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On Insulting Muslims

The only problem is that there is no intellect involved in Making a cartoon,or making a movie with baseless false allegations...
These things frustrate Muslims specially when coming from people who don't believe in Islam and should have nothing to do with our religious icons..
We have had this debate Multiple times on This forum,on Facebook and on many other platforms...
There was no reason for Muslims to go protesting if they hadn't made the movie..
Surely a movie making fun of 9/11 victims...Making Mockery of the guy who jumped from Tower window....or Making a cartoon of him will infuriate Americans and there will be a rise in Racist attacks in USA..
similar is the situation of Muslims.
The day the non-Muslims specially Americans start understanding this,these problems will stop happening..


The other side may never understand, or choose not to understand. The damage that we inflict ourselves is in our hands. We need to get smarter about this. None of this takes anything away from the Muslims the love that they hold for the Prophet (pbuh). However there are people who question God Himself. They use derogatory words about God. This goes on all the time and if so, we need to realize that there will be people who will always have something negative to say about Islam. Reminds me of the situation during fasting, when someone curses at you, you simply say "I am fasting" and walk away. This is perhaps the attitude we need to have.

In the culture of Arabs, killing of emissaries was considered an abomination. There are countless historical narrations about the security and hospitality offered to the emissaries. So we sort of need to get out of this reactionary mode. As a realist, I know there will continue to be reactions to such instigations, but we have to do right by what is within our control as Muslims.
Current conflicts and wars: Source: http:/www.religioustolerance.org/curr_war.htm

Some of the world’s current “hot spots” which have as their base a significant component of religious intolerance are listed below:

Country and Main religious groups involved

1. Afghanistan Extreme radical Fundamentalist Muslim terrorist groups & non-Muslim Osama bin Laden heads a terrorist group called Al Quada (The Source) whose headquarters were in Afghanistan.

2. Bosnia Serbian Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholic, Muslims

3. Cote d’Ivoire Muslims, Indigenous, Christians

4. Cyprus Christians & Muslims

5. East Timor Christians & Muslims

6. Indonesia, province of Ambon Christians & Muslims

7. Kashmir Hindus and Muslims

8. Kosovo Serbian Orthodox Christians, Muslims

9. Kurdistan Christians, Muslims Assaults on Christians (Protestant, Chaldean Catholic & Assyrian Orthodox). Bombing campaign underway.

10. Macedonia Macedonian Orthodox Christians & Muslims

11. Middle East Jews, Muslims, & Christians

12. Nigeria Christians, Animists, & Muslims

13. Pakistan Suni & Shi’ite Muslims

14. Philippines Christians & Muslims

15. Russia, Chechnya Russian Orthodox Christians, Muslims. The Russian army attacked the breakaway region. Muslims had allegedly blown up buildings in Moscow. Many atrocities have been alleged.

16. Serbia, province of Vojvodina Serbian Orthodox & Roman Catholics

17. Sri Lanka Buddhists & Hindus Tamils

Additional conflicts

19. Thailand: Pattani province: Buddists and Muslims

20. Myanmar: Buddhists and Muslims

21. Bangladesh: Muslim-Hindu (Bengalis) and Buddists (Chakmas)

22. Tajikistan: intra-Islamic conflict

23. Egypt: Coptic Christians and Muslims

24. Persia/Iran: Zoroastrians and Muslims

25. China: Han Chinese and Uigur Muslims

So let us take a breath, pause, and see what we have here:

Christians (Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Coptic, Cypriot, and various other nationalities indigenous sects), Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Zoroastrians, Han Chinese.

Is there any religious entity/ethnicity in the world that Islam does not have a conflict with?

The list itself can be drawn for any religion in the World..I just don't have the time to. Some involve territorial issues, some political issues, others involve issues around influence. The entire World is engaged in this. Nobody is sitting out. The reason Islam and Muslims get the press is because of 9/11. Prior to 9/11, how many such lists were drawn? The conflicts you state have been around for 50+ years. So step back and look into the issues independently. This broad stroke approach is neither educational nor beneficial.
Just for the sake of it i would like to post this old article, though the scenario has changed but the issues remains the same, why on Gods earth is there a need to offend someone (in this case a huge community covering 17% of earth's population) when they know it is going to result into unnecessary deaths and violence?

Why I Wont Participate in ‘Draw Muhammad Day’ | Bakatron

Why I Wont Participate in ‘Draw Muhammad Day’

I’m not a fan of ”oppression of free speech” but I’m also not a fan of offending people either.

The ‘Draw Muhammad’ day event on Facebook has escalated out of hand. I don’t know what the initiators of this day were thinking; but if it was to protect the freedom of speech of South Park’s creators, that was borderline retarded given that they would also offend a sixth of the world’s population in the process. The 200th episode of south park depicted various religious leaders and the Prophet Muhammad was depicted in a bear suit. The creators of South Park were threatened because of this. In a response to these threats, a Facebook event was created.

