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On Insulting Muslims

Lets get real.

This film is made by a Coptic christian from US of of Egyptian origin who obviously don't like muslims and the religion of islam.
So Its natursl to expect something out of people who hates you.

Muslims aren't innocent either, there have been many instances of gruesome violence perpetrated on nonmuslims by muslims in the name of Islam. So people have strong grivences against both muslims and islam.

At the sametime i know muslims have every reason to get offeneded by the contains of the movie and should condemn its creators in strongest words or possibly make movies mocking Jesus in the crudest form to satisfy ego and bruise some christian sentiments also well.

The idea of Jesus,the son of god is laughable. Even Hindu gods who took avatars of human being , they were born to human parents with clearly identified father and mother.But chrisans don't make hupla if questions are raised about circumstances behind Jesus's birth.

The problem is how muslims react when nonmuslims mocks islam.The rage the violence ther murder only strenthes the idea that Islam is violent religion ,giving worldwide attention to earliar obsucure two bits writers, cartoonists and film makers exactly seeking for it as well as recognition of martyr of freedom of speech in the non muslim world.

Its high time muslims have to decide between the protewcing the good name of Islam and knee jerk violent reactions that only harms the dignity of Islam they are vociferously figthing to upheld.
I agree with Manas. We are all human. It is impossible to like everyone, accept all ideas, have no difference of opinion, not protest and accept quietly, as well as not be colored by our own likes, dislikes, prejudices, and personal environment and upbringing.

Muslims need to realize that there are a large number of people on this planet that look at them with a combination of dislike, suspicion, even derision.

That there are a large number of people around the world that have similar views and prejudices with regard to their faith and their holiest persons and symbols.

What are you going to do about it?

How many can you kill or maim or blow up?

How long before the world starts ganging up on you?

How do you like your odds then?

Lighten up guys. Come lets talk.
Pakistan is doing the right thing.
Interior ministry has created a task force which will monitor the internet 24 hours and immediately block any blasphemous content.
Except I never claimed that so I do not see where you are getting that from. I said Muslims get angry because they take religion more seriously although killing people and getting violent is going overboard. BTW being called an anti-semetic in America is not something one should be fond of and would probably find the person getting locked up but you wouldn't know anything about that.
Locked up? I knew a few neo-nazi in my day...not locked up. Where in New York do you live that they lock people up for anti-semitism? Now if you attack someone....yeah...locked up.
I am impressed by Pakistan. You guys have gone one up even on our Muslims in terms of calm, and maturity (Kashmir, Chennai).
Pakistan is doing the right thing.
Interior ministry has created a task force which will monitor the internet 24 hours and immediately block any blasphemous content.

It will help....but it is sad that instead of teaching people that others have opinions you won't like...and that you can still go about your life without frothing at the mouth...yet more info is with held.
It will help....but it is sad that instead of teaching people that others have opinions you won't like...and that you can still go about your life without frothing at the mouth...yet more info is with held.

Keeps the red necks at bay at least.
It will help....but it is sad that instead of teaching people that others have opinions you won't like...and that you can still go about your life without frothing at the mouth...yet more info is with held.

Sad but a stop-gap common sense reality in our neck of the woods for the common good. We need to bring in the change, but cannot have anarchy till and while it happens.

It was only recently that Pakistanis on this very board were putting us (India, Indian govt.) down from doing the very same thing during the Assam trouble.

Hypocrisy? Not really. We jst like acting holier than thou and superior where the other is concerned.
Why the phuk the whole world is hell bent upon bashing islam and its sentiments in the form of making anti-islamic and anti-prophet movies ? I thing the main reason is islam is the only fastest growing Religion on the planet without force and money power unlike others do .
Why the phuk the whole world is hell bent upon bashing islam and its sentiments in the form of making anti-islamic and anti-prophet movies ? I thing the main reason is islam is the only fastest growing Religion on the planet without force and money power unlike others do .

Because Islam and Muslims perpetuate the stereotypes built around them.

In many ways, the youngest and the dumbest.
but it is sad that instead of teaching people that others have opinions you won't like...and that you can still go about your life without frothing at the mouth...yet more info is with held.

Good advice for the Europeans, too. All those laws about the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, etc. etc.

But when it comes to Islam (or Christianity), it's all about freedom of speech.
what the muslims dont realise by burning some posters and embassies they achive nothiing but waste time and money of their own countries. very foolish. but then again they cant do anything else.
Why the phuk the whole world is hell bent upon bashing islam and its sentiments in the form of making anti-islamic and anti-prophet movies ? I thing the main reason is islam is the only fastest growing Religion on the planet without force and money power unlike others do .

Islam is hte fastest growing religion in the worls COZ OF THE WAY MOST OF THE MUSLIMS BREED!!and is not coz suddenly people (non muslims) are finding Islam to be a super religion. come on mate.. check your figures.
Good advice for the Europeans, too. All those laws about the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, etc. etc.

But when it comes to Islam (or Christianity), it's all about freedom of speech.

Again ....you tube has plenty of them... ( I do feel sorry for you....I imagine it must be like defending the metsger compound...harder and harder...you try to put up reasonable arguements...but the tards make everything you say meaningless....)
He simply does not know that in the US, the KKK routinely does far worse than making fun of the Jews.

That's because IN USA or other western countries When it comes to spreading hates against others say blacks Hispanics or Muslims its called freedom of speech but say a word against Jews and immediately you will be labeled Anti Semite by the same news media that wants to print these kinds of publications.
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