world.. all they have are placards and protests.
That thicker skin cannot come while Muslims continuously live in the fantasy that they are born to rule the world or express their power as they wish WITHOUT HARD WORK, WITHOUT ORGANIZATION,WITHOUT EDUCATION..
They will continue to went their frustration of being pushed to the bottom of the food chain on incidents like this.. while not realizing that God rewards those who seek and apply knowledge in his path.. and not those that follow blindly.. but refuse to understand out of fear of a few who have hijacked their religion.

Seeing their inability to create change in the world.. all they have are placards and protests.

Bhai come ON! Seriously.

These are Muslims who have reached Australia and are now settled there.

Thodi bahut akkal to hogi?
Bhai come ON! Seriously.

These are Muslims who have reached Australia and are now settled there.

Thodi bahut akkal to hogi?
Dude, read his comments again. He is nowhere advocating the act.
Dude, read his comments again. He is nowhere advocating the act.

I know that. I am happy for that.

I am referring to his defense of those Muslims doing this out of a need to vent their frustration due to being pushed to the bottom of the food chain and manipulated by religious leaders.

If we see UK, American, Canadian, and Australian Muslims doing this, what hope can we hold from the millions of impoverished ghettoized Muslims in our own countries?
Bhai come ON! Seriously.

These are Muslims who have reached Australia and are now settled there.

Thodi bahut akkal to hogi?

Akal se kya farq parta hai?
Dont u remember the many false Yogis and Jogis who made fools out of the west..

Living in the west is no qualification..
You can be brilliant at home(Dr Kalam).. or be an idiot abroad(Tax fraud: HSBC acct jails NRI in US - Indian Express).

Muslims arent west or east.. Its a plain loss on their part of understanding their own religion..
As they say..
Neek Hakeem Khatra-e-Jaan, Neem Mullah Khatra Imaan..
Lots of these Mullahs out there(worst after the internet) , expect more placards and protests..
That thicker skin cannot come while Muslims continuously live in the fantasy that they are born to rule the world or express their power as they wish WITHOUT HARD WORK, WITHOUT ORGANIZATION,WITHOUT EDUCATION..
They will continue to went their frustration of being pushed to the bottom of the food chain on incidents like this.. while not realizing that God rewards those who seek and apply knowledge in his path.. and not those that follow blindly.. but refuse to understand out of fear of a few who have hijacked their religion..

I don't know of any 'Muslim' on this forum who would have acknowledged all this. Good health and life to you my friend! :tup:
I don't know of any 'Muslim' on this forum who would have acknowledged all this. Good health and life to you my friend! :tup:

If they would acknowledge it.. and actually decide to learn about their religion.. without fear..that is important..
When you fear the Mullah, when you fear his tirade of you being incapable of understanding..
When you fear his version of Allah.. in which he starts with a "punishing and vengeful" God.. instead of "Ar-rehman..Ar-Raheem"..
When you consider God some bureaucrat and not the most intelligent power, the most understanding power in this universe..
Then.. Muslims are truly in Chaos...

I am in chaos.. but trying to find a way out..
lets hope they all do..

P.S.. The worst curse to Islam is the internet..
Since now.. all the "false messiahs" ..and the Wannabe scholars are out posting crap everywhere..misleading both Muslims and non-Muslims alike
And its minefield out there on the WWW.. I pray I am not lost either..
But we try
This was today in Sydney.

I was planning to go to the CBD today. Just as well I didn't...

I agree the placards are disgusting and the people holding/making them should be tracked down.

However, some of the footage on TV showed police spraying people who were just walking, not resisting or attacking, so the details need to be ascertained on how the violence escalated. ABC interviewed a guy who claimed he was actually helping police when he was sprayed and hit by other police officers.

Apparently, the whole affair was illegal (no permit obtained), unorganized and utterly chaotic. I think the peaceful protesters would be the ones most angry at the hotheads who hijacked the protest.

SOME Muslims overreacted.

What we should have done was kept a cool head, protested peacefully without the stupid flag burning or attacks on all things western.

By behaving the way we did, we have exercised THE worst possible thing for us to do in reaction to this.
If they would acknowledge it.. and actually decide to learn about their religion.. without fear..that is important..
When you fear the Mullah, when you fear his tirade of you being incapable of understanding..
When you fear his version of Allah.. in which he starts with a "punishing and vengeful" God.. instead of "Ar-rehman..Ar-Raheem"..
When you consider God some bureaucrat and not the most intelligent power, the most understanding power in this universe..
Then.. Muslims are truly in Chaos...

I am in chaos.. but trying to find a way out..
lets hope they all do..

P.S.. The worst curse to Islam is the internet..
Since now.. all the "false messiahs" ..and the Wannabe scholars are out posting crap everywhere..misleading both Muslims and non-Muslims alike
And its minefield out there on the http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/WWW.. I pray I am not lost either..
But we try

You are one of the very few who aren't lost on this forum. There is so much bigotry, false sense of superiority and utter lack of understanding amongst Muslims about Islam itself, that I feel, as if there is very slim to nil chance that we will ever get out of this rock-bottom state we are in. :undecided:
I know that. I am happy for that.

I am referring to his defense of those Muslims doing this out of a need to vent their frustration due to being pushed to the bottom of the food chain and manipulated by religious leaders.

If we see UK, American, Canadian, and Australian Muslims doing this, what hope can we hold from the millions of impoverished ghettoized Muslims in our own countries?
Dude first of all stop with the derogatory remark(s) in bold! :angry:

Now, to the point, most of the Muslims in the countries you stated can be classified into the following two categories

1. Doctors / Engineer / Professionals / Students / Businessmen 40%
2. General purpose migrants / Refugees / Illegals etc etc 60% (Iran war / Iraq war / Afghan war / persecution etc etc)

Now, the problem here is, why were the people from category two given permeant residence and made citizens? These are the people creating problem, and they will keep on dong it, until they are educated (in the real sense) and are integrated into the local society.
I have read that and please understand that the popular sentiments were delibarately whipped up by Congress Leaders who shamefully have not been prosecuted till date and i think one of the leader recently got a ticket to contest from the secular congress too.

I never said that we don't have skeletons in our closet. Babri demolition, godhra riots, gujarat riots and the riots on sikhs etc are a blot on this nation yes. But the case at hand the topic is not similar in nature is it? show me where people were killed for making fun of our gods and goddesses??

Its more disgusting when any body kills other humans in the name of religion.
There are many insidents.
Many times in Karnataka cow transporters got killed.
Do you remember recently boy insulted shiv ling and many called him to be executed (later consfusion arised as if he was hindu or christ.)
Anti-Christian violence in Karnataka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you still thin that if a muslim insulted hindu gods there wont be any riot in India, then surly i cant blive that.
There are many insidents.
Many times in Karnataka cow transporters got killed.
Do you remember recently boy insulted shiv ling and many called him to be executed (later consfusion arised as if he was hindu or christ.)
Anti-Christian violence in Karnataka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you still thin that if a muslim insulted hindu gods there wont be any riot in India, then surly i cant blive that.

The attacks started in response to forced conversions, land grabbing and distribution of inflammatory literature targeting Hindu gods by the New Life Church - a fringe Protestant group operating in the state. The Catholic churches while denying any association with the group have joined the Hindus in condemning the activities of the New Life Church.
Anti-Christian violence in Karnataka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

islam and christanity have history of force convertion .they killed million of peoples who not converts their religion in past .if u want i give link .
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