According to their office page:

“We are not trying to slander the average muslim , it’s not a muslim/islam hatepage. We simply want to show the extremists that threaten to harm people because of their Mohammed depictions, that we’re not afraid of them. That they can’t take away our right to freedom of speech by trying to scare us to silence.”

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Now what I’m going to do is show you the number of viewers of South Park’s 200th episode.


See how many people who watched the 200th episode of South Park? 3.3 million? It’s probably their highest rated episode in years. This graph does not account for all the people who illegally downloaded the episode since I don’t have access to these statistics but you can make them up and tack them on for your own intellectual amusement.

In order to protect the South Park’s creators’ rights to entertain under the guiseof ‘free speech’ , they’ve offended a whopping 1.2 billion people.

There will be the odd muslim or so that will not have been offended by this, and also accounting for the people who don’t have access and would not have heard about this at all; so we’ll assume the number of people offended as 1.1 billion.

For fun I’m going to make the graph 3D just to give you a better idea of scale.


This Facebook event was started by a so called cartoonist. See I’m a cartoonist as well. I’m just as much of a satirist and a storyteller as much as any other real cartoonist. There are few things that I know.

Being an artist is understanding that what we have is a gift and we’re to use that wisely. To simply use it to prove a point and in the process offending another’s religious views and feelings is abusing it.

There’s freedom of speech and then there is license to be offend.

There’s a lot of things that you can attack, criticize, insult, satirize, plagiarize, but you have to be very careful with another person’s religion. There are plenty of things that you can debate in Islam – for example the Hijab – it’s something that’s debated by Muslims amongst themselves. Depiction of the Prophets is expressly forbidden and this law is sacred.

It’s like going out and telling a Jewish friend that ‘hey the holocaust didn’t happen and I just wanted you to know that!’ Now some people might call me a bigot or a racist, but the holocaust did happen, it was a horrible event that scarred humanity forever and I would be a complete asshole and totally insensitive to the millions of Jews around the world (not to mention the guy who probably won’t be my friend anymore).

Offending over a billion people just because you want to believe in so called free speech is selfish and irresponsible. You live in a world where opinion in Ethiopia matters as much as opinion in Hoboken. We live in a world which now has no boundaries thanks to the internet. There may be limitations of border control but there is no such thing regulating thought and feeling – and expressing it has no limitations.

I can get on my phone on Ayer’s Rock and comment on a YouTube video, send an e-mail, post pictures of myself for everyone else to comment on Facebook. Information is freely exchanged like never before, faster than the speed of thought, terabytes of information is exchanged globally within just a few hours – this world is like nothing ever before.

And because there are that many more ways to communicate and spread hate, and that too instantly across the world, people in the public view (hell any person who posts anything on the web) has that much more responsibility to be just a smidgen more respectful of other’s religions and know the difference between defending freedom of speech or any other right and offending and disrespecting another’s religion, race and whatnot.

Know the fine line between an intellectual argument & being a sophist buffoon.

Having said all this about the creators of this event, a word or two has to be said about the over-the-top reaction. Yes we as Muslims should react to and oppose this Facebook event. But it has to be done in a civilized and responsible manner. Banning Facebook is not the way to do it. Reacting this way is just feeding into their opinions about Muslim extremists. With Pakistan government going ahead with the decision to ban Facebook will just feed the frenzy and the proponents of free speech get another bone to chew on and say “look we were right – these extremists are against freedom of speech”. By such an over the top negative reaction we are simply making their argument stronger. A moderate and rational response would have shown the wold that we are the civilized party that is not going nutso over something and it’s the other side that is being unreasonable. But as always Pakistan is so good at punching itself in the face.
The Muslim world is up in arms for that idiotic video that insults the Prophet (PBUH). But how come there is only muted reaction to this crass video in Pakistan?

There are huge demonstrations in Pakistan on the so called 'Kashmir Day' every year as well as at regular intervals in Pakistan with Mullahs and militant honchos spewing hatred and outrageous speeches that call for the death of infidels, Kafirs and so on. But how come there's nothing happening there in spite of the extremely insulting and provocative video on the Prophet? It seems raising the heat on Kashmir is more important than a vid that shows Islam in a bad light.

Just politics or hypocrisy?

what a gem of a comment. wah. That why aren't their protests or riots in Pakistan in regards to this video. Why aren't Pakistanis burning THEIR property and causing damage to THEIR infrastructure. Why isn't western media rediculing Pak, too. Basically Indians are very disappointed they didn't get to take pot shots at Paksitan over this.

Glad that Pakistan disappointed such ill-wishers and acted with maturity. There were some protests held in Pak in major cities, nothing wrong with that, you have the right to protest, but nothing got out of hand.
Freedom of speech only goes so far.

Sure.. i have the right to swing my hands around.. since i have the freedom to do so..


my freedom ends as soon as a persons face gets in the way.
muslim get angry in pure islamic countries as well over the trivial assumed matters like koran pages in dustbeen. How b'ou that ,is their faith week or false!
Muslims got enraged by a movie, and went on a rampage to kill people.
Why is anyone even surprised..?
What's new in this ?
I just feel muslims are so easily to be insulted and it seems that they take everything seriously.

There are tons of things, remarks, publications that make funs of christianity and I seldom see christians riot and attack others.
what a gem of a comment. wah. That why aren't their protests or riots in Pakistan in regards to this video. Why aren't Pakistanis burning THEIR property and causing damage to THEIR infrastructure. Why isn't western media rediculing Pak, too. Basically Indians are very disappointed they didn't get to take pot shots at Paksitan over this.

Glad that Pakistan disappointed such ill-wishers and acted with maturity. There were some protests held in Pak in major cities, nothing wrong with that, you have the right to protest, but nothing got out of hand.

To be honest and fair I am impressed by the lack of rabid protests at your end.

I hope this dawn of tolerant wisdom is sustained by you guys.

Let us show the animals that the sub-continental people come from better more enlightened stock.
Arab Muslims where living and fighting each others , then came Lawrence of Arabia who divide them in nations . Then British and French empires, After World war11 GB and France divided them more and put their puppet leaders , then oil came and west got more involved in the region , then Arabs and Israel issue . There is history of western interference in the Muslim world and now it seems every Arab country is like Iran of late 70s.

Why Lawrence of Arabia because of you Arabs are more confused
Just for the sake of it i would like to post this old article, though the scenario has changed but the issues remains the same, why on Gods earth is there a need to offend someone (in this case a huge community covering 17% of earth's population) when they know it is going to result into unnecessary deaths and violence?
Know the fine line between an intellectual argument & being a sophist buffoon.

Having said all this about the creators of this event, a word or two has to be said about the over-the-top reaction. Yes we as Muslims should react to and oppose this Facebook event. But it has to be done in a civilized and responsible manner. Banning Facebook is not the way to do it. Reacting this way is just feeding into their opinions about Muslim extremists. With Pakistan government going ahead with the decision to ban Facebook will just feed the frenzy and the proponents of free speech get another bone to chew on and say “look we were right – these extremists are against freedom of speech”. By such an over the top negative reaction we are simply making their argument stronger. A moderate and rational response would have shown the wold that we are the civilized party that is not going nutso over something and it’s the other side that is being unreasonable. But as always Pakistan is so good at punching itself in the face.

Ok.. I have a question.. What is there uncivilised in banning facebook? It isnt a violent reaction..It is not something like shooting people...It was done as a mark of protest, to show displeasure, in a peaceful manner...Why shouldnt we protest tht too in a peaceful manner...just to make sure tht v arent labelled as extremists ..tht too by those very ppl who have no respect for anyone...who mock our religion "knowingly" tht it would hurt Muslims all over the world..but they are so shameless tht they still do tht? Why do we always have to "prove" ourselves to those shameless ppl..tht we even restrict ourselves from protesting peacefully? Theres a famous Hadith...not quoting the exact words...but it means like.... You cant be a Momin unless I am more dear to you than your parents, family, children...

Ok...just a recent example.. although not related to this...but still to make my point....Why did Pak govt protest after Salaala incident? Why did Pak govt boycott the Bonn conference, and blocked NATO supply for 8 months, after the Salaala incident? It wasnt like Pak govt started to shoot Americans...but these steps were taken by the govt to protest, to show our displeasure, to make them understand ..tht this is the "red line" which wont be tolerated in the future.. If we had thought...ok ...they did this..lets just condemn it by words only...and not take some steps...we will make them understand by words only tht this should not happen again...and everything should be business as usual..Would it have ANY effect at all?Instead Pak govt rightfully protested peacefully...and it did have some effect.. We got (half hearted) apology/regret....atleast..we got something... Would it have been possible..if any action hadnt taken place? Blocking nato supply for 8 months...atleast showed tht Pak govt took this incident seriously..if nothing else....and they would now atleast think .before doing a similar thing...again.. I am not saying they wouldnt do it ever again but still they would give a good amount of thinking before attempting similar again... Had it been possible w/o any of our peaceful protest?
So, when we can (rightfully)do this much for our 24 martyred soldiers.....at the hands of NATO...why not atleast ban facebook...as a mark of protest for insulting our most beloved personality Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)..esp when they did knowingly tht it would hurt Muslims.. ALL OVER THE WORLD?Should we care abt what those ppl think abt us...esp when are not doing anything violent..just banning facebook...for sometime? Wht is wrong in banning facebook..as peaceful protest?
